Nandrolone Decanoate Report

I finally got the prescription for Nandrolone Decanoate from Dr. Lipshultz from Houston without an issue. I even mentioned my prior diagnosis of Gleason 6 low risk prostate cancer and his PA still made the prescription. All I said is that I knew the doctor was part of a study that found Deca to give improvement to joint pain and that I had been interested in trying it for my shoulder pain and he agreed.

I’m 53 yrs old and on 50 mg a week of Deca / 100mg Test and it’s only been 3 days since adding Deca and I’m already seeing a huge improvement however not without side effects. My left shoulder 90% improvement , lower back pain and right elbow tendinitis 100% improvement. I really like the way I feel only I don’t know if I can continue taking this due to the side effects I’m experiencing. Maybe I’m really sensitive and this may turn into something worse or my body is just trying to get used to the Deca in my body. After the first injection Saturday morning a few hours later began to feel like making more trips to the urinal and it has gotten worse especially at night and also noticing a slowing urine flow. I remember having this same issue when I first began TRT 3.5 years ago and later got better.
Don’t want to stop this but will if I have to. If you have experience with Deca what do you all think, is this something that requires attention from my doc (which I’ll do anyway) or is it the body adjusting to the androgen?
nandrolone 1.webp
Still going strong buddy. I recently raised my dose from T 160/N 200 to 160/300 for the gym mostly. Hopefully I can see some arm growth I have always had small arms IMO. I was a baseball player growing up and in high school big muscles wasn’t a high priority like in the sport of football actually it would ruin your flexibility. But now at 55 I’d like to see some growth in biceps and triceps and some strength gains hopefully without Deca Dick
Ive always heard of the 2:1 ratio of test to deca. I find it interesting that you are doing it almost the other way around!
You are right about the ratio that is what’s recommended. I’m very careful about it for that very reason too. I’ve been on this type ratio now for over a year with positive results such as increased strength and body recomposition and of course less joint pain. If you notice my doses are maintenance doses so it’s probably the reason why I’ve kept Deca dick away.
The main reason why I have to keep testosterone at a lower dose is because I tend to aggravate my BPH as I increase testosterone doses so I have to be careful with that as well. The cost of aging I guess I’m 55 (no spring chicken anymore)
You are right about the ratio that is what’s recommended. I’m very careful about it for that very reason too. I’ve been on this type ratio now for over a year with positive results such as increased strength and body recomposition and of course less joint pain. If you notice my doses are maintenance doses so it’s probably the reason why I’ve kept Deca dick away.
The main reason why I have to keep testosterone at a lower dose is because I tend to aggravate my BPH as I increase testosterone doses so I have to be careful with that as well. The cost of aging I guess I’m 55 (no spring chicken anymore)
Ah I get ya. I have heard of good from more deca and less test from some out of the box thinkers so you may be on to something. Thanks for your input!
I finally got the prescription for Nandrolone Decanoate from Dr. Lipshultz from Houston without an issue. I even mentioned my prior diagnosis of Gleason 6 low risk prostate cancer and his PA still made the prescription. All I said is that I knew the doctor was part of a study that found Deca to give improvement to joint pain and that I had been interested in trying it for my shoulder pain and he agreed.

I’m 53 yrs old and on 50 mg a week of Deca / 100mg Test and it’s only been 3 days since adding Deca and I’m already seeing a huge improvement however not without side effects. My left shoulder 90% improvement , lower back pain and right elbow tendinitis 100% improvement. I really like the way I feel only I don’t know if I can continue taking this due to the side effects I’m experiencing. Maybe I’m really sensitive and this may turn into something worse or my body is just trying to get used to the Deca in my body. After the first injection Saturday morning a few hours later began to feel like making more trips to the urinal and it has gotten worse especially at night and also noticing a slowing urine flow. I remember having this same issue when I first began TRT 3.5 years ago and later got better.
Don’t want to stop this but will if I have to. If you have experience with Deca what do you all think, is this something that requires attention from my doc (which I’ll do anyway) or is it the body adjusting to the androgen?
When you say "shoulder pain" what kind of shoudler pain or you having. Have you had it diagnosed?
I have severe osteoarthritis in both shoulders is why I wanted to know about the pain.
It’s the same thing the words are used interchangeably. Many specialists refer it as bursitis. I have it in both shoulders too but much more chronic in my left.
How old are you?
hopefully without Deca Dick

Can you give us some more details, I would be very interested.

How long was the original protocol and dose, and give us comments of erection quality, libido etc, vs your teens, previous TRT and now. Im guessing not much gym gains on that small dose of nandrolone correct?

And then after a few months on the new higher protocol, please update us again on both erections, libido and gains and sleep.

