TRT and sleep fragmentation


New Member
49 year old here. Sleep has always been important to me. Even as a teen I would put myself to bed early so I could get 8-9 hours of sleep. Several years ago the fragmented sleep started. Currently, I'm waking up 3-4 times a night. I shoot for 8 hours of sleep and always seem to wake up 30-45 minutes early along with the waking up multiple times a night. I go to the bathroom while I'm up but there's not a huge urge. I just go cause "might as well I'm awake"
Of course, the first thing the Dr. suggested was testing for sleep apnea and that makes perfect sense. Was diagnosed with apnea (I'm 6' 2" and 210 pounds). Did the sleep studies and got the CPAP. I was so stoked to get this issue fixed, but it didn't work. I was desperate to feel better so I did some googling and found all the symptoms I was attributing to lack of sleep could be low T. Depressed. Poor erections. Low motivation. Foggy brain. Low sex drive. Poor memory. Rather than wait to convince the Dr. I ran and got a test for T because I needed to know right away. Test came back at 202. Gave it to the Dr. and he was down to start TRT. Was on the gel (1 pump) for a month and it wasn't helping so I went to the Dr. Got another test and it came back at 237. Dr. upped it to 4 pumps and that's where I'm at. No improvement on sleep yet. Feel like shit.
I'm not interested in talking about the effectiveness of the gel. I know it sucks. I'm working through that with my doctor. He's all about helping me and I've talked about shots with him and we may end up going that route. It's just an annoyingly slow process. From the sound of it having a general practitioner who is down to help with TRT is good to have. I have insurance so that keeps the costs down.
I feel like if I could just get solid good sleep all would be better. I'd be able to have the motivation to do 30-50 mile bike rides like I used to. The exercise would further improve well being and sleep.
Anyone here have the sleep disruption as the primary symptom? Did it improve? Sleep doesn't seem to be as discussed as other symptoms. How long did it take to improve? I welcome any and all comments how sleep has or hasn't improved with TRT.
I feel like if I could just get solid good sleep all would be better.
Here's the problem, if the low-T is causing the poor sleep, you can't fix the poor sleep. You are hypogonadal, atherosclerosis, (damage to penile tissue at 400 ng/dL) occurs at your TT levels.

You're not going to get much of a natural increase in testosterone at your age, realistic expectations, you might and I stress might get to 350ng/dL, which is still undoubtedly low!

You're not going to achieve healthy youthful testosterone at 49 years old!

Things are very likely beyond the point of no return for you.


Did it improve? Sleep doesn't seem to be as discussed as other symptoms.
When I was diagnosed with low-T, I was awake at night unable to sleep. TRT has restored my sleep quality.
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