5 Months in...

My carb intake generally comes from oats, sourdough on occasion, berries, dark leafy greens, steamed white rice, 4oz of orange juice once a day with psyllium husk, and carb balance tortillas (going to be doing away with these, lots of unnecessary ingredients.) I also try to time my largest allotment of carbohydrates to be after a heavy lifting session.
I have not given up on greek yogurt/fat free cheese but if I need to I will. Thank you for your input!
It is possible. I very much understand your situation:

Phases of Body Recomp.

Phase 1: Fat Loss
Phase 2: Muscle Gain (includes some time on TRT)

I don't like sharing this stuff on the internet so I will delete this image soon. But just so you know it is possible and my comments are constructive.

Went from 46-48" waist to 34".

Last pic only possible for me using TRT-TRT+.
Damn, I missed it... I love inspiration.. I started at about the same with a 47" waist. Six months in I'm at 42" - long way to go but it will happen.
Damn, I missed it... I love inspiration.. I started at about the same with a 47" waist. Six months in I'm at 42" - long way to go but it will happen.

At least honorable mention for world's worst bodybuilding bone structure.

First pic:


Estimated BF probably way low


Last pic:

estimated BF closer


Intermediate pic:

Estimated BF vs some other measurement methods

Decent accuracy for equation-based circumference methods:
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I eat microwavable steamed brown rice. The outer layer, that is missing in white rice, slows down carb absorption.

The slower something is absorbed, the less probability your body will store it as fat.
@readalot Holy crapola! WOW! I see what you are saying by stripping it down and building it back up. Great work and lot's of it, I'm sure ! I'm inspired... I've been thinking of doing a little TRT+ myself. I'm still in the losing fat phase. But, it's great to see your success story.
I eat microwavable steamed brown rice. The outer layer, that is missing in white rice, slows down carb absorption.

The slower something is absorbed, the less probability your body will store it as fat.

Another trick is mixing a heaped teaspoon of psyllium husk in a glass of water and leaving it to stand 5 minutes. It will form a thick gel. Drink it right before your meal, the gel will slow down absorption of any carbs you eat for that meal even if they be fast carbs, effectively lowing the glycaemic index. It will also get you full faster due to the physical space taken up by the gel. Not to mention the benefit's the next morning on the toilet.
@readalot Holy crapola! WOW! I see what you are saying by stripping it down and building it back up. Great work and lot's of it, I'm sure ! I'm inspired... I've been thinking of doing a little TRT+ myself. I'm still in the losing fat phase. But, it's great to see your success story.
Thank you for the kind words USMC and glad it may be helpful. You are doing awesome and keep up the great work. Any support you need let me know.
Hi Steve. In addition to the other great advice, you can consider surgery. My secretary and her brother both got it. He was in the 300s and both have had a huge improvement in their life and lost weight. I have worked with her for 13 years, every work day, so I know the struggles she had and all the diets and exercise she tried. I don't know the exact name, but I believe it removes part of the stomach. Might be worth researching. Second, I avoided AI for years and finally went on a low dose and feel much better. The key is to start low and monitor it. Having any hormone out of range will cause you to feel poorly and with your weight, you may convert more then others. You are on the right track and asking the right questions. Keep an eye on the long game and I wish you the best.

I wanted to add that my numbers are similar to yours. I inject every third day for a weekly total of 84 mg per week. My estradiol was in the 60s. Total T was 650. I added 1/4 tablet of Anastrozole (Arimidex) a day after my injection for a weekly total of ~.58 mg per week. I feel better and will have some blood tests in a month to check the numbers. YMMV.
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First, regarding your e2. I think Nelson would agree as well, messing with your e2 won't likely help your current situation, regarding weight loss, etc. In fact, we know estrogen is what provides the positive impact in T replacement therapy, regarding cardiac protection. Ever wonder why very few women have heart attacks prior to menopause? Estrogen. At your E2, its a little higher than many would want, but its not thru the roof, and depending on your free T level, may be in a good correlation between the two. Too many guys start messing with E2 and regret it. Unless something regarding your T levels are grossly out of range, less focus on those, and more on your overall health will help you more. Use the benefits you have likely gained from the T replacement, more energy, better motivation, and put those to work for you, developing better dietary guidelines, more exercise starting where you can tolerate, and increasing as you can. Reduce the stress in your life. All these things you CAN control will work to reduce the lab results to where you want. And yes, if as time goes on, your e2 levels continue to rise, they can be addressed then.
Hello All,

My name is Steve. I started TRT about 5 months ago and am trying to wrap my head around what my most recent blood testing results are telling me. First of all I am 33, have struggled with my weight for most of my adult life. I would be categorized as obese. I am 6' 2", currently 320 pounds, started the year at 348.