Thanks in advance!!
It’s the same thing the words are used interchangeably. Many specialists refer it as bursitis. I have it in both shoulders too but much more chronic in my left.
How old are you?
66 years old. Here is the medical description my shoulders, the left is not quite as bad:

6 view x-ray series of bilateral shoulders show severe osteoarthritic change in both right and left shoulders. There is bone-on-bone within the glenohumeral joint. Osteophytes are present with multiple loose bodies in the soft tissue. There is loss of congruity of the glenohumeral joint with elevation of the humeral head. Both consistent with rotator cuff arthropathy. Meaning at one time in my line I detached 1 or more rotators in my right should.

Yes, mine is both age and being a competitive powerlifter for 27 years.

From what I know bursitis can occur suddenly, last for a few days or longer, and usually resolves with rest or treatment. In comparison, osteoarthritis is progressive and degenerative conditions which generally become worse over time. As you see, mine is in the worst stage. I am doing TRIAMCINOLONE ACETONIDE NOS 10 MG injections every 4 months. This works pretty well for about 2 months then it starts wearing off. I have also tried Sodium Hyaluronate injections which did nothing.

I have some nandrolone here but have not really tried it for the shoulder pain. You are doing 50mg?
After MRI and X-ray of my left shoulder the diagnostic report looks just like yours. My joint specialist called it bursitis and said it would worsen with age so I have to disagree with your assessment about that it betters with time and treatment. He wouldn’t prescribe Nandrolone so he prescribed an NSAID which never worked for me. After much research I found Dr Lipschultz in Houston who did at 50 mg a week and worked for me only downside is that if you lift weights regularly as I do you need double that amount to last you a week of pain free living. After finishing the first 10ML vial I found a local Dr who prescribed Nandrolone for whom I been with since.
Can you give us some more details, I would be very interested.

How long was the original protocol and dose, and give us comments of erection quality, libido etc, vs your teens, previous TRT and now. Im guessing not much gym gains on that small dose of nandrolone correct?

And then after a few months on the new higher protocol, please update us again on both erections, libido and gains and sleep.

Thanks in advance!!
My first protocol with Nandrolone was 120mg T/50mg N but gradually upped it to 150T/100N, 200T/200N and erections and libido always increased to the point my wife started to complain that sex is all I wanted LOL. Each protocol would last about 4 months in between raising the dose. At 200T/200N I started noticing a slowing of urine flow for which I suspected my BPH acting up again so I knew I had to back off on Testosterone so I did to 160T/200N and in about 2 weeks my urine flow was back to normal. It’s true that Testosterone gos straight to the prostate as many studies have shown.
Throughout all this my strength and muscle gains have been minimal but I’m happy with what I’ve accomplished so far however. This week I’ve upped my nandrolone dose once more mainly for gym gains I hope to 160T/300N. I will report back.
After MRI and X-ray of my left shoulder the diagnostic report looks just like yours. My joint specialist called it bursitis and said it would worsen with age so I have to disagree with your assessment about that it betters with time and treatment. He wouldn’t prescribe Nandrolone so he prescribed an NSAID which never worked for me. After much research I found Dr Lipschultz in Houston who did at 50 mg a week and worked for me only downside is that if you lift weights regularly as I do you need double that amount to last you a week of pain free living. After finishing the first 10ML vial I found a local Dr who prescribed Nandrolone for whom I been with since.
This image shows exactly where the shoulder bursa is located. Anytime you have the word bursaITIS it means a for of tendonitis. By definition, bursitis develops when one of the bursa, a small fluid-filled sac, becomes irritated and inflamed.


This on the other hand is an image of shouder osteoarthritis. By definition, osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease – your cartilage and other joint tissues gradually break down.


I can see nandrolone helping bursitis but not osteoarthritis. Which is why I asked what kinnd of pain you were talking about. My diagnosis came from the Iron Man Clinic, Dr Walter Lower and Dr. Schoop. But thanks for the information anyway. I tried nandrolone earlier this year and it did nothing, so I am out of options other than more injections or surgery.
I can see nandrolone helping bursitis but not osteoarthritis.
What is your hypothesis for how nandrolone would help bursitis? Systemic anti-inflammatory? If yes, why would nandrolone (besides the anabolic effect) be preferred over other anti-inflammatory drugs that would lower systemic cytokine levels?

Other mechanism may invoke various brain pain sensing pathways. Of course tweaking those may come with other side effects that some log anecdotally...depression, mood, sexual side effects. My bias is that nandrolone operates almost exclusively on the brain with respect to any joint pain. Disciplined DOEs could answer the systemic cytokine question in humans (unknown as far as I know).
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It’s the same thing the words are used interchangeably. Many specialists refer it as bursitis. I have it in both shoulders too but much more chronic in my left.
How old are you?
Bursitis and arthritis are not the same. "Bursitits" is usually used to describe irritation of the rotator cuff and associated bursa. Arthritis is degradation of the articular cartilage inside the shoulder joint, which does not communicate with the bursal side of the rotator cuff.
This image shows exactly where the shoulder bursa is located. Anytime you have the word bursaITIS it means a for of tendonitis. By definition, bursitis develops when one of the bursa, a small fluid-filled sac, becomes irritated and inflamed.

