I've been on TRT for years,and now I cant cum!!!


New Member
So, I've been self medicating TRT for a couple of years now, and very happy with the results...with some caveates. In genrea, happy with body composition issues. But 'sexual health' issues are a mixed bag.

I put in three categories:

1: Desire. TRT is a total boon. Makes me horny as hell. Totally solved!
2: Erections: Hello, viagra? Sorted. Totally works. I can nail a women up against the headboard for hours. literally.
3: Orgasim: Ooops. Turns out - except for special occasions - most women dont want to be railed and railed for hours at a time, with no sign of the guy evey going to cum. Not sure what's wrong with me, but no matter how sweet the sex, I have a very very difficult time orgasaming inside my girl. 90% I end up having to jerk off in front of her -which luckily she thinkis is kinda hot - but it's still odd. And 10% of time, i can jerk off non-stop - while she's putting on an INCREDIBLE show of her own for my benfit - and nothing. Not gonna happen. It's so weird. What is going on with me?
The questions that may assist the members here help you are:
How much testosterone are you taking and in what form?
Are you using HCG?
Have you done any recent tests for us to see?
How old are you?
Why are you using TRT?
How are your erections without Viagra? I was not sure from what you said if you need to use Viagra or not.
Do you experience good sexual sensation in the genitals?
Why are you self medicating?
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Men on TRT will see a large reduction in semen volume and force, HCG can restore both.

Some men have claimed to have problems with ejaculation and orgasm quality when estrogen is high.
What is going on with me?

Probably high prolactin, going from the symptoms. Get it tested, along with everything else.

Any chance you are using deca as part of your protocol? Pls share your full protocol with us.

And well done with point 1 (libido) which is where most people seem to fail!
This has nothing to do with semen volume,
It has to do with one of the hormones, mainly E2, progesterone or prolactin. High or low. High DHT also makes me too hard, to the point my penis feels number than usual
The questions that may assist the members here help you are:
How much testosterone are you taking and in what form?
Are you using HCG?
Have you done any recent tests for us to see?
How old are you?
Why are you using TRT?
How are your erections without Viagra? I was not sure from what you said if you need to use Viagra or not.
Do you experience good sexual sensation in the genitals?
Why are you self medicating?
*. I take either test prop, tren, or a 'cut mix'. Half a syringe every 3 to 4 days seems about right. I judge the amount and frequency based on if my nipples hurt; when they do I back it off.

* No HGC. I have some, but have yet to try it.

* 52 years old. 200lbs. Endomorphic body type. NOTE: I got really heavy at one point (300lps+) and have had gastro surgery to help bring it back down (SIPS)

* I have not run tests. I've been going off my mood and nipples to judge how hard to hit the sauce.

* Im using TRT to look good, feel good, and hopefully have a good sex life

* I can get an erection without viagra, but they dont last long enough for me to get to orgasm. If I came in 5 minutes like when I was 20, this would not be an issue, but thats not the case these days....

* Sex feels amazing. Especially with this girl. No complaints. That's why this is so disturbing. It feels amazing being inside a woman. WHy cant I cum? Why do I have to use my hand?
*. I take either test prop, tren, or a 'cut mix'. Half a syringe every 3 to 4 days seems about right. I judge the amount and frequency based on if my nipples hurt; when they do I back it off.

* No HGC. I have some, but have yet to try it.

* 52 years old. 200lbs. Endomorphic body type. NOTE: I got really heavy at one point (300lps+) and have had gastro surgery to help bring it back down (SIPS)

* I have not run tests. I've been going off my mood and nipples to judge how hard to hit the sauce.

* Im using TRT to look good, feel good, and hopefully have a good sex life

* I can get an erection without viagra, but they dont last long enough for me to get to orgasm. If I came in 5 minutes like when I was 20, this would not be an issue, but thats not the case these days....

* Sex feels amazing. Especially with this girl. No complaints. That's why this is so disturbing. It feels amazing being inside a woman. WHy cant I cum? Why do I have to use my hand?

I should mention that I do drink too much. But even when I havent been drinking, the O issue persists.
If I were to engage a professional to help me with this, what would I look for? I dont think my GP is the right path.