When I got on treatment I only had total testosterone tested. That was 341 ng/dL. Today I am sitting at a total of 852 ng/dl. My TRT Cypionate dose is 40 mg twice a week.

Recent numbers, Sonora Quest Labs testing facility.

852 ng/dL Total Testosterone.

212.2 pg/mL Free Testosterone.

70 pg/mL Estradiol.

I do not know what my SHBG level is. I had an Albumin level of 4.7 in August of 22.

According to the video I just watched on this website, I should be around a 50 pg/mL, should I be on an AI?

Thank you for your help, if you need more info from me let me know.
Here is everything I have.
To Steve from another Steve:
Your labs were reviewed. You have an ↑ bili (total) which may be due to a genetic disorder called Gilbert's Syndrome or it may be due to actual biliary disease. Gilbert's is common and no cause for alarm. You could benefit by keeping a table of labs showing results over time.
Your hematocrit (HCT) is high at 56% and puts you at risk for thrombosis--blockage of a blood vessel(s). The ↑ in HCT is likely due to the TRT and dose you are using plays a role here.
Your estradiol or E2 is high due to aromatization of T ⇢ Estradiol. Yes, you would benefit by an aromatase inhibitor (AI) and your MD should be using anastrozole (Arimidex®) or exemestane (Aromasin®) at a low dose such as arimidex 0.5 mg twice a week to see if the E is < 30 (most labs that is the upper level of normal).
Your HDL of 48 is low and puts you at risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD). You would get more information from an NMR lipoprofile done by LabCorp. This quantifies the number of HDL and LDL particles and fractionates them into large and small HDL and LDL.
Your CRP is high at 3.3 with normal being ≤ 0.9 in your lab. This puts you at risk for a serious vascular event like thrombosis.
Your LDL is normal at 98 but on NMR lipoprofile it may be shown to be abnormal. Therefore get the NMR lipoprofile.
Your PSA is healthy at < 1.0 ng/ml but keep track of the PSA if you continue on TRT.
Your free testosterone is high and you should definitely consider lowering your TRT dose.
Your Triglycerides (TG) at 121 are wnl but In my opinion are high if this was a fasting blood draw. Your TG/HDL ratio is 121/48 = 2.5 which is a significant risk factor for CAD (coronary artery disease) and you need to act on this as your top priority. Don't risk your life with TRT while your metabolic profile is so much of a concern. Yes, weight loss is or can be critical to your life at this point.

You need to consider serious caloric restriction with major reduction in high glycemic carbohydrates. Your MD, assuming you have one, should be giving you guidance.

You may wish to consider also check blood glucose using a Freestyle Libre System (FLS) by Abbott with special attention to glucose levels at 2 hours post meals and if you do this monitoring then keep a food diary of what you ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner for at least 3 or 4 days in a row. You may be prediabetic or diabetic.

Daily weights, blood pressure should be logged.

The use of TRT is not kid's stuff. There are many effects of high levels of testosterone in the blood. Educate yourself to the max.
Take good care,
You may wish to consider also check blood glucose using a Freestyle Libre System (FLS) by Abbott with special attention to glucose levels at 2 hours post meals and if you do this monitoring then keep a food diary of what you ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner for at least 3 or 4 days in a row. You may be prediabetic or diabetic.
Decent lab read. Good post. Are you human or AI?

In case you missed it.

Hello All,

My name is Steve. I started TRT about 5 months ago and am trying to wrap my head around what my most recent blood testing results are telling me. First of all I am 33, have struggled with my weight for most of my adult life. I would be categorized as obese. I am 6' 2", currently 320 pounds, started the year at 348.

When I got on treatment I only had total testosterone tested. That was 341 ng/dL. Today I am sitting at a total of 852 ng/dl. My TRT Cypionate dose is 40 mg twice a week.

Recent numbers, Sonora Quest Labs testing facility.

852 ng/dL Total Testosterone.

212.2 pg/mL Free Testosterone.

70 pg/mL Estradiol.

I do not know what my SHBG level is. I had an Albumin level of 4.7 in August of 22.

According to the video I just watched on this website, I should be around a 50 pg/mL, should I be on an AI?

Thank you for your help, if you need more info from me let me know.
I would remind you that TRT can affect your red blood cell counts and in fact thicken your blood, which may have some negative effects..... easy way to handle is to donate blood once a month. Blood donating is excellent for the male body and you will notice positive results of doing so.

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