I agree. I find my wife attractive, don't get me wrong, but being in a situation with another female would vastly increase my libido. Eating the same cereal every day, no matter how much you love that cereal, gets old. However, with that being said, as a married Christian man, I don't have that option so I need to feel like that with my wife.
What I am saying is that for some of us, we have experienced a peak sexual desire what was off the charts. (I am not sure it's everyone that has experienced that.)
With your wife, people typically call it the honeymoon period, when you were first sexually involved and maybe the first 1-3 years. You can experience it in a monogamous relationship or in multiple sexual relationships.
Some situation where your hormones are in a good place AND you are in a highly sexually provocative situation.
But you can't replicate it with just hormones.
I had a somewhat extended period of honeymoon time and was intense because my GF/fiance/Wife (in that normal order) lived 7,000 miles away and we would see each other for 4-6 weeks. In between that time was 2-4 months where she would flirt on video/chat/internet.
It made getting together very intense, we could have sex 2,3,4 even 5 times in one day. I have had that before in other relationships, but this was the most intense.
So when you experience this turbocharged sexual libdo, some people want to replicate it and think they just need the right mix of hormones. BUT I don't think it's a natural situation that can last. For one thing, you don't get much work done.
I am happily married and wouldn't trade that for another wild sex ride with some other woman/women, for one thing I wouldn't do that to my wife, for another I know it will never last for a long time, and to attempt to do it
again you would need to create an even more provocative situation. It's kind of like a drug high, if you keep trying to get that high again it will end badly.
Right now i have a good libido, I don't think of sex at all waking moments like I did for a while and I wouldn't really want to go back to that. It was really fun while it lasted, but I am experienced enough to know it will eventually calm down.
There is no libido scale or range, a number that we can say is within range, or too high or too low. It makes it difficult to judge if someone has a hormone problem or unrealistic expectations.
And age does matter even if we try to say it doesn't, and I am 66. Right now the limiting factor for sex for me is more my wife's desire than mine, but I am also not all that interested in having to perform everyday, 1-2 times a week is fine with me. Maybe I would want it more if she did, but hard to say for sure. I was a little stunned by the intensity of this honeymoon period.
Even when my sexual libido was really, really high, it also depended on whom I was having sex with. For a while when I was first dating my wife before we were engaged, I was also dating another woman. so I could compare intensivity levels. It can be really different. (I am strictly monogamous when married, but not always when dating.)
This is why I say it depends on both your hormone levels and situation at the time.