I was thinking about contacting one of these "longevity" dr's out there....

What about the "medical weight loss" places?
52 years old. 200lbs. Endomorphic body type. NOTE: I got really heavy at one point (300lps+) and have had gastro surgery to help bring it back down (SIPS)
Endomorphs respond best to high protein diets.

If I were to engage a professional to help me with this, what would I look for? I dont think my GP is the right path.

I was thinking about contacting one of these "longevity" dr's out there....

What about the "medical weight loss" places?
Just do a full hormone panel, and post results here
*. I take either test prop, tren, or a 'cut mix'. Half a syringe every 3 to 4 days seems about right. I judge the amount and frequency based on if my nipples hurt; when they do I back it off.

* No HGC. I have some, but have yet to try it.

* 52 years old. 200lbs. Endomorphic body type. NOTE: I got really heavy at one point (300lps+) and have had gastro surgery to help bring it back down (SIPS)

* I have not run tests. I've been going off my mood and nipples to judge how hard to hit the sauce.

* Im using TRT to look good, feel good, and hopefully have a good sex life

* I can get an erection without viagra, but they dont last long enough for me to get to orgasm. If I came in 5 minutes like when I was 20, this would not be an issue, but thats not the case these days....

* Sex feels amazing. Especially with this girl. No complaints. That's why this is so disturbing. It feels amazing being inside a woman. WHy cant I cum? Why do I have to use my hand?
Why are you on Trenbolone?
I agree with Bixt. This is not hormone replacement. You are taking AAS.
You are also taking a short acting T ester which may not be good for sustained TRT.
Your gonadotropins will most likely also be shut down and this may contributing to your sexual issue.
If you can only hold an erection for 5-10 mins without a PDE5i, I would suggest you have an erection issue too, this may also be in part from what you are taking.

Your nipples may not be sufficient indicators to reveal whether you are taking too much T or not and where that excess T is being converted too.
You have not revealed how much of these drugs you are currently taking?
2 years and no labs. Not good.

Did you have low T? Or have you instigated this protocol merely to try and improve your physical appearance and sex function?
Did you have this orgasm issue before starting AAS?

It is very good that you have been able to drop such a large amount of weight and the surgery has obviously helped this considerably. At 52 we need to be really looking after our bodies and I do not think you are doing this with what you are currently taking.

Find yourself and a good sexual health doctor with TRT experience and stop self medicating!
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*. I take either test prop, tren, or a 'cut mix'. Half a syringe every 3 to 4 days seems about right. I judge the amount and frequency based on if my nipples hurt; when they do I back it off.

* No HGC. I have some, but have yet to try it.

* 52 years old. 200lbs. Endomorphic body type. NOTE: I got really heavy at one point (300lps+) and have had gastro surgery to help bring it back down (SIPS)

* I have not run tests. I've been going off my mood and nipples to judge how hard to hit the sauce.

* Im using TRT to look good, feel good, and hopefully have a good sex life

* I can get an erection without viagra, but they dont last long enough for me to get to orgasm. If I came in 5 minutes like when I was 20, this would not be an issue, but thats not the case these days....

* Sex feels amazing. Especially with this girl. No complaints. That's why this is so disturbing. It feels amazing being inside a woman. WHy cant I cum? Why do I have to use my hand?
You need Cabergoline.....Tren and Deca is notorious for jacking Prolactin. You will shoot blanks if you dont get Prolactin in Check. Cut Mix is too strong to use as TRT
I'd like to chime in here because I have had several very similar experiences over the years while I experimented with different protocols to see what fits me best. And it took me forever to figure out how to solve the sexual issues, and yes I tried cabergoline as some have suggested here; it actually made things worse for me (not to mention that medication is expensive af even if compounded). The solution was much simpler for the sexual issues I experienced which were pretty much identical to yours.

I never used tren, so I can't talk for that specifically, although apparently that alone could be causing your issue. But even if we put tren aside for now, seeing your initial post and your responses, I can already tell you off the bat there are several major issues here.

I take either test prop, tren, or a 'cut mix'. Half a syringe every 3 to 4 days seems about right. I judge the amount and frequency based on if my nipples hurt; when they do I back it off.

First issue, too many moving parts. And not even a stable protocol at that. How in the hell are you going to fix anything if you don't even have a consistent protocol?

What exactly are you taking and in what amounts? How frequently? What is the dosage? "Half a syringe" does not mean anything. There are different sized syringes and different strengths for the various compounds you are taking. Half a syringe of test prop when that syringe is 3mL is very different than if it was 1mL.

When you "back off", how are you backing off? For how long? And same questions again here. What exactly are you taking and in what amounts? How frequently? What is the dosage?

I have not run tests. I've been going off my mood and nipples to judge how hard to hit the sauce.

Second issue, you are doing this blind. This is so wildly stupid. So many different things could be causing your issues, and you can't just go off of feeling alone. Your subjective experience matters a ton, but it's not the only factor here. Even on therapeutic compounds and dosages, wherein the risk is very low, you should STILL be doing bloods every 6-9 months or so. Even if you have been doing the same safe conservative protocol for years.

But what you are doing (see point #3 below) even moreso demands blood tests and constant monitoring.

You are taking a host of different compounds, and you have no idea what it is doing to your body internally. Adding more compounds in (such as cabergoline as others have suggested without even seeing your bloods) is unwise.

You have been doing this for a few years too according to your post.

Sorry, but this is like 19-year-old frat boy level stupid. Adding on to that, you are in your 50s, your body cannot handle the same abuse as it could when you were 19. You are going to cause yourself a very early death if you are not careful. And you are certainly not being careful.

I take either test prop, tren, or a 'cut mix'.

Third issue, you are NOT on TRT. You are on a steroid cycle. This is a very important distinction. As the effects (both positive and negative) tend to be different.

Steroid cycles are amazing for building muscle and getting jacked, but they also come with sides, and some of those sides are sexual side effects. As you are experiencing. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

Based on your responses, it appears as if you are in the "more is better" camp (at least until you feel sides). I know that you didn't explicitly state that, but that is what I am inferring from your responses. And while that IS true up to a point for building muscle specifically, it is not true when it comes to sexual function.

Once you pass a certain dosage in your protocol (that dosage being very individual, so I cannot even tell you what that dosage is in your case), you will only get marginally better gains while exponentially increasing the side effects. I would not be surprised at all if this was happening by you. And this is relating to having only one compound in your protocol (tesosterone), not multiple.

Even if you were on ONLY test, with nothing else involved, at a high dosage, you are still apt to experiencing these exact sexual side effects.

A few years ago I was in the "more is better" camp and I experimented with much higher dosages (of only T) at the time because I was under the impression that it would make EVERYTHING better. I was wrong.

Yeah, I got a lot more jacked very quick. But you know what else happened? I would be horny as fuck one day like unbearably horny, and then for a week straight I had zero sex drive. And it wasn't consistent either. It could be two days super horny, and then 3 weeks nothing. When I came, it would be a stupidly low and very liquidy amount of semen.

I would have to manually get myself turned on very strongly for any chance to cum, and even then not guaranteed.

AIs helped with the sexual problems somewhat, but they didn't solve the issue completely.

But you know what did solve the issue completely? It took me several years to figure out, but going to a normal dose of testosterone solved it.


Go on normal TRT, set that foundation first for a good 3-6 months minimum. "Normal" TRT means a maximum of 200mg T a week, and T alone, in one weekly injection or alternatively split up into 2-3 doses. And 200mg is the high end maximum, you should start with less. And build up.

Once you have a strong stable foundation with sexual function that you are happy with, WITH blood tests... THEN you can go and build upon that if you want to go on a steroid cycle. Because at least then you will have strong foundation to compare it to.

You may also notice on a steroid cycle (after doing TRT for a good amount of time) some side effects on a steroid cycle which you probably do not notice now because the cycle IS your foundation apparently.

I know that this is probably not the answer you wanted, but really there is no reason for you to make the same mistakes I made for several years.

You may find that your orgasms get much better within the first month of TRT. That's what happened to me, after experiencing your exact experience for a very long time (much longer than I would like to admit).

I hope that helps. Good luck! :)

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