Nandrolone Experiences

@Gus80 how many mgs of nandrolone were u using per week when ur E2 level came back basically undetectable?

I’ve seen many labs from guys using nandrolone solo, and they’ve all had varying levels of E2 levels. None of them had undetectable levels of E2. I’ve seen many guys using 300mg of nandrolone solo and their E2 levels were all between 5-7. I’ve seen labs from a guy using 900mg of nandrolone solo and his E2 was 18. I’ve seen labs from a guy using 500mg of nandrolone solo and his E2 came back at 11. And I’ve seen labs from many other guys using varying doses of nandrolone solo, and on average for every 300mg of nandrolone the guys were using, their E2 would rise around 5-7 points. So clearly these guys are getting some E2 production while on nandrolone solo. That’s not arguable. But are u saying that it’s not the nandrolone itself converting into E2, but the nandrolone is stimulating some other gland or organ in the body to produce E2?
after adding various doses of NPP to my T protocol, i gave up. felt like shit on any dose. no libido. it could be that my T was too high, but in any case i think i'm done with any esters of nandrolone
What dosage combos did u try? did u ever try adding a DHT derivative in the mix? Unfortunately masteron and primo aren’t compounds that can be prescribed in the U.S., but I’ve read more anecdotes that I can count where guys didn’t feel good with nandrolone in the mix, then added a DHT derivative like mast, primo or proviron, and then they felt good again
What dosage combos did u try? did u ever try adding a DHT derivative in the mix? Unfortunately masteron and primo aren’t compounds that can be prescribed in the U.S., but I’ve read more anecdotes that I can count where guys didn’t feel good with nandrolone in the mix, then added a DHT derivative like mast, primo or proviron, and then they felt good again
i got some PRIMO ugl. i tried 100mg/week in addition to my 200mg/T regimen. NPP EOD.
but now I would run this point might just add a pure DHT like proviron or primo.
that stuff is easy to get from trustworthy UGL labs lol
i got some PRIMO ugl. i tried 100mg/week in addition to my 200mg/T regimen. NPP EOD.
but now I would run this point might just add a pure DHT like proviron or primo.
that stuff is easy to get from trustworthy UGL labs lol
What dosage combos of test and NPP have u tried where u didn’t feel good?

but ya nowadays I won’t run nandrolone without a DHT derivative. ive only used primo as far as DHT derivatives go. Well have used Oxandrolone, but it doesn’t inhibit E2 and prolactin like mast, primo, and/ or proviron does, so it probably wouldn't be effective for what I’m trying to do, which is use a DHT derivative to keep my E2 and prolactin in check while having nandrolone in the mix

I would definitely try using test, npp and primo before giving up on nandrolone all together. And even if u don’t feel that great with the addition of primo, I would then give mast a try before giving up on nandrolone completely. A lot of the anecdotes I’ve read, where guys felt crappy on test and nandrolone, then added a DHT derivative and felt much better, were using mast
I tried 200mg T + 100MG NPP per week in divided dose. I am reading that Nandrolone metabolizes into DHN and that competes with DHT or something. thats why adding a DHT derivative might help I assume. but now you are running a mini cycle, which I am not against by any means.
I tried some UGL anavar and felt like shit, overstimulated. hard to tell if it was legit.
I tried 200mg T + 100MG NPP per week in divided dose. I am reading that Nandrolone metabolizes into DHN and that competes with DHT or something. thats why adding a DHT derivative might help I assume. but now you are running a mini cycle, which I am not against by any means.
I tried some UGL anavar and felt like shit, overstimulated. hard to tell if it was legit.
Yup, DHN does compete with DHT, which is one of the great things about nandrolone, imo. Too high levels of DHT can cause side effects in some individuals, such as hair loss, acne, and possibly feeling ramped up/ overstimulated. Men report adding nandrolone to their TRT and seeing hair regrowth, and acne going away. As far as I know, DHN still does exhibit similar effects to DHT, just at a lesser degree. Which can allow a man to have more androgens in them, without having to experience side effects of high DHT as well, like if they were on test solo, and wanted to increase their androgen load. With test, u increase ur androgen load, is gonna elevate linearly, in most men, which may cause side effects in some guys. When increasing ur androgen load with nandrolone, ur androgens go up, but u keep DHT like side effects to a minimum, or keep them away completely, since nandrolone will only increase DHN levels, which maybe exhibit similar effects as DHT, just in a much weaker way

