How to Improve Sperm Quality, LH, FSH and Testosterone in Infertile Men

Improving Testosterone, LH, FSH and Sperm Quality in Men Who Stopped TRT or Anabolic Steroids? Main Therapies.

HPTA medications.jpg

Note: AI's are not recommended due to
extreme decreases in estradiol that may have negative health consequences in men.

hCG plus FSH doses used in several studies:

HCG FSH  fertility doses in men.jpg


Recovery of spermatogenesis following testosterone replacement therapy or anabolic-androgenic steroid use

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We still haven't conceived yet. I'm 150mg T pw, on 500-1000iu and 75-112.5iu hmg every couple of days. Reason for the dose is trying to see. If I can make the hmg last as its so expensive and waited ages to get shipment from china.
Would It help chances. If I reduced the test to say 100mg? I was told by a good source that 150iu 3 times a week was best but just cannot afford to run that dosage for Many months
Personally, my ejaculate volume is substantially larger taking 100 mg T per week as opposed to 200 mg per week (keeping HCG the same- 500 3x weekly). I have no evidence to suggest that a reduction in T dosage will improve semen quality or quantity, however, I hypothesize that it may (bearing that HCG dosage remains the same).
Thanks for your input mate.
Maybe I could try reducing it. Iam also taking almost double that amount of hcg.
Not sure if its connected to a TRT or not but one of my testical has gone much smaller than the other, and hurts a bit. Last night it was starting to give me stomach ache too
Just sharing my results:

Dezember 26th = No sperm found

February 22nd = 1.6 million/ml with only 36% mobility

March 22nd = 4millions/ml with 62% progressive mobility

March 25th = 70million/ml with 71% progressive mobility

Somebody my think that the last result is an error but, anyway we can see that my results improved a lot and we may conceive naturally anytime soon.

My current protocol is:
HCG (Choriomon 2000) - M,W,F
FSH (GonalF) 300iU - T,T,S

I'm having an appointment with my Andrologist to discuss about my path to go back to TRT as I will preserve my fertility with frozen samples.

I may consider to keep HCG and/or FSH (lower doses) together with TRT to try to conceive naturally, otherwise IVF is an option.

God bless you all
HCG, HMG (mixed FSH and LH), and FSH worked for me, and restored my fertility after 27 years on testosterone and other anabolic steroids. My wife is currently pregnant, and our baby girl is due to be born on November 29. And I am 51 years old, and have been using test for more than half my life. It worked for me, and will work for most men, barring any pre-existing fertility issues.

were you on HCG while you were on TRT?
also were you on TRT consistently or just taking testosterone on and off over those 27 years?
Just sharing my results:

Dezember 26th = No sperm found

February 22nd = 1.6 million/ml with only 36% mobility

March 22nd = 4millions/ml with 62% progressive mobility

March 25th = 70million/ml with 71% progressive mobility

Somebody my think that the last result is an error but, anyway we can see that my results improved a lot and we may conceive naturally anytime soon.

My current protocol is:
HCG (Choriomon 2000) - M,W,F
FSH (GonalF) 300iU - T,T,S

I'm having an appointment with my Andrologist to discuss about my path to go back to TRT as I will preserve my fertility with frozen samples.

I may consider to keep HCG and/or FSH (lower doses) together with TRT to try to conceive naturally, otherwise IVF is an option.

God bless you all
Hey man,

Just wondering if you guys conceived?
He managed to get two good blastocyst, out of a couple of fertilized eggs, we will do the transfer beginning of 2022.

Thanks for asking!
That's great.
Your stats seemed good, any reason why you still went the ivf route?
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That's great.
Just wondering, your stats seemed good, any reason why you still went the ivf route?
We had miscarriage in the past and my wife had endometriosis and her doctor strong suggest us to follow IVF path, on top of that after in vitro fertilization I restarted TRT. I still have frozen swimmers in case we need more circles in the future.

I’m back on Nebido every 10 weeks.

HCG, HMG (mixed FSH and LH), and FSH worked for me, and restored my fertility after 27 years on testosterone and other anabolic steroids. My wife is currently pregnant, and our baby girl is due to be born on November 29. And I am 51 years old, and have been using test for more than half my life. It worked for me, and will work for most men, barring any pre-existing fertility issues.
Did you get off trt when using this combo or did you stay on?
Yes sir that’s right. Baby girl due next week or maybe even earlier.

