Experiencing Lightheadedness And Dizzy Spells The Last Few Days

Here are the test results.

Labs taken on February 21, 2022


ComponentYour ValueStandard Range

WBC Count

5.6 K/uL

3.8 - 10.6 K/uL

RBC Count

6.24 M/uL

4.40 - 6.00 M/uL


15.8 g/dL

13.5 - 17.0 g/dL


47.1 %

41 - 53 %


75.5 fl

80 - 100 fl


25.3 pg

26 - 34 pg


33.5 g/dL

31 - 37 g/dL


18.2 %

<14.5 %

Platelet Count

208 K/uL

150 - 450 K/uL
Comprehensive Metabolic Profile

ComponentYour ValueStandard Range


88 mg/dL

60 - 140 mg/dL


139 mmol/L

135 - 145 mmol/L


4.1 mmol/L

3.5 - 5.0 mmol/L


105 mmol/L

98 - 111 mmol/L

Carbon Dioxide

27 mmol/L

21 - 35 mmol/L

Anion Gap


3 - 13

Blood Urea Nitrogen

36 mg/dL

10 - 25 mg/dL


1.04 mg/dL

<1.28 mg/dL

IDMS Standardized.


28 IU/L

<35 IU/L


33 IU/L

<52 IU/L

Alkaline Phosphatase

60 IU/L

40 - 140 IU/L

Bilirubin, Total

0.7 mg/dL

<1.2 mg/dL


9.0 mg/dL

8.6 - 10.4 mg/dL

Protein, Total, Serum

7.0 g/dL

6.0 - 8.3 g/dL


4.3 g/dL

3.7 - 4.8 g/dL


2.7 g/dL

1.7 - 3.6 g/dL

A/G Ratio


0.9 - 1.8

Corrected Calcium

9.1 mg/dL

8.7 - 10.1 mg/dL

GFR nonafrican american

87 ml/min/1.73m2

>60 ml/min/1.73m2
Well.... does anything on this list show a sign of dizziness?? Anything look odd?

The good news is your hematocrit (47%) is lower than what you were hitting on your previous bloodwork from Sept.30/2021 but your RBCs are still high and you have low MCV, MCH, and high RDW which could be an indication of a nutrient deficiency (iron, folate, b12).

I would look into testing your ferritin/iron.

Still looking forward to seeing where your trough TT, FT, and estradiol sit on your current protocol let alone SHBG.

From post #16

Based on all my research it seems my body makes more RBC while on straight Test Cyp without mixing anything else. When I was taking Test Cyp along with Deca the RBC didn't jump nor did the Hematocrit/Hemoglobin as much. In fact... it didn't even come close to how the RBC multiplies quicker on Test Cyp alone. Why? Does anyone know?

Although ND can drive up RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit it is more common when using high doses.

You were only injecting 70 mg/week split (35 mg every 3.5 days) which is not that high of a weekly dose.

Some men may have issues even when using lower doses but it would be far from common.
Madman - With all due respect you come on strong with your posts at times. Insinuating I'm brain dead with TRT. I gain easily 4 lbs of water weight without the AI on or around 140mg of Test Cyp a week. It may not seem much to you or anyone else... but lugging around 4 lbs of water weight wears me out. I do the stairclimber always at a set level and I'm struggling for air/oxygen. Blood pressure is much higher around the 140+ mark. Heart rate is also much higher pushing around 178 beats per minute. Then when I take the AI at around 0.25mg (possibly a tad less) every 3.5 days... blood pressure comes back to around 120.... and heart rate on the stair climber comes back down to around 163 beats per minute. So is it all in my head? No. I'm constantly observing and analyzing... writing things down as I go. I have all my injections written down... the amounts... the time... date... since I started March 7, 2019. I want to know how many total test cyp mg's were in system.... and the length of days... and compare it to RBC and to every blood donation. You know what the funny thing is??? Based on all my research it seems my body makes more RBC while on straight Test Cyp without mixing anything else. When I was taking Test Cyp along with Deca the RBC didn't jump nor did the Hematocrit/Hemoglobin as much. In fact... it didn't even come close to how the RBC multiplies quicker on Test Cyp alone. Why? Does anyone know?

Systemlord - I will definitely take into consideration injecting lower amounts more frequently. I will also run a Free T3 on my next labs.... Thanks!

Nelson - I'm hoping you're right! I'm fearing the worst... but I'll just have to adjust to what the lab throws at me. I keep logging in to see if the labs are ready... they aren't ready yet. I did take my Thyroid pill that Friday morning about 2 hours before seeing the surgical doctor.... perhaps it is causing dizziness? I'm hoping to run TSH labs Wednesday or Thursday this week. Thanks for all of your help! Much appreciated!

Take some time and read over your previous thread.

