4 Weeks In TRT: Sleep Quality Decline


Active Member
So I'm just over 4 weeks into starting TRT. 120mg Cyp weekly, pinned on Mon & Thu. A few things I've noticed

1) Prostate has to be somewhat enlarged. I now get up to urinate in the middle of the night and my urine stream is weaker. I did not have these issues before I started. Also, when I ejaculate, hardly much is coming out and when it does, it can dribble one day or shoot like normal the next.

2) My Deep Sleep is declining. I notice I wake up more often, in addition to the once a night to go piss, and my sleep is more restless. I wear an Oura Ring that tracks sleep and it's showing that my Deep Sleep has declined in the last 8 days or so.

3) My wife says I'm snoring a little bit more and louder. That's not a great sign.

I've heard/read that these things can happen and go away on their own. That is my hope. Looking for experiences from other guys...

I can't say that I'd be too happy that I'd have to now deal with taking more medicines for sleep or prostate. I try to do everything naturally, anyway. Not a fan of relying on drugs.

So I'm just over 4 weeks into starting TRT. 120mg Cyp weekly, pinned on Mon & Thu. A few things I've noticed
You're still very early in treatment and all of these unpleasantries are to be expected as your body tries to find homeostasis.
My wife says I'm snoring a little bit more and louder. That's not a great sign.
TRT can worsen sleep apnea (edema of the airways), so if you had a mild case pre-TRT, then now it might progress to a moderate or even severe case.
You're still very early in treatment and all of these unpleasantries are to be expected as your body tries to find homeostasis.

TRT can worsen sleep apnea (edema of the airways), so if you had a mild case pre-TRT, then now it might progress to a moderate or even severe case.

Thank you for the input. I am fine to leave it and just see how I go and if my body will adjust eventually. I've ready it took some guys up to six months for these symptoms to go away on their own.

I don't want to add the expense of a sleep study just yet and maybe look into some other OTC options to help with the snoring.
Also, when I ejaculate, hardly much is coming out and when it does, it can dribble one day or shoot like normal the next.
Your ejaculate volume and force will never be the same on TRT without HCG, so be prepared for that.

Also testicular size will decrease as well.
A 10 pound difference is all it takes for me to go from bad snoring to no snoring. 200 lbs and I'm snoring and having trouble breathing at night. 190 lbs and I'm totally fine.
Yeah, I think my weight gain isn't helping. I've definitely been eating a lot more, but not consciously, so I need to scale it back a bit. Water weight, maybe as well.
Your experience is very common around here. I had very similar side effects on 100mg weekly (split E3.5). 15lb of mostly water weight, sleep apnea (which I never had before), and similar prostate/sexual issues. The side effects only got worse with time. I ended up quitting TRT for awhile only to come back later on low dose daily injections, which minimize most of the side effects.

In my particular case, it was largely a function of dose and ester type.
Your experience is very common around here. I had very similar side effects on 100mg weekly (split E3.5). 15lb of mostly water weight, sleep apnea (which I never had before), and similar prostate/sexual issues. The side effects only got worse with time. I ended up quitting TRT for awhile only to come back later on low dose daily injections, which minimize most of the side effects.

In my particular case, it was largely a function of dose and ester type.
What ester type worked best for you? which was a problem?
What ester type worked best for you? which was a problem?

This; I’m also curious!.

I was on a Cyp/Prop blend of 160/40 the first 3 weeks, pinning MWF and switched last week to Cyp. Maybe I should have stayed on the blend, but it just seemed like being on straight Cyp was best.
What ester type worked best for you? which was a problem?
This; I’m also curious!.

I was on a Cyp/Prop blend of 160/40 the first 3 weeks, pinning MWF and switched last week to Cyp. Maybe I should have stayed on the blend, but it just seemed like being on straight Cyp was best.
I originally switched to straight daily Propionate, which is faster acting. Zero water retention versus 15lbs on Cypionate. Note however that this is not an apples-to-apples comparison because I had moved to daily injections on Prop. Dose frequency also seemed to help.

There is much debate around here about whether Prop causes less water retention, but it certainly did for me and many others. But prop-only protocol is a bit harsh because you're dealing with higher peaks and lower valleys.

To smooth things out, I switched this year to low dose daily 4:3 blend of Enanthate / Prop. Couple lbs of water weight, but minimal by comparison.

You may want to try gradually lowering your dose first with Cyp and see if that helps. IMO, Prop-only or Prop blend only makes sense if you are willing to do daily injections.
So I'm just over 4 weeks into starting TRT. 120mg Cyp weekly, pinned on Mon & Thu. A few things I've noticed

1) Prostate has to be somewhat enlarged. I now get up to urinate in the middle of the night and my urine stream is weaker. I did not have these issues before I started. Also, when I ejaculate, hardly much is coming out and when it does, it can dribble one day or shoot like normal the next.

2) My Deep Sleep is declining. I notice I wake up more often, in addition to the once a night to go piss, and my sleep is more restless. I wear an Oura Ring that tracks sleep and it's showing that my Deep Sleep has declined in the last 8 days or so.

3) My wife says I'm snoring a little bit more and louder. That's not a great sign.

I've heard/read that these things can happen and go away on their own. That is my hope. Looking for experiences from other guys...

I can't say that I'd be too happy that I'd have to now deal with taking more medicines for sleep or prostate. I try to do everything naturally, anyway. Not a fan of relying on drugs.

If you have a good physician helping you, they should counsel you on the potential adverse events. That way, you can manage them if and when they may occur. Everything you mention so far, can happen when you are taking testosterone. As to the sleep, other have mentioned sleep apnea increasing which it can, and be ready to talk with your primary care doc about a sleep study. Thats the best way to get diagnosed. Sleep is critical. it can effect so many of your body functions, overall health and well being. Weight gain can happen, however, if you are not working out hard the weight gain can happen from fluid retention too. You just have to keep an eye on your body and watch for the signs.
So I'm just over 4 weeks into starting TRT. 120mg Cyp weekly, pinned on Mon & Thu. A few things I've noticed

1) Prostate has to be somewhat enlarged. I now get up to urinate in the middle of the night and my urine stream is weaker. I did not have these issues before I started. Also, when I ejaculate, hardly much is coming out and when it does, it can dribble one day or shoot like normal the next.

2) My Deep Sleep is declining. I notice I wake up more often, in addition to the once a night to go piss, and my sleep is more restless. I wear an Oura Ring that tracks sleep and it's showing that my Deep Sleep has declined in the last 8 days or so.

3) My wife says I'm snoring a little bit more and louder. That's not a great sign.

I've heard/read that these things can happen and go away on their own. That is my hope. Looking for experiences from other guys...

I can't say that I'd be too happy that I'd have to now deal with taking more medicines for sleep or prostate. I try to do everything naturally, anyway. Not a fan of relying on drugs.

Hi HYD21, exogenous T can increase your metabolism. If you're eating more, are you eating more protein? If so this can be a cause of dehydration. You didn't mention your age. I have found these types of symptoms have increased as I have aged, from about 50 yo to present day (66). Just my $0.02. Stay safe!
So I'm just over 4 weeks into starting TRT. 120mg Cyp weekly, pinned on Mon & Thu. A few things I've noticed

1) Prostate has to be somewhat enlarged. I now get up to urinate in the middle of the night and my urine stream is weaker. I did not have these issues before I started. Also, when I ejaculate, hardly much is coming out and when it does, it can dribble one day or shoot like normal the next.

2) My Deep Sleep is declining. I notice I wake up more often, in addition to the once a night to go piss, and my sleep is more restless. I wear an Oura Ring that tracks sleep and it's showing that my Deep Sleep has declined in the last 8 days or so.

3) My wife says I'm snoring a little bit more and louder. That's not a great sign.

I've heard/read that these things can happen and go away on their own. That is my hope. Looking for experiences from other guys...

I can't say that I'd be too happy that I'd have to now deal with taking more medicines for sleep or prostate. I try to do everything naturally, anyway. Not a fan of relying on drugs.


Your listed side effects (#1-3) are virtually exactly what I have also experienced on TRT as well! I have the exact same prostate symptoms - weak urinary stream, waking up to go to bathroom, very weak and difficult ejaculation (worse than BEFORE TRT)

How are you doing anyway? Are you showing any signs of improvement?

Your listed side effects (#1-3) are virtually exactly what I have also experienced on TRT as well! I have the exact same prostate symptoms - weak urinary stream, waking up to go to bathroom, very weak and difficult ejaculation (worse than BEFORE TRT)

How are you doing anyway? Are you showing any signs of improvement?
@DarkMan X

Thanks for asking. I am actually doing a little bit better. This week is my 9th week.

My sleep has improved, and the deep sleep has returned a little bit to where it was before TRT, but here and there it's a miss.

I still get up to piss once a night, which wasn't happening as often before TRT. The urine stream is a little bit better than when I originally posted. Sometimes when I ejaculate, it's a flood and other times it dribbles. Don't know what to make of that.

I am going to a Uro tomorrow to do a DRE. My 6 weeks labs showed my PSA was at 1.2 which is decent/good at 45 y/o.

The water weight has gone down a bit.

The biggest thing here, too, is that my anxiety is recendinig, and I am sure that was contributing to my urine and sleep issues.

A few years ago I went through a really stressfull time and my pelvic floor muscles went slightly hypertonic, meaning they were involuntarily tightening up which was causing weaker streams and increased frequency. I think that my have played a role here as well, so I started doing certain PFD exercises and things have improved a bit.

If you are stressed, I highly suggest you look into Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and how that effects CPPS/Prostate/Urinary issues. It is a shame they don't teach this shit to us in high school or college and most GPs dont' know it either and just put you on a med or refer you to a Uro. ...Our system is a racket.

Let me know how else I can help or if you have any other questions.
@DarkMan X

Thanks for asking. I am actually doing a little bit better. This week is my 9th week.

My sleep has improved, and the deep sleep has returned a little bit to where it was before TRT, but here and there it's a miss.