Im not sure if adding a DHT derivative is effective because it can replace DHT like effects. I think one of nandrolones benefits is that it doesn’t exhibit DHT like effects. I think most of the benefits that a DHT derivative offers, when using it with a nandrolone/ test combo, is the DHT derivative inhibits E2 production, and since E2 is the main stimulator of prolactin production in males, the E2 inhibiting effects that a DHT derivative can offer should consequently decrease prolactin levels as well.
^ interesting info thank you!. so essentially you can have some good anabolic properties without having all those weird s/x when T goes too high. me personally never experienced acne or hair loss, but i definitely feel overstimulated with T higher then 180mg or so. if not only the drop in libido....maybe combining a low dose DHT derivative + reduced T + nandrolone is the way to go for the added benefits like muscle growth and joint support.
^ interesting info thank you!. so essentially you can have some good anabolic properties without having all those weird s/x when T goes too high. me personally never experienced acne or hair loss, but i definitely feel overstimulated with T higher then 180mg or so. if not only the drop in libido....maybe combining a low dose DHT derivative + reduced T + nandrolone is the way to go for the added benefits like muscle growth and joint support.
Exactly! U can increase ur androgens without increasing the common metabolites of test along with it. Aka improving the ratio of androgens to dht, E2 and prolactin, in a more favorable way towards the androgens.

and ya maybe reduce test to 125, and add in something like 75mg of primo and 75mg of NPP. Or maybe 100mg of each. Will some people say that’s a mini cycle, ya for sure. Can u feel good on that protocol and maintain great labs, ya 100%. Which is great balance imo. I personally try to base my protocol around enjoying life to the fullest, and being as happy as possible, while maintaining healthy labs, vitals and other health markers. But if those dosages i mentioned are still too high for u, just do something like 100mg test, 50mg NPP and 75mg primo. Just have to make sure u have enough of the DHT derivative to minimize any E2/ prolactin sides that u might be experiencing on NPP and test without a DHT derivative
^ thanks a lot. I will try it. Been in this weird place that below 150mg of T i feel crap but above 180mg i feel overhyped. I had some better results with Tprop then cyp, but still.
I had no negatives with nandrolone other then libido, it made me I would say even a bit calmer. and yeah...I agree, mini cycle or not, I'm too looking at feeling the best I can + slight acceleration of muscle building.
I think once you dial a protocol like this in, you can prob switch from NPP to deca which is cheaper. Primo is a bit on the expensive side UGL, reading that it is one of the better DHT derived steroids maybe it is worth it
^ thanks a lot. I will try it. Been in this weird place that below 150mg of T i feel crap but above 180mg i feel overhyped. I had some better results with Tprop then cyp, but still.
I had no negatives with nandrolone other then libido, it made me I would say even a bit calmer. and yeah...I agree, mini cycle or not, I'm too looking at feeling the best I can + slight acceleration of muscle building.
I think once you dial a protocol like this in, you can prob switch from NPP to deca which is cheaper. Primo is a bit on the expensive side UGL, reading that it is one of the better DHT derived steroids maybe it is worth it
Ya primo is one of the more expensive UGL compounds, but it’s still waaaayyy cheaper than what I pay for testosterone through a clinic, so for guys that aren’t using it to blast at high dosages, and just using it at a low doses with their HRT protocol, it’s still super cheap imo. And definitely well worth the price, again imo.

im actually gonna be switching to prop from cyp in about a week or so. Want to see if I feel any better in the prop compared to cyp or enanthate. So u felt better on prop u think? Why’d u stop using prop then? And were u injecting it ED or EOD?

here’s a few anecdotes I had saved talking about masteron improving things like libido when using a test/ nandrolone combo. These are guys that are blasting, but u still can see how a DHT derivative can make a big difference

Using Masteron completely eliminated any Deca dick for me at just 300mg Mast E. I mean rock hard wood all damn day. With like 500 NPP
Weird it didn't work for you. I was only on a TRT test dose