I hope you get the results you are after. I guess I was lucky coming across the research on this forum and took swift action that gave the outcome we both wanted. As a result I can only report positive views on the combination of hcg and hmg.
I know this is an old thread, but in case you still get on, I was curious if you are willing to share if you were able to conceive naturally that quickly or if you had to do IUI or IVF?
I'm going on 5 months now of adding 1666 ius of hcg, lowering my test dose from 500mgs a week to 250. Upped my anastrozole a bit and my second semen analysis results have me utterly excited. I couldn't believe it


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I'm going on 5 months now of adding 1666 ius of hcg, lowering my test dose from 500mgs a week to 250. Upped my anastrozole a bit and my second semen analysis results have me utterly excited. I couldn't believe it
250 mg a week of T is a high dose 1.25cc of 200mg/ml. Is that TRT or body building? 500mg is even more.

How long have you been on T?

The 1666 ius of HCG is weekly, right? How are you breaking up that dose?

Congratulations on the 91million swimmers, nonetheless. I've been reading about people adding HMG and it's nice to see you didn't need to do that.

One P.S. you may want to edit the image to remove your name..
250 mg a week of T is a high dose 1.25cc of 200mg/ml. Is that TRT or body building? 500mg is even more.

How long have you been on T?

The 1666 ius of HCG is weekly, right? How are you breaking up that dose?

Congratulations on the 91million swimmers, nonetheless. I've been reading about people adding HMG and it's nice to see you didn't need to do that.

One P.S. you may want to edit the image to remove your name..
Imy test vialis 250 MGS per Ml. I went from 1 ml twice a week to half an ML twice a week.

I inject 1666 ius of HCG mon we'd and fri. Sometimes I'll do everyday. I upped my anastrozole as well.

The amazing thing is prior to adding HCG, my sperm count was 2 million. 5 months later im at 91. I think our fertility doc is going to be puzzled when we have our visit tomorrow at 10am. I do hope to get a script for FSH to see if it improves my numbers. I've been on trt now for 9 years or so.
Thanks for catching my name btw, I didn't see it was on there
Imy test vialis 250 MGS per Ml. I went from 1 ml twice a week to half an ML twice a week.

I inject 1666 ius of HCG mon we'd and fri. Sometimes I'll do everyday. I upped my anastrozole as well.

The amazing thing is prior to adding HCG, my sperm count was 2 million. 5 months later im at 91. I think our fertility doc is going to be puzzled when we have our visit tomorrow at 10am. I do hope to get a script for FSH to see if it improves my numbers. I've been on trt now for 9 years or so.
Thanks for catching my name btw, I didn't see it was on there
Nice. So you're actually taking 5000 iu each week. I think over 65 million is supposed to be OK, but I'd think more is better so the FSH (probably HMG) would have to boost you even more.

Do you notice an increase in testicle size and firmness?
Nice. So you're actually taking 5000 iu each week. I think over 65 million is supposed to be OK, but I'd think more is better so the FSH (probably HMG) would have to boost you even more.

Do you notice an increase in testicle size and firmness?
I never had any testicular shrinkage even without hcg. However I've noticed my ejaculation to be a lot larger, thicker. I'm not gonna use hmg, but fsh instead, as that's what the doc and my insurance will allow.
That's great you have insurance coverage. To my knowledge, mine does not cover "fertility" so both HCG/FSH isn't covered.
Did you check? My insurance has a separate side for infertility. WIN, Womens infertility network. Ironic, as I'm a man. But so far they have been great. They've covered 24 vials of Hcg, and said they'd approve FSH
Just sharing my results:

Dezember 26th = No sperm found

February 22nd = 1.6 million/ml with only 36% mobility

March 22nd = 4millions/ml with 62% progressive mobility

March 25th = 70million/ml with 71% progressive mobility

Somebody my think that the last result is an error but, anyway we can see that my results improved a lot and we may conceive naturally anytime soon.

My current protocol is:
HCG (Choriomon 2000) - M,W,F
FSH (GonalF) 300iU - T,T,S

I'm having an appointment with my Andrologist to discuss about my path to go back to TRT as I will preserve my fertility with frozen samples.

I may consider to keep HCG and/or FSH (lower doses) together with TRT to try to conceive naturally, otherwise IVF is an option.

God bless you all
Where do you get FSH? My wife and I are just starting to think of a baby and I have financial resources but it seems the cost of FSH is crazy. I'm leaning toward coming off TRT and trying enclomiphene first. I wish I didn't have to and they still had compounded FSH.

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