How to increase dopamine?

I take it orally, which is necessary if you're also looking to enhance absorption of phenethylamine. Low-and-slow is important with this combination. I take them upon waking.
I think I’ve read that selegiline taken orally produced more amphetamine metabolites, vs taking it sublingually. Must have something to do with how it’s metabolized by the liver. Have u seen anything along these lines when researching selegiline?

Are there any core differences between taking it orally vs sublingually that ur aware of? Other than the amount and rate at which it’s absorbed obv
I think I’ve read that selegiline taken orally produced more amphetamine metabolites, vs taking it sublingually. Must have something to do with how it’s metabolized by the liver. Have u seen anything along these lines when researching selegiline?

Are there any core differences between taking it orally vs sublingually that ur aware of? Other than the amount and rate at which it’s absorbed obv
I don't know more than what the Wiki article says:

Selegiline has an oral bioavailability of about 10%, which increases when ingested together with a fatty meal, as the molecule is fat soluble.[1][23] Selegiline and its metabolites bind extensively to plasma proteins (at a rate of 94%). They cross the blood–brain barrier and enter the brain, where they most concentrated at the thalamus, basal ganglia, midbrain, and cingulate gyrus.[6][9]​
Selegiline is mostly metabolized in the intestines and liver; it and its metabolites are excreted in the urine.[1]​
Buccal administration of selegiline results in 5-fold higher bioavailability, more reproducible blood concentration, and produces less amphetamine metabolites than the oral tablet form.[24]​

Selegiline is metabolized by cytochrome P450 to L-desmethylselegiline and levomethamphetamine.[25][26] Desmethylselegiline has some activity against MAO-B, but much less than that of selegiline.[19][18] It is thought to be further metabolized by CYP2C19.[27] Levomethamphetamine (the less potent of the two enantiomers of methamphetamine) is converted to levoamphetamine (the less potent of the two enantiomers of amphetamine, with regards to psychological effects).​
Due to the presence of these metabolites, people taking selegiline may test positive for "amphetamine" or "methamphetamine" on drug screening tests.[28] While the amphetamine metabolites may contribute to selegiline's ability to inhibit reuptake of the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine, they have also been associated with orthostatic hypotension and hallucinations.[26][29][30] The amphetamine metabolites are hydroxylated and, in phase II, conjugated by glucuronyltransferase.​
Following application of the patch to humans, an average of 25% to 30% of the selegiline content is delivered systemically over 24 hours. Transdermal dosing results in significantly higher exposure to selegiline and lower exposure to all metabolites when compared to oral dosing; this is due to the extensive first-pass metabolism of the pill form and low first-pass metabolism of the patch form. ...​
About 6 or 7 years ago when living in Maryland, I was going to a psychiatrist who was also a noted researcher at the NIMH. Since my bipolar illness doesn't respond to treatment and because my main symptom was depression, as well as ED, she offered to prescribe selegiline. I'd read about it but instead of agreeing to try it, I didn't. Now, maybe it wouldn't have made any difference or it could have made me hypomanic. But it was a treatment option. I know I can order it online but I've gone back to basics, using desiccated thyroid and increasing the dose every ten days. Right now at 3 grains(180 mg). Selegiline, though, it still an add on option.
did the 3 grains of NDT give you relief?
did the 3 grains of NDT give you relief?
No. I've even tried T4 liquid from BSP, taking it only at night to improve my sleep. T4, for me, does get me to sleep, but with any form of T4, I begin to put on weight, as I do with testosterone. I also experience low grade melancholy on T4, which dissipates after I'm off it for a few days. I've never tested reverse T3 while on T4 only.
increasing dopamine is a stupid goal, similar to how increasing hydrolysis is. Hydroloysis is a simple chemical reaction, it does everything and nothing. The same way dopamine is a simple neurotransmitter, involved in everything and nothing. Attributing certain properties to dopamine is pseudoscientific and esotheric. In the middle ages, people would attribute all sorts of shit to an increase or decrease of "heat" within the body. For example you could decrease heat by slitting your wrists or you could increase it by poisoning yourself with mercury. In truth all this is dangerous and nonsensical. Dopamine is not a form of magic that makes you happy, the same way that the planet mars is not associatied with power and success.

If you believe that "dopamine" has desirable effects, you are committing to a crime and abomination of science. It is like believing that sucking on an electrical socket will grant you supernatural powers, because electricity is involved in how the brain works. In reality it is very complicated and not that simple. Step away from being an esotheric nutjob.
increasing dopamine is a stupid goal, similar to how increasing hydrolysis is. Hydroloysis is a simple chemical reaction, it does everything and nothing. The same way dopamine is a simple neurotransmitter, involved in everything and nothing. Attributing certain properties to dopamine is pseudoscientific and esotheric. In the middle ages, people would attribute all sorts of shit to an increase or decrease of "heat" within the body. For example you could decrease heat by slitting your wrists or you could increase it by poisoning yourself with mercury. In truth all this is dangerous and nonsensical. Dopamine is not a form of magic that makes you happy, the same way that the planet mars is not associatied with power and success.

If you believe that "dopamine" has desirable effects, you are committing to a crime and abomination of science. It is like believing that sucking on an electrical socket will grant you supernatural powers, because electricity is involved in how the brain works. In reality it is very complicated and not that simple. Step away from being an esotheric nutjob.
Thanks ... For that . U could have put it a different way . I was only asking
increasing dopamine is a stupid goal, similar to how increasing hydrolysis is. Hydroloysis is a simple chemical reaction, it does everything and nothing. The same way dopamine is a simple neurotransmitter, involved in everything and nothing. Attributing certain properties to dopamine is pseudoscientific and esotheric. In the middle ages, people would attribute all sorts of shit to an increase or decrease of "heat" within the body. For example you could decrease heat by slitting your wrists or you could increase it by poisoning yourself with mercury. In truth all this is dangerous and nonsensical. Dopamine is not a form of magic that makes you happy, the same way that the planet mars is not associatied with power and success.