View attachment 28298

This on the other hand is an image of shouder osteoarthritis. By definition, osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease – your cartilage and other joint tissues gradually break down.

View attachment 28299

I can see nandrolone helping bursitis but not osteoarthritis. Which is why I asked what kinnd of pain you were talking about. My diagnosis came from the Iron Man Clinic, Dr Walter Lower and Dr. Schoop. But thanks for the information anyway. I tried nandrolone earlier this year and it did nothing, so I am out of options other than more injections or surgery.
Thanks for the info buddy and sorry Nandrolone didn’t workout for you. What was your protocol when you were on it and for how long were you on it?
What is your hypothesis for how nandrolone would help bursitis? Systemic anti-inflammatory? If yes, why would nandrolone (besides the anabolic effect) be preferred over other anti-inflammatory drugs that would lower systemic cytokine levels?

Other mechanism may invoke various brain pain sensing pathways. Of course tweaking those may come with other side effects that some log anecdotally...depression, mood, sexual side effects. My bias is that nandrolone operates almost exclusively on the brain with respect to any joint pain. Disciplined DOEs could answer the systemic cytokine question in humans (unknown as far as I know).
While we await BigTex's thoughts, a couple of things...1) All the other usual-suspect anti-inflammatories appear, from what I have been able to determine, to have downsides which prevent healthy chronic use. Aspirin can cause bleeding. NSAIDS like ibuprofen don't appear to be heart-healthy and have other issues I have forgotten the details of but which Chris Masterjohn has highlighted. 2) As I posted in another thread, I have been having success with White Willow Bark but I have only been using it a short period of time (a month or so), it is not as "strong" as other compounds, and it may have other issues I have not discovered yet such as interference with enzymes. 3) There was a post on another board that made the case that water retention in the joints was the mechanism behind the joint relief, and "dry" compounds such as Winstrol which tend to increase joint pain were cited as part of the argument. 4) I don't have a strong view on what the mechanism is, however if the affect was predominantly one of blocking pain signals, then people who use Nandrolone for joint relief and then go off of it should logically have much worse pain and joint damage when they stop since they blocked the pain warning signal, however I have not seen reports of this. Also, if tendon pain is blocked and someone continues to work the tendons before they heal, a phenomenon called tendinosis can occur which makes the tendon very prone to rupture, so we should hear of numerous tendon tears from people on Nandrolone, however we don't.
then people who use Nandrolone for joint relief and then go off of it should logically have much worse pain and joint damage when they stop since they blocked the pain warning signal, however I have not seen reports of this
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I have read a few of these anecdotes where the pain was worse after nandrolone cessation. Such was my experience which led to my bias/hypothesis above.
I have been taking 325 mg/day of aspirin pretty much 5 times a week for good part of year. Definitely worsens bruising and clotting. Already had some gastritis prior to starting up the aspirin so it probably isn't doing me any favors in that dept.
Thanks for the info buddy and sorry Nandrolone didn’t workout for you. What was your protocol when you were on it and for how long were you on it?
I tried 100mg/wk maybe 2 years ago and felt absolutely no relief after 4 weeks. I also tried it in the past for longer periods of time and got nothing. I origionally got this stuff because I thought I had a miniscus injury. Turnes out it was osteoarthritis. I was eventually diagnosed with osteoarthritis in both shoulders, the left knee and lumbar probably 7 years ago. So I have tried everything except stem cells. Not sold on that at all.

I have also done quite a bit of research on nandrolone over the years. I have found absolutely no data that show it remotely helps with osteoarthritis. There is evidence of it helping with bone minneral density in women with osteoporosis and there is evidence of it being of use in muscular or connective tissue injuries and/or surgery to speed up healing. The other thing, there is plenty of evidence it also increases hemoglobin levels. So for those of us struggling with this issue already, there is a big concern.
What is your hypothesis for how nandrolone would help bursitis? Systemic anti-inflammatory? If yes, why would nandrolone (besides the anabolic effect) be preferred over other anti-inflammatory drugs that would lower systemic cytokine levels?

Other mechanism may invoke various brain pain sensing pathways. Of course tweaking those may come with other side effects that some log anecdotally...depression, mood, sexual side effects. My bias is that nandrolone operates almost exclusively on the brain with respect to any joint pain. Disciplined DOEs could answer the systemic cytokine question in humans (unknown as far as I know).
@readalot, that would be the outside chance, possibly a reduction in inflamation. Never seen research in this area and have only heard anecdotal reports. Never tried it myself for bursitis. As I mentioned, due to the increases in hemoglobin levels I would be verary leary. I would think anti-inflammatory drugs woud be as or more effective. I have only had bursitis in the knee and elbow a few times but I treated bothwith ICR. Never been very big on nandrolone in my life.

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