Yeah I find libido is better on NPP versus deca as well! It is still somewhat reduced versus being on test alone or test and mast for example.
Click to expand...
Well ever since i started incorporating mast with deca i never had a libido issue, i just run the mast at whatever dose i'm running the deca at and i'm actually fooking horny as a bastard doing it that way, even more so then on test and mast alone for some strange reason, the only issue i get with deca is the inability to bust a nut well in to the cycle, clearly its a prolactin issue, but i hate caber so just wondering with npp not building up like deca does maybe it won't effect prolactin quite as much!?
I am doing 0.25cc (100mg/ml) of T prop daily now. i think the Tprop has less ester weight so the dosing is slightly higher 1:1 with cyp. the best thing about Tprop is that you can make daily adjustments and pretty quickly notice a difference. with Cyp it takes a week at least, so if you overdose you need to ride it out for quite a while.
it also drops quicker, and I think those 24h variations mimic more a natural cycle. Overall I have been feeling better on ED t prop then any protocol cyp
Nadrolone does not aromatize in humans, only in rats. This is the conclusion of all physicians who perform HRT with this compound on their patients. The Brazilian doctor Romulo Jogaib states that in 6 weeks of Deca Only the e2 will be zeroed. I confirmed this on my first try of HRT with Deca 1 year ago. It took longer, 12 weeks, as I am an over-aromatizing guy, after that period I had erection and libido problems.
So I went back to the research and found that many men do well on 4:1 or 3:1 nandrolone:testosterone.
Above that start the problems, the higher the dose of testosterone the greater the problems. Nandrolone appears to increase testosterone's ability to aromatize and increase prolactin. Just observe that thousands of men have problems with excess e2 and prolactin in doses of trt, without the use of nandrolone. I had high prolactin and e2 3x above the upper range using 100mg of T per week.
Nandrolone is perfect for men with low SHBG, it has very low affinity for shbg, does not aromatize and does not convert to dht. Dr Jeffrey Ruterbusch uses it on his patients with low shbg for just this purpose.
So here we come to the cutoff: if the man has normal or high shbg, he's going to have big problems with Deca. These are guys who do well on high doses of Testosterone and benefit from shbg lowering dht derivatives. I also believe they are the ones who can use lower doses of nandrolone with higher doses of testosterone.
What was your shbg before the start of steroids? What is your current shbg? Apparently your shbg is pretty low as this Testosterone dose is pretty conservative.

If before the trt the man has shbg<30, it is a strong predictor that he will do extremely badly with any dose of Testosterone. He is the ideal patient for low dose clomiphene while decreasing BF and perhaps regaining axis without needing TRT. The problem is that once TRT is started, these patients begin to respond poorly to clomid therapy. Leftover Deca Base, Deca Only or Jatenzo.
SHBG on my preliminary labs was 38.3 16.5 - 55.9 nmol/l
Total t 389.2. ng/dL 264.0 - 916.0
Free t 10.0 6.8- 21.5. pg/mL

Current SHBG IS 25 10-50 nmol/l
I am doing 0.25cc (100mg/ml) of T prop daily now. i think the Tprop has less ester weight so the dosing is slightly higher 1:1 with cyp. the best thing about Tprop is that you can make daily adjustments and pretty quickly notice a difference. with Cyp it takes a week at least, so if you overdose you need to ride it out for quite a while.
it also drops quicker, and I think those 24h variations mimic more a natural cycle. Overall I have been feeling better on ED t prop then any protocol cyp
Yup, these are the exact reasons why I want to give test prop a shot, and why I think some guys notice great improvements with it compared to them doing the same protocol with cyp or enanthate

what brand of test prop are u using? U using empower‘s prop? That’s the prop that I’d be using once I switch, so I’m jc
I do use UGL prop. I do plan however to switch to empower prop during my next consult.
TBH all of the UGL stuff i tried is not worse then pharma. the specific brand i use i MCT oil based which i prefer to the toxic seed oil derivative. i think grape seed oil is like 80% linoleic acid - pure garbage
I do use UGL prop. I do plan however to switch to empower prop during my next consult.
TBH all of the UGL stuff i tried is not worse then pharma. the specific brand i use i MCT oil based which i prefer to the toxic seed oil derivative. i think grape seed oil is like 80% linoleic acid - pure garbage
Ya I agree man. The UGL I’ve been using for a while now, and the one I had to switch to recently, both use mct oil, and Jano test all their stuff, and they’re usually always either right on point, or a few mgs off up or down. I guarantee that the UGL sources are more accurately dosed than say empowers AAS options, due to compounding pharmacies being allowed to have up to a 15% variance in dosing. I could be wrong about that tho. That’s just what I’ve heard. And I’m pretty sure pharma brands are allowed a decent variance in dosing as well
I would not be surprised if your UGL brand uses EXACTLY the same source powder as pharma. somewhere from chinese labs.
Ur spot on. I’d put money on it that a lot of top UGL sources get the exact same raws as big pharma does. But my current source might even have better raws than big pharma tbh. This current source seems as legit as it gets. The thing crossed out is just the name of the source


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