My blood work and my prescription, thoughts?


New Member
Hi all, new member here.

40 year old man from Canada. Here is my blood results and prescription I received from doctor, please tell me your thoughts. Thanks.

Total 8.6 nmol/
Free 261 pmol/l
Estradiol 127 pmol/l
Somatomedin-c 248 ug/l

Prescribed protocol:
  • Delatestryl (Testosterone)
  • Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Testosterone: Inject 0.5 ml on Monday and Friday (Rotate sides each week)
HCG: 10ml Saline mixed with the 10,000 USP units that you will get from the pharmacy
  • For HCG (Generic): Use 0.3ml of a 1ml syringe every Monday into the stomach fat using the 25g or 23g needle
Will do, reasoning?
Smaller hole. 23g needle not necessary for this aqueous injection. Similar to shooting a fish in a barrel with an M2 Browning.

27 or 29 g insulin pin is easy with the test injection as well. Over years all this will save you scar tissue.
Smaller hole. 23g needle not necessary for this aqueous injection. Similar to shooting a fish in a barrel with an M2 Browning.

27 or 29 g insulin pin is easy with the test injection as well. Over years all this will save you scar tissue.
lol makes total sense, im a newb. Surprised the doctor would recommend a harpoon.
Testosterone: Inject 0.5 ml on Monday and Friday (Rotate sides each week)
Confirm your test enanthate is 200 mg/ml.


If so....why are you starting at 200 mg per week of testosterone ester?
My state doesn't allow purchases from amazon without a prescription. I purchase from Diabetic Supply. My wife's doctor orders 25g for her b12 shots. I have her refuse them and I buy her 29g instead. I use them also for B12 MIC injections. I have no idea why her doc is such a dumbbutt.
I haven't picked up my script yet, waiting on call from pharmacy. Only received the above email of break down. I believe it is 200mg/1ml.

As for dosage, your guess is as good as mine, I'm not the doctor.
Too much to start without blood work showing you are outlier. Combining that test dose with hCG there is really good chance you will be running above physiologic range for FT/TT. If that is part of the plan then forget my comment but for TRT 200 mg/week is way overkill for most dudes.
Too much to start without blood work showing you are outlier. Combining that test dose with hCG there is really good chance you will be running above physiologic range for FT/TT. If that is part of the plan then forget my comment but for TRT 200 mg/week is way overkill for most dudes.
He reviewed my blood work this is what he prescribed. Not sure what he's seen or what his plan is, but he said i'll be doing more blood in 1 month to see where I'm at, then he'll adjust it. Maybe my numbers suggested this starting dose, and a good jump start? No idea how it works,he's the doctor. Guess its timed to get huge, lol. Joking.
Huge blood pressure, bloating/aldosterone, RAAS, hematocrit, long term wear and tear on the ticker, etc.

Hope you don't run into all this. Figured I would mention since you asked.
That's exactly why I came here, to get some outsider information, as sometimes people who do TRT, study it are sometimes more inclined them doctors.

Appreciate the insight, again he said just run this for 1 month and well adjust to get you in the 'higher end of optimal'. I could always scale back the dosage he gave me and just tell him what i ran once I do labs in a month. I guess I could try that too, if you think that's smarter.

This particular doctor from my research and speaking to him, doesn't seem to want to push me much higher then 700 range. But out the gate, just from my research 200mg a week probably will shoot me over 1000 which is confusing.
Hi all, new member here.

40 year old man from Canada. Here is my blood results and prescription I received from doctor, please tell me your thoughts. Thanks.

Total 8.6 nmol/
Free 261 pmol/l
Estradiol 127 pmol/l
Somatomedin-c 248 ug/l

Prescribed protocol:
  • Delatestryl (Testosterone)
  • Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Testosterone: Inject 0.5 ml on Monday and Friday (Rotate sides each week)
HCG: 10ml Saline mixed with the 10,000 USP units that you will get from the pharmacy
  • For HCG (Generic): Use 0.3ml of a 1ml syringe every Monday into the stomach fat using the 25g or 23g needle

This starting protocol is overkill!

Big pharma Delatestryl is 200 mg/mL.

.5 mL (100 mg esterified T) twice weekly let alone hCG off the hop to boot.

The best piece of advice is to always start low and go slow.

T only protocol as we want to see how your body reacts to testosterone and it would be a bum move to jump out the gate head first.

The use of hCG can be added later if need be.

Following such protocol prescribed by this doctor will surely have your FT let alone estradiol level through the roof!

Most men on trt are injecting 100-200 mg T/week whether once weekly, twice-weekly, M/W/F, EOD, or daily.

Most can easily achieve a healthy let alone high FT level on 100-150 mg T/week, especially when split into more frequent injections.

Far from common anyone would need the higher-end dose of 200mg T/week.

If anything I would cut your starting dose in half and inject 100 mg T split into twice-weekly injections (50 mg T every 3.5 days/84hrs).

Then blood work will be done at 6 weeks to see where your trough TT, FT, estradiol, SHBG, and other critical blood markers such as CBC and PSA sit!

Forget using the 25G let alone 23G to inject.

Stick with an LDS insulin syringe (fixed needle) 27-31G with various needle lengths depending on whether you are injecting your testosterone shallow IM or strictly sub-q.

I would go for the 30-31G for the water-based hCG.


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