If you believe that "dopamine" has desirable effects, you are committing to a crime and abomination of science. It is like believing that sucking on an electrical socket will grant you supernatural powers, because electricity is involved in how the brain works. In reality it is very complicated and not that simple. Step away from being an esotheric nutjob.

So I guess all cocaine addicts are just experiencing a placebo effect. Same for Welbutrin, lets remove the D from dopamine reuptake inhibitor. And as for using methylphenidate to make people focus, that highly scheduled drug too is imaginary.
So I guess all cocaine addicts are just experiencing a placebo effect. Same for Welbutrin, lets remove the D from dopamine reuptake inhibitor. And as for using methylphenidate to make people focus, that highly scheduled drug too is imaginary.
Those are all drugs of abuse, whereas Welbutrin somewhat mimics them partially, which is why it shares some of the tolerance and withdrawal effects. No one is denying that drugs work by altering neurochemistry. But is this really desireable to you?

The reason cocaine works is because it short-circuits the nucleus accumbens. This can actually happen from blocking DAT only (DAT removes dopamine from synaptic cleft) but the drug also acts directly in this area. This gives you the false feeling of having accomplished something good, when in fact you did not. The fact that the brain works with dopamine, like a computer works with electricity, doesn't really reflect on how both things relate to each other to produce complex behavior, nor how that would be beneficial to our lives.

Your brain chemistry is in a disregulated state if you take psychotropic drugs. Over time it performs several adaptation mechanisms to cancel the anomalous effect, but you will still be left with various ill side-effects because those adaptation mechanisms are initially very makeshift and can never perfectly undo the imbalances that the drug produces. For example you will very quickly fry your reward circuitry with cocaine, making everything you experience but taking the drug feel a lot less worthy to pursue, and the stimulating effects from increased catecholamines will also quickly fade. But you will be left with the ill cardiovascular side-effects for example and also be more prone to pursue risk-taking behavior, gambling and sex addiction, due to the drug acting on different subtypes of the receptor and in different brain areas which creates more fine-grained imbalances that are harder to cancel.

So no, nobody is denying that "heat" exists in your arteries. There is plenty of evidence for that, like people having fevers which are dangerous. Also no one is denying that slitting your wrist will remove heat from your system according to the laws of thermodynamics. However it is a non sequitur to think that it is desirable in order to improve everything you might associate with "decreasing heat", like being too aggressive to your wife, feeling on the edge at work or having frequent headaches. The same way people nowadays associate all sorts of things with dopamine, like happiness, love, sex or energy, that are in fact totally untrue to how the brain functions in a normal state.

I hope you understand.
Those are all drugs of abuse, whereas Welbutrin somewhat mimics them partially, which is why it shares some of the tolerance and withdrawal effects. No one is denying that drugs work by altering neurochemistry. But is this really desireable to you?

The reason cocaine works is because it short-circuits the nucleus accumbens. This can actually happen from blocking DAT only (DAT removes dopamine from synaptic cleft) but the drug also acts directly in this area. This gives you the false feeling of having accomplished something good, when in fact you did not. The fact that the brain works with dopamine, like a computer works with electricity, doesn't really reflect on how both things relate to each other to produce complex behavior, nor how that would be beneficial to our lives.

Your brain chemistry is in a disregulated state if you take psychotropic drugs. Over time it performs several adaptation mechanisms to cancel the anomalous effect, but you will still be left with various ill side-effects because those adaptation mechanisms are initially very makeshift and can never perfectly undo the imbalances that the drug produces. For example you will very quickly fry your reward circuitry with cocaine, making everything you experience but taking the drug feel a lot less worthy to pursue, and the stimulating effects from increased catecholamines will also quickly fade. But you will be left with the ill cardiovascular side-effects for example and also be more prone to pursue risk-taking behavior, gambling and sex addiction, due to the drug acting on different subtypes of the receptor and in different brain areas which creates more fine-grained imbalances that are harder to cancel.

So no, nobody is denying that "heat" exists in your arteries. There is plenty of evidence for that, like people having fevers which are dangerous. Also no one is denying that slitting your wrist will remove heat from your system according to the laws of thermodynamics. However it is a non sequitur to think that it is desirable in order to improve everything you might associate with "decreasing heat", like being too aggressive to your wife, feeling on the edge at work or having frequent headaches. The same way people nowadays associate all sorts of things with dopamine, like happiness, love, sex or energy, that are in fact totally untrue to how the brain functions in a normal state.

I hope you understand.
So is that why a hooker will ask her client if he wants a small line of cocaine before sex?
Thanks ... For that . U could have put it a different way . I was only asking
The idea is that dopamine is a renewable but not infinite. Also it is the neurotransmitter or pursuit and motivation, rather than reward. When pursuing something or a goal your dopamine cranks up and we feel good in pursuit. We are on the right path. Now once you reach the goal there is a lowering of dopamine even below baseline. So that is why it is important to clebrate the win/goal reach but not too much. And then do mundane tasks for a period of time (feels boring) So that dopamine can reset and you can pursue your interests furthere with the same happiness and motivation you have before.

The problem occurs when we keep trying to pursue dopmaine and never let levels return to baseline where depression comes in.

I hope this makes sense, Im on fire right now!

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