I still get up to piss once a night, which wasn't happening as often before TRT. The urine stream is a little bit better than when I originally posted. Sometimes when I ejaculate, it's a flood and other times it dribbles. Don't know what to make of that.

I am going to a Uro tomorrow to do a DRE. My 6 weeks labs showed my PSA was at 1.2 which is decent/good at 45 y/o.

The water weight has gone down a bit.

The biggest thing here, too, is that my anxiety is recendinig, and I am sure that was contributing to my urine and sleep issues.

A few years ago I went through a really stressfull time and my pelvic floor muscles went slightly hypertonic, meaning they were involuntarily tightening up which was causing weaker streams and increased frequency. I think that my have played a role here as well, so I started doing certain PFD exercises and things have improved a bit.

If you are stressed, I highly suggest you look into Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and how that effects CPPS/Prostate/Urinary issues. It is a shame they don't teach this shit to us in high school or college and most GPs dont' know it either and just put you on a med or refer you to a Uro. ...Our system is a racket.

Let me know how else I can help or if you have any other questions.

Crazy! I also suspected my pelvic floor to be an issue ever since March 25, 2008. That day was the last of 11 sessions of "colonic hydrotherapy" suggested to me by an expensive "alternative doctor" who only uses supplements and tries to avoid drugs at all costs.

Just in case you've never heard of colonic hydrotherapy - it's basically when a practitioner sticks a plastic hose up your ass, fills your colon with water, and a good practitioner/therapist will basically spend the next 40 or so minutes using both bands to press down on your belly very hard and repeatedly. This supposedly helps your colon rid itself of "impacted toxins" that accumulate over the years from stress, eating poorly, etc.... Since I was able to do 11 sessions of this means that I really did see improvements in a food allergy to fish (tuna), and it also helped certain asthmatic-type symptoms I was having to various dust, mold, and other such things in my house.

My theory is that somehow this procedure really irritated my prostate gland since it's located right where the plastic hose enters your body. After March 25th 2008, I also started having severe sexual problems (I was only 25 yrs old) at the same time as a weaker urine stream! I visited countless urologists back then, but all their antibiotics kept giving me sharp left-side chest pains.... so I just had to suffer.

My older sister is actually a doctor. She even told my parents that pharma reps treated her to expensive dinners, expensive paid vacations - all in exchange for her to push their new, patented, unproven medications. Talk about corruption, huh?

JYD: Would you recommend seeing a doctor about the Pelvic floor issues? My gut instinct is seriously telling me that this is a major problem hiding inside my body.

Anyway - keep in touch. Let me know how TRT is going for you.
Crazy! I also suspected my pelvic floor to be an issue ever since March 25, 2008. That day was the last of 11 sessions of "colonic hydrotherapy" suggested to me by an expensive "alternative doctor" who only uses supplements and tries to avoid drugs at all costs.

Just in case you've never heard of colonic hydrotherapy - it's basically when a practitioner sticks a plastic hose up your ass, fills your colon with water, and a good practitioner/therapist will basically spend the next 40 or so minutes using both bands to press down on your belly very hard and repeatedly. This supposedly helps your colon rid itself of "impacted toxins" that accumulate over the years from stress, eating poorly, etc.... Since I was able to do 11 sessions of this means that I really did see improvements in a food allergy to fish (tuna), and it also helped certain asthmatic-type symptoms I was having to various dust, mold, and other such things in my house.

My theory is that somehow this procedure really irritated my prostate gland since it's located right where the plastic hose enters your body. After March 25th 2008, I also started having severe sexual problems (I was only 25 yrs old) at the same time as a weaker urine stream! I visited countless urologists back then, but all their antibiotics kept giving me sharp left-side chest pains.... so I just had to suffer.

My older sister is actually a doctor. She even told my parents that pharma reps treated her to expensive dinners, expensive paid vacations - all in exchange for her to push their new, patented, unproven medications. Talk about corruption, huh?

JYD: Would you recommend seeing a doctor about the Pelvic floor issues? My gut instinct is seriously telling me that this is a major problem hiding inside my body.

Anyway - keep in touch. Let me know how TRT is going for you.
Yes: crazy. There's a reason they don't teach us how medicine/pharma works to high school seniors or college grads. The more you know, the more you won't trust it. The same goes for central banking, but that's a different forum...

I digress...

Read up on Pelvic Floor Dysfunction for me and urinary issues/symptoms. See how it relates to CPPS and how that relates to prostate and urinary issues. Stay away from things like Healthline.com, etc. Anything mainstrean or first on a Google search is likely connected to pharma, pushing a drug to treat symptoms.

I would start by doing Pelvic Floor/CPPS stretches for men twice a day, from 15-30 minutes each time. You may notice relief within 7 days; I have when it flairs up.

Also, sex is fine, but too much tensing up or chronic masturbation can exacerbate an already tight pelvic floor, so just keep that in mind. If you jerk it or 'edge' or any of that stuff, be very aware of what that can do to you if your PF is already tight.

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Thanks dude.

I totally agree that mainstream health sites like healthline, webmd, etc.. are pushed by big pharma.

I'm curious: Where do you go if you need to do research about health issues?

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