Urologist was not happy


Had an interesting meeting today with my urologist about some ED issues. When he heard I was on TRT he started asking a lot of questions, criticized my levels, butthurt I was going to a clinic, told me the clinics don’t have real md’s but naturopath’s, etc. Generally left me feeling scolded and like I was doing something wrong and had I come to him he would have handled it differently, etc. I was surprised. Is this a normal response?
Maybe 60-70% of the time. They probably feel "they" are the chosen ones and no one else should handle TRT, and that the mills steal their business.

Happens with plumbers, mechanics, you name it. I have never seen a plumber who didnt have anything bad to say about the previous plumbers work.

Guess human plumbers are no different.
I had a PCP who was awesome. Technically he was a cardiologist but many of us used him as our primary. He provided everything a TRT clinic provided for the cost of a co-pay. He was open to additional medication if you provided quality research. Sadly, he retired and docs like him are rare. Most just want you to stay inside their network even though they are not well versed on TRT.
Had an interesting meeting today with my urologist about some ED issues. When he heard I was on TRT he started asking a lot of questions, criticized my levels, butthurt I was going to a clinic, told me the clinics don’t have real md’s but naturopath’s, etc. Generally left me feeling scolded and like I was doing something wrong and had I come to him he would have handled it differently, etc. I was surprised. Is this a normal response?
He has the bedside manner of an oaf. He could have calmly explained his opinion of TRT clinics, not berate you or make you feel like a child. He might be a great doctor for all you know but he's got issues. 35 years ago in Miami, my father was referred to a supposedly top flight cardiologist. Well, the doctor turned out to an arrogant asshole and my father, never one to back down, gave it back to the guy. It was a large waiting area and everyone heard my father shouting at this doctor. Someone like that doctor or your urologist,or anyone abusive or offensive, doesn't expect someone to come back at them. There's a time and place for an aggressive verbal response.
Had an interesting meeting today with my urologist about some ED issues. When he heard I was on TRT he started asking a lot of questions, criticized my levels, butthurt I was going to a clinic, told me the clinics don’t have real md’s but naturopath’s, etc. Generally left me feeling scolded and like I was doing something wrong and had I come to him he would have handled it differently, etc. I was surprised. Is this a normal response?
I had that same exact experience. Changed urologists and never looked back.
Had an interesting meeting today with my urologist about some ED issues. When he heard I was on TRT he started asking a lot of questions, criticized my levels, butthurt I was going to a clinic, told me the clinics don’t have real md’s but naturopath’s, etc. Generally left me feeling scolded and like I was doing something wrong and had I come to him he would have handled it differently, etc. I was surprised. Is this a normal response?
IMHO, its time to "hasta la vista" to your urologists' and find a new one. I would never put up with a scolding from any doctor. Nor do I see any professional ethics at demeaning other doctor's decisions. Naturopaths are accredited and licensed medical doctors.
I’ve found most TRT clinic docs are better than most PCP type docs. Most med places out where I’m at tell you you’re fine because you don’t have diabetes or cancer and then you move along. I remember arguing with one way back asking to have my estrogen tested because I had all the symptoms of low estrogen and took something that would lower my estrogen. She never would so I just ordered one and what do you know, almost no E2.

Good ones are still great, but most PCP types quite literally use the internal WebMD of their parent hospital and all of them are only allowed to check boxes and see what insurance would cover. I’ve had some nice ones but most seemingly have no desire to help you. At least if you’re a guy without diabetes or cancer.
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I had a PCP who was awesome. Technically he was a cardiologist but many of us used him as our primary. He provided everything a TRT clinic provided for the cost of a co-pay. He was open to additional medication if you provided quality research. Sadly, he retired and docs like him are rare. Most just want you to stay inside their network even though they are not well versed on TRT.
How can I find a GP/physician in my area like this? San Jose, California, which I am sure is damn near impossible.
I have a friend that is a doctor that asked me, "What do you call the worst student in med school?" The answer is "Doctor". Once you get into med school all you have to do is pass to become a doctor.
I'd kick that urologist to the curb and go find another one who will work with you. This is like one physician who once told me "You're fine". Umm...no I'm not - I don't feel "fine" and I'm having <this> issue. I heard "You're fine" the second time. I parted ways with that physician immediately and let him know exactly why too. Either work with me or without me - your choice doc.
I have a friend that is a doctor that asked me, "What do you call the worst student in med school?" The answer is "Doctor". Once you get into med school all you have to do is pass to become a doctor.
My urologist and I once discussed why there are so many doctors and most are mediocre and maybe that's a charitable description. We were in agreement that such doctors have zero desire to learn anything beyond what they were taught in medical school and post grad training.

The doctors who do TRT and hormonal augmentation(thyroid, DHEA, pregnenolone, HCG, etc.) have a real interest and either sought out doctors who were doing it and apprenticed with them(my doctor w/Dr. Shippen) or out to CA with Dr. Rouzier, or read books(Dr. Shippen's I believe was the first TRT book) or took online seminars or went to A4M CEM courses. I listened on YouTube to Dr. Nichol's journey as a patient seeking TRT. It was painful to listen to because he's a medical doctor and he came to see how little his colleagues knew about low T. He eventually found his way to Dr. Rouzier's clinic in California. Dr. Rouzier is self-taught, his specialty being emergency medicine. Dr. Shippen was a general practitioner and his interest in hormones was piqued by men who would come in complaining of loss of erections or sex drive or overwhelming fatigue and depression. He didn't know what to do but he knew those men needed help, so he began teaching himself.
How can I find a GP/physician in my area like this? San Jose, California, which I am sure is damn near impossible.
IMO, you're in a good place. San Jose, Menlo Park, the Bay area. I'm in Central Florida/Cape Canaveral. Within an hour's drive five doctors who do TRT and that includes my urologist.
I have a friend that is a doctor that asked me, "What do you call the worst student in med school?" The answer is "Doctor". Once you get into med school all you have to do is pass to become a doctor.
Vman, I almost feel off the couch laughing! How true, and even worse, how many doctors even bother with a lot of continual education in their specialty? Many are like PhD's and stop learning once they leave school.
I had a GP tell me his clinic no longer wants to have me as a patient as the medication I was on for PTSD wasn’t something he could proscribe. I was seeing a different GP that worked for him but left so he told me to find a new doctor. I was asking for a referral to see a specialist about my PTSD and Tourette’s but he sat back in his chair crossed his arms and told me to leave and find a new doctor.
I reported him to the medical board but they didn’t care
I had a GP tell me his clinic no longer wants to have me as a patient as the medication I was on for PTSD wasn’t something he could proscribe. I was seeing a different GP that worked for him but left so he told me to find a new doctor. I was asking for a referral to see a specialist about my PTSD and Tourette’s but he sat back in his chair crossed his arms and told me to leave and find a new doctor.
I reported him to the medical board but they didn’t care
The first GP I went to when I ran into some issues told me she thinks it was all in my head and I should see a psyche. I then just ordered the tests I wanted myself and I was right about all of them.

Some people are bad at their jobs but between yours and mine and others experiences, I’m continually surprised by how bad some GPs actually are at their jobs.
Had an interesting meeting today with my urologist about some ED issues. When he heard I was on TRT he started asking a lot of questions, criticized my levels, butthurt I was going to a clinic, told me the clinics don’t have real md’s but naturopath’s, etc. Generally left me feeling scolded and like I was doing something wrong and had I come to him he would have handled it differently, etc. I was surprised. Is this a normal response?
Omg. You’re telling my exact story. Abs that’s why I left him. He was going To completely change my protocol. And change my daily cialis to 2xs a week. To top it off he called me afree I got home and asked me if He wrote me a script for prostate SR that he heave me 4 weeks earlier. I’m sticking g with my men's health clinic. They know me better!!
I had a GP tell me his clinic no longer wants to have me as a patient as the medication I was on for PTSD wasn’t something he could proscribe. I was seeing a different GP that worked for him but left so he told me to find a new doctor. I was asking for a referral to see a specialist about my PTSD and Tourette’s but he sat back in his chair crossed his arms and told me to leave and find a new doctor.
I reported him to the medical board but they didn’t care

There’s a reason. A GP. Is not trained in psychiatry, it is not in their scope of practice. Basically this means a GP giving psychotropics is essentially doing a google search and prescribing from his research, not his experience. A GP prescribing like that is not the best care and can be problematic. I am a psychotherapist and have been for over 20 years and can see both sides of the issue. I’d estimate that it is about a 50/50 shot. I have seen the other side where a client of mine sees his GP and gets on a medication that does not work, comes off abruptly-and has a major problem. Don’t take your doctor’s response personally. He’s being responsible, despite what you assume.

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