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Probably wasting my time buut here goes

I crashed from finasteride in 2009, but got to a very good level in 2013, after two years of chronic fatiue impoitence tinnitus and so on. in and out psych wards and on abilify, prozac, quetiaine and some other shite.

I recovered to a great degree in 2013, getting regular nocurnal morning erections and goood erections generally though still saw myself as asexual in a way. Especially after alcohol libido through the roof. Sleep was also gooD.

I fucked up after stress in 2109 and took quetiapine and mirtazaoine even though both felt very weird and wrong.

in 2020 during lockdown actually felt amazing on ZMA then in 2021 had a mini crash after taking that and probably zinc together,

This is where it goes horribly wrong. Had insomnia but it wasnt that bad, between 6 and at worst 4 hours, but started taking bits of a quetiapine tablet for it (aka seroquel) the fucking antipsychpotic i was on years ago as it has sleep inducing properties. Sleep goes toshit this yea and I crash in June,

Lose forty pounds
Massive muscle wastage
testicular shrinkage
penile shrinkage
brain fog tinnitus etc

Basically suicidal now that I am back in the pfs mire having been a mild case for years, from being a severe case at the start.

I was honestly almost recovered for a few years.

wtf can I do now? Test is brodelrine low but they don't tell you that much,

I am extremely worried I have killed my muscles for good. The loss is all over - neck, chest back, buttocks are gone, tendons sticking out everywhere.
I'm 45, is this muscle capable of coming back or am I long term disabled now?
Do you workout? Muscles waste with aging, if you don't work out and do not eat enough protein to prevent protein catabolism (degradation) for energy production.

If your testosterone is really low, try to get on TRT.

For sleep, you can try low doses Gabapentin, Melatonin, or the prescription drugs Ambien, or Temazepam.
What is your current body weight and BMI?

Also do you eat normally like before the muscle wasting? 40lb weight drop is a drastic thing and a red flag for most doctors - you either do not have appetite and do not eat sufficient energy, or that energy is deflected by a disease - infection or cancer.
its low appetite but primarily muscle wastage
they fobbed me off to mental health.
Its difficult to get an appointment now anyway.

no offence but you guys are stating the obvious. I woud like to know if the all over muscle wastage over my entire body can be reversed.
Probably wasting my time buut here goes

I crashed from finasteride in 2009, but got to a very good level in 2013, after two years of chronic fatiue impoitence tinnitus and so on. in and out psych wards and on abilify, prozac, quetiaine and some other shite.

I recovered to a great degree in 2013, getting regular nocurnal morning erections and goood erections generally though still saw myself as asexual in a way. Especially after alcohol libido through the roof. Sleep was also gooD.

I fucked up after stress in 2109 and took quetiapine and mirtazaoine even though both felt very weird and wrong.

in 2020 during lockdown actually felt amazing on ZMA then in 2021 had a mini crash after taking that and probably zinc together,

This is where it goes horribly wrong. Had insomnia but it wasnt that bad, between 6 and at worst 4 hours, but started taking bits of a quetiapine tablet for it (aka seroquel) the fucking antipsychpotic i was on years ago as it has sleep inducing properties. Sleep goes toshit this yea and I crash in June,

Lose forty pounds
Massive muscle wastage
testicular shrinkage
penile shrinkage
brain fog tinnitus etc

Basically suicidal now that I am back in the pfs mire having been a mild case for years, from being a severe case at the start.

I was honestly almost recovered for a few years.

wtf can I do now? Test is brodelrine low but they don't tell you that much,

I am extremely worried I have killed my muscles for good. The loss is all over - neck, chest back, buttocks are gone, tendons sticking out everywhere.
I'm 45, is this muscle capable of coming back or am I long term disabled now?
you say you crashed on Fin in 2009, what dose were you on and for how long and were you on TRT when taking Fin, if on TRT how were your numbers, does Fin crash people because their T etc were borderline low to begin with?. Sorry to hear your in bad shape, seeing a good Hormone doc to optimise your hormones maybe an idea.
fuck man pfs is complex hormones dont say much
I crashed from fin 2009, after a torrid two years slowly got better balls increased in size dick normal. shsould have done hcg at that point. In the UK but should have visited shippen as I was a mild case
I got sucked into the p Hel pvortex and just thought nothing worked, even though I was doing very well on just zinc, vitamin d and magnesium
now my body is wasting away and my dick is shrunk rubber dead.

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