This thread isn't complete without a mention of selegiline, aka L-deprenyl. It gives you higher dopamine and possible anti-aging effects. Quoting
this article:
Selegiline is a MAO-B inhibitor (in regular doses), it inhibits the enzyme monoamine oxidase type B that oxidizes dopamine, [and] as a result the user keeps a higher level of dopamine. ...
Selegiline (Deprenyl) provides selective protection against the age-related degeneration of the dopaminergic nervous system. It protects sensitive dopamine-containing neurons from the age-associated increases in glial cells (non-neuron brain cells) and the monoamine oxidase (type B) that they contain. Selegiline is the first selective inhibitor of MAO-B ever discovered, it is the only one used in clinical practice, and it remains the scientific reference standard for B-type inhibition after more than 40 years.
Although the long-term use of Selegiline in normal people as a life-extension and cognitive-enhancing drug has yet to be definitively studied, animal research is extensive. Age-associated decrease in sexual performance and hunger drive in rodents (a dopaminergic function) is dramatically inhibited.
The lifespan studies of Selegiline in rodents is equally dramatic—all of the control rats die before the first Selegiline-treated rat dies.
The life-extending influence of Selegiline is not mediated through a food-restriction mechanism. Selegiline -treated animals maintain body weight better than control animals.