New to anastrazole (confusion)


Struggling to understand this general situation…

New doc has started me on enanthate 60mg SQ twice a week. Started monday (today is wed). Also prescribed anastasole 1mg “sometime in between the two doses”. It seems relevant that im 80-90 pounds overweight, carrying it all in belly. Ive read that fat is great at converting testosterone into estradiol/estrogen.

Monday morning: injected, rapidly improved mood and energy, better sleep that night
Tuesday: woke up great, rapidly became quite cranky through the day, low energy at the gym, nipples a little sensitive (high estradiol?). Took a cautious dose of 0.5mg anastrazole in the evening, rapidly perceived estradiol went away and replaced by perceived low T (worse sleep, depressed/melancholy, anxiety) By wednesday morning (today) as well as oddly wet/oily inside ears…

based on my limited umdertanding, here is what I THINK is going on:

i inject the T, which temporarily improves things until by the next day most of that T is getting converted into estradiol. Then i took anastrazole, which lowered my estradiol but reintroduced low T.

is that a fairly logical way of looking at it? If this is the case, wouldnt it be logical to take an injection AND simultaneously take 0.5mg of anastrazole, thereby actually getting all that T without so much pf it being converted, and thereby avoiding this hormonal back and forth im perceiving?

am i misumderstnaind this situation?
I just read a guide on here by @Nelson Vergel stating the starting dose of anastrazole should be 0.25mg. Thats certainly something to consider for next week. I dont like the way this anastrazole has treated me so far the past 12 hours since taking it. Dont want to rush to judgement either….see what happens after my next T injection on thursday morning. I know i need to stick with a treatment routine so my labs will be accurate in a few weeks. This 0.5mg dose of anastrazole though…ugh…
Yikes...I'll let the more expert senior members chime in on this one. But just my quick 2 cents... 1 mg Adex a week is a HUGE dose and imho not sustainable! But with not knowing all the info on this, ie labs, protocol duration, med history, etc. I do wonder about your Dr's decision on this.

IMHO, the best TRT protocols are the ones where an AI is not too many stories over the years on crashed E2 & bad sides from guys using adex.
Monday morning: injected, rapidly improved mood and energy, better sleep that night
Tuesday: woke up great, rapidly became quite cranky through the day, low energy at the gym, nipples a little sensitive (high estradiol?).

Heres whats going to happen next. Everyone's going to bash you and say thats impossible because the half life is 8 days, its impossible for you to absorb and then convert and metabolise the entire dose within a day or two, and that its placebo and all in your head.
i didnt include many details because i was asking a more generalized question. Bixt, i have been known to rapidly (freakishly, in my opinion) metabolize meds going back to childhood surgery. Anesthesia, any kimd of sedation (even just the dentist!) is a thorn in my side because no one believes me unless they see it. Anyways, i was scared of that 1mg anastrazole dose, which is why i took half after discussing with my pharmacist. Good thing too, cuz i feel horrible. Also, effective this past Mondays injection, switched from cypionate to enanthate.
Yes, i plan on getting a consult with defy medical in florida to double check what the new doc is doing…but that requires labs, and labs require me to stick to a routine for a few weeks, so i just need to be more careful with the anastrazole (lower dose) until then. I really want to see a situation where the anastrazole isnt needed.
does defy string you along with one month scripts?

their website doesnt mention their cost for providing scripts. Im only aware of their consult fee. Not sure those types of info are allowed on forum, so plz PM me if you know

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