Again would be a smart move to test your ferritin/iron!
Yes Madman.... I do remember my thread. As days, weeks, and months have moved on I've learned a lot and I continually learn.

I've learned that everyone's case is different with TRT. Sometimes lab reports are meaningless. We wait and wait and wait..... then we change protocol.... we're still in the same situation. ED issues... sensitivity issues.... and no resolution. The merry go round continues.

It's remarkable that my Hematocrit and Hemoglobin aren't rising anymore??? They were always on the rise... for the smallest dosage of Test Cyp.... almost uncontrollably.... but mysteriously after donating literally 1 gallon and 3 pints of blood.... it's now stable. How is that even remotely possible?

I will definitely check my iron and ferritin in my next lab reports. Should I look (or check) anything else? I appreciate your advice. Thank you.
So I was able to do the other labs this morning. The results may take awhile? Sometimes they are so slow... but here's what I ordered

TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Estradiol, Folate, Ferritin, Iron/Transferrin, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Total Testosterone, Free Testosterone, Bioavailable Testosterone, SHBG
Some labs have come back already

Labs Drawn February 23, 2022

Iron And Transferrin Saturation

ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag

Iron (Fe) Level

39 mcg/dL

65 - 175 mcg/dL



330 mg/dL

163 - 382 mg/dL

Total Iron Binding Capacity, Calculated

462 mcg/dL

250 - 425 mcg/dL


% Transferrin Saturation

8 %

15 - 50 %



ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag


13 ng/mL

14 - 338 ng/mL

Some labs have come back already

Labs Drawn February 23, 2022

Iron And Transferrin Saturation

ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag

Iron (Fe) Level

39 mcg/dL

65 - 175 mcg/dL



330 mg/dL

163 - 382 mg/dL

Total Iron Binding Capacity, Calculated

462 mcg/dL

250 - 425 mcg/dL


% Transferrin Saturation

8 %

15 - 50 %


ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag


13 ng/mL

14 - 338 ng/mL


My reply from post #3.

Definitely need to get labs done!

Need to see where your trough TT, FT, estradiol sit let alone RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit.

Do you donate blood and if so when was the last time?

I would also be checking iron/ferritin.

High hematocrit let alone low iron/ferritin can cause fatigue, dizziness and can easily make one feel run down.

Had a gut feeling that your ferritin was very low/crashed from looking over your previous threads as you were known to donate frequently.

Your ferritin is crashed/iron is low.

Definitely need to start supplementing as low ferritin can cause numerous issues especially thyroid-related.

Put money on it that if your ferritin/iron was healthy then your hematocrit would be much higher than where it sits currently 47%.

Your reply from post #23.

Yes Madman.... I do remember my thread. As days, weeks, and months have moved on I've learned a lot and I continually learn.

I've learned that everyone's case is different with TRT. Sometimes lab reports are meaningless. We wait and wait and wait..... then we change protocol.... we're still in the same situation. ED issues... sensitivity issues.... and no resolution. The merry go round continues.

It's remarkable that my Hematocrit and Hemoglobin aren't rising anymore??? They were always on the rise... for the smallest dosage of Test Cyp.... almost uncontrollably.... but mysteriously after donating literally 1 gallon and 3 pints of blood.... it's now stable. How is that even remotely possible?

I will definitely check my iron and ferritin in my next lab reports. Should I look (or check) anything else? I appreciate your advice. Thank you.

Many need to come to their own conclusions through trial and error.

Even then you need to have a decent understanding of how exogenous T works.

Patience is key let alone giving every protocol enough time to truly state whether it was a success or failure.

Much to think about.

Blood work is never pointless.

As I stated in a previous thread:

Lab work is critical.

Always keep peak--->trough levels in mind.

Use accurate assays so you know where your trough TT, FT, and estradiol truly sit.

Although symptom relief is what truly matters lab work is critical as not only do we want to see where said protocol (dose T/injection frequency) has ones trough TT/FT level let alone other hormones but also to keep an eye on the impact it has on overall blood markers as we are not only trying to relieve/improve symptoms of low-t but also to minimize/avoid any potential negative effects on overall health especially long-term.

Regarding reference ranges, they are not set in stone and should be used as a guideline to give us an idea of where hormones/blood markers sit as levels could very well be too high or low resulting in negative effects.

There is nothing wrong with one running TT/FT level above range as long as you feel well overall and blood markers are healthy.

No one is saying you have to keep your levels in a set range as the goal is to achieve the beneficial effects of having healthy FT levels while making sure overall health is maintained long term.

Do what you feel is best for you!

*The goal of trt is to replace physiological levels of testosterone through the use of exogenous testosterone in order to achieve a healthy TT/FT level which will result in the relief/improvement of low-t symptoms while at the same time minimizing/avoiding any potential side effects (cosmetic/overall health) while keