Did you stop testosterone while using the hcg ? If yes , did you feel bad and lost muscle during that time ?Dr. Larry Lipshultz at the Baylor College of Medicine advises to take 500 units of HCG EOD for a minimum of 3 months before expecting to achieve much in the way of fertility. One month is certainly not enough time. I personally have gone from completely sterile to getting my wife pregnant in a 4 week period of time with 500 units of HCG EOD, but that is not necessarily a normal response. HMG can definitely increase fertility, but again, you haven't really given the fertility medication time to work.
Also, good news for you. Dr. Lipshultz does make his patients get off of T in order to regain fertility. A good HCG protocol (500 units EOD) and time (3-6 months) should get you into a fertile state.