How to Improve Sperm Quality, LH, FSH and Testosterone in Infertile Men

Improving Testosterone, LH, FSH and Sperm Quality in Men Who Stopped TRT or Anabolic Steroids? Main Therapies.

HPTA medications.jpg

Note: AI's are not recommended due to
extreme decreases in estradiol that may have negative health consequences in men.

hCG plus FSH doses used in several studies:

HCG FSH  fertility doses in men.jpg


Recovery of spermatogenesis following testosterone replacement therapy or anabolic-androgenic steroid use

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Dr. Larry Lipshultz at the Baylor College of Medicine advises to take 500 units of HCG EOD for a minimum of 3 months before expecting to achieve much in the way of fertility. One month is certainly not enough time. I personally have gone from completely sterile to getting my wife pregnant in a 4 week period of time with 500 units of HCG EOD, but that is not necessarily a normal response. HMG can definitely increase fertility, but again, you haven't really given the fertility medication time to work.

Also, good news for you. Dr. Lipshultz does make his patients get off of T in order to regain fertility. A good HCG protocol (500 units EOD) and time (3-6 months) should get you into a fertile state.
Did you stop testosterone while using the hcg ? If yes , did you feel bad and lost muscle during that time ?
Did you stop testosterone while using the hcg ? If yes , did you feel bad and lost muscle during that time ?
I'm still on testosterone. 250 mgs a week. If you're asking me. Also, while on testosterone, I went from 2million total speem count to 91 million total. My lab results are attached
Did you stop testosterone while using the hcg ? If yes , did you feel bad and lost muscle during that time ?
I dropped my testosterone from 200 mg weekly to 80 mg while I added the higher dose of HCG for fertility. I did not feel as good with the higher dose of HCG and I did lose some muscle mass. I was, however, able to conceive on the protocol.
I don't think your fully reading my posts. We are trying. Haven't just yet my friend.
Hmg is key
HCG, HMG (mixed FSH and LH), and FSH worked for me, and restored my fertility after 27 years on testosterone and other anabolic steroids. My wife is currently pregnant, and our baby girl is due to be born on November 29. And I am 51 years old, and have been using test for more than half my life. It worked for me, and will work for most men, barring any pre-existing fertility issues.
for those 27 years you never got off? Test only? Didnt run hcg with it?
I dropped my testosterone from 200 mg weekly to 80 mg while I added the higher dose of HCG for fertility. I did not feel as good with the higher dose of HCG and I did lose some muscle mass. I was, however, able to conceive on the protocol.

Thanks for your awnser! I reduced my dose from 200mg to 100 mg now alongside with my HCG hopfully it works out just fine for me too. But I am now just 1 month into this dad damn My left nipple/chest is growing I feel there is Gyno developing...It is also really sensitive when I come on it. HCG at such a dose doesn't feel good that is right

If you want to be fertile, it’s worth it for a short 6 months or so. Long term I wouldn’t take higher doses of HCG, though.
Yes, it shuts down LH and FSH. Not a good product to use alone. Have him use hCG plus FSH or HMG. Empower Pharmacy has the lowest prices for either (by prescription)

Fertility | Compounding Pharmacy - Empower Pharmacy

As you can tell from the table above, 1500 IU of hCG plus 75-150 IU of FSH three times per week worked pretty well for most men in those studies.
It seems like in all of those studies, they used hCG + FSH but discontinued TRT. Are there any studies or case series of TRT + hCG + FSH? I'm going to add FSH soon. Will get semen analysis first (using only TRT + hCG) then another seman analysis 4 months after adding FSH. Will post results.
It seems like in all of those studies, they used hCG + FSH but discontinued TRT. Are there any studies or case series of TRT + hCG + FSH? I'm going to add FSH soon. Will get semen analysis first (using only TRT + hCG) then another seman analysis 4 months after adding FSH. Will post results.
I guess the reason behind is that with trt and high levels of HCG we will convert more to estrogen, therefore would make sense to stop with TRT or at least reduce the dose to keep the same test levels. I’m not a doctor just thinking out loud based on my experience and research so far.

Worked with me and I would do the same 100 times again if necessary.

My son is 3 months now and it is the best thing that could have happened to our family.

Good luck
I guess the reason behind is that with trt and high levels of HCG we will convert more to estrogen, therefore would make sense to stop with TRT or at least reduce the dose to keep the same test levels. I’m not a doctor just thinking out loud based on my experience and research so far.

Worked with me and I would do the same 100 times again if necessary.

My son is 3 months now and it is the best thing that could have happened to our family.

Good luck
Would you mind sharing the doses of testosterone, hCG, and FSH you were on?
Would you mind sharing the doses of testosterone, hCG, and FSH you were on?
Hi @jc2,
I was off Nebido, on 1500iU Choriomon (HCG) every other day and 300iU GonalF every other day too.
4 months until they could find health swimmers.
It is not a big deal stay off testosterone for a little while, it was ok for me as I had a bigger plan, and it was totally worth it.
Good luck
I was on a similar HCG and GonalF protocol. I actually felt better on it than I did on Nebido. Took a few years, but I finally got my wife pregnant on this protocol. We had the baby, I stayed on the protocol and she got pregnant again shortly after.
I was on a similar HCG and GonalF protocol. I actually felt better on it than I did on Nebido. Took a few years, but I finally got my wife pregnant on this protocol. We had the baby, I stayed on the protocol and she got pregnant again shortly after.
Did you stay on TRT while on hCG and Gonal-F?
No I did not. Actually I could theoretically but, my doctor said that would mess up with my hormones even more, I think estrogen would spike up even further. It is a temporary thing, super important.
I was feeling ok but not as good as under TRT, but much better than stopping cold turkey.
Good luck in your journey.


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