Clomid questions


New Member
I was on clomid for about 4 and a half years. Initially on 15 mg every third day. . . And then after 2 years went to 12.5 ever 3rd day (so I could buy 50mg tabs for cheaper and split them). I took .08mg anastrozole ever 4-5 days. I felt GREAT for 4 years and then CRASHED horribly. My pre clomid labs had total T usually anywhere BTW 400-550 and free 10-1?. . . And then when I was taking it every 3 day 750 total 18-21 free. The biggest improvements were sleep quality (slept great with higher T) , energy levels and reduced anxiety.

After the 4 year mark I crashed HARD. In year 4 I dialed back to taking clomid every 4-5 days with anastrzole every 6-7 days. My anxiety came back really bad. I'm thinking this was more anastrozole and e2. But perhaps reducing clomid to every 4-5 days took away the therapeutic value. At that interval, my T had dipped to like 480. . .and then 570 on a retest with free T at 13.

Does anyone know if being on low dose clomid that long can cause significant changes to estrogen receptors or estrogen metabolism? I know the brain can be very sensitive to a lot of things, E2 being one of them.

Does clomid block estrogen receptors where estrogen might actually be pretty crucial? Is that even known?

I know there have been (albeit small) long term studies monitoring male clomid use. . . Upwards of 5 years.

I've been off for almost 6 months now and don't feel well. Still have anxiety and really poor sleep. But I've honestly read tons of anecdotal reports of full blown TRT causing anxiety. Not sure what to do.
Yes, in the heart, liver, pancreas and the brain. Whether it's partial or total is anyone's guess.

Clomid usually has way more side effects than TRT.

I've seen you've mentioned this several times related to both clomid and Enclomiphene. Would you be so kind as to provide any research or reference stating this? I have looked for all the receptors enclomiphene binds to and I can't find any references other than binding to ER receptors in hypothalamus and pituitary. I even asked chatGPT!! :-D

Much appreciated!

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