Rest day tips please


I have been working out more now doing jiu jitsu and it seems that every third day I need to rest. My typical day working out is about 1 hour of class and then 1 hour of rolling "live training". I am just totally worn out after two days in a row.

What do you eat, drink or try to do on your rest day. Do you do any sort of stretching or light excercise or just rest?
I have been working out more now doing jiu jitsu and it seems that every third day I need to rest. My typical day working out is about 1 hour of class and then 1 hour of rolling "live training". I am just totally worn out after two days in a row.

What do you eat, drink or try to do on your rest day. Do you do any sort of stretching or light excercise or just rest?

Are you on TRT? After I started I feel like I can workout forever.
Not on TRT, I feel fine on the day of working out but after two days of it I am drained. You use so many different muscles that something is always sore. When I first started I got hurt all the time.
Recovery is closely related to PNS (unless under major major stress)
Thankfully The nervous system is adaptable.
Dont worry after 6-12 weeks you should adapt (how long has this been going on for)
the repeated bout effect is not purely for muscles, it also works with the nervous system, hence if your benching 225x10 and you stop training chest for a few months, itll only take a month or two (probs a few weeks) to get back to 225x10 even if you were back down to 135x10

if you wish for your body to adapt quicker, maybe add a set of pushups, and body weight squats.
till near failure.
and yes, cardio may help. it cant hurt anyways.
Well I think I am starting to recover quicker over last couple of weeks I have tried going three days in a row and resting on fourth day. Last night I actually trained for two hard hours drinking full gallon of water with a bcaa post workout supplement and I am not tired or really sore this morning.
if you wish for your body to adapt quicker, maybe add a set of pushups, and body weight squats.
till near failure.
and yes, cardio may help. it cant hurt anyways.

Actually I have been thinking about starting to do weights again after years so maybe now it the right time.

Since delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS), typically takes 24-48 hours to occur, it makes complete sense that you need every third day off from training.
JWSimpkins listed some good choices. I have used contrast showers for many years. One key point to remember is to always finish with cold as stated in the article. In perfect world, you'd have both a whirlpool (104-105 degrees is the norm) and cold plunge available. Generally, with the exception of Europe, you're going to have a tough time finding a cold plunge as most were taken out of "wet areas," due to possible health implications for those with pre-existing cardiac conditions. Since most people cannot afford massage on a regular basis as stated in the article, the foam roller is a good option (try using it on the iliotibial band, if you are feeling brave) as well as transverse friction massage, which can be self-applied to an area such as the long-head of the bicep tendon, which is a problematic area. On another subject, balanced nutrition will likely yield the greatest results (depending how you look at it), in regards to DOMS. The following article: "ISSN Exercise and Sport Nutrition Review: Research and Recommendations is an outstanding resource for every member in this forum. I highly recommend this review for anyone serious about nutrition.
@ Daniel.... My rest day usually consists of stretching (my hamstrings are as tight as a drum) and some walking. I do supplement my workouts with a pre and a post workout formula.
Weight training rest days are different the a whole body workout which is what you get from martial arts. I would say you are using a lot of the small stabilizer and other muscles that you dont use during weight training. As you know you can pick body parts and rotate days which gives you somewhat of a recover day. But martial arts is more like a football workout where you are full body training. If you played you know you didnt take days off but you stretched everyday. If you dont have them get the massage rollers and work the muscles where you have built up the lactic acid and work the muscle group. Make sure to stretch everyday not just rest days and to stretches after a light warm up dont do them cold. There are a lot of the stretches on YouTube there is a guy name Yuri that has a number of good conditioning routines that could be helpful.

As a cyclist I have rest days after a full out effort ride where I go past my lactic acid threshold for a sustain effort. A rest day is supposed to be a light ride with spinning which never happens so I dont even get on the bike. I do some light core and conditioning the stretching. next day ready to go all out again.
I'm still waiting for my androgel to kick in , as its only going onto the 3rd treatment .

I'n my past weight training ..and present.... I get very sore/stiff knees and right shoulder.

So much so, that i'm very cautious (actually timid) to perform compounds like bench,squats or deadlifts.

And if i even do perform them, i do with ridiculously cautious weight i dont aggravate these areas further.

My main question is: since i just started taking androgel, ....will I , or could I experience acclerated healing/recovery
of these problem joint areas i have i can pursure these lifts with more vigor and aggression ??

I don't know if androgel helps with healing of ligment/tendon/joint regions , but this has been a real frustration
for me for the past many years. Can joint issues in themselves be related to low-T ??

thanks if you can help me,

~~ Dwayne
I am very conservative and do not do squats or most free weight exercises. I believe one can me muscular using cables, machines and lower weights. I frequently see guys going all the way with weights but most end up injuring themselves and getting fat in the long run due to frequent gym breaks due to injuries.

TRT may help you recover a bit faster but may also give you too much confidence to push yourself too hard and end up injured. Be careful.
I am very conservative and do not do squats or most free weight exercises. I believe one can me muscular using cables, machines and lower weights. I frequently see guys going all the way with weights but most end up injuring themselves and getting fat in the long run due to frequent gym breaks due to injuries.

TRT may help you recover a bit faster but may also give you too much confidence to push yourself too hard and end up injured. Be careful.

Well Nelson ...if you don't mind me sayin''ve built up an very high degree of muscularity and size!!! (based on your pics i've seen)

Now was this all built on the machines you're advocating ??

In other words you build your foundation first from past yrs mostly on free weights
and now are maintaining on machines ??

or ....did you start out on day 1 on machines and building with machines alone? Even up to present time ?

My inquiring mind wants to know! :)

Keep it real,

~~ Dwayne

PS -- probably a good time to mention here ....
my supplements consist of Gaspari Myo-Fusion Protein, Omega-3 Fish Oil Gel Caps, Mutivitamin/ Greens tablet (GNC)

Trying to eat reasonably clean, every 3.5 -4 hrs, good carbs/ clean proteins every feeding time, ...and a shake before bed.
Attempting to wait 2-3 full days before training body part again ....cardio included in warming up 10-15 min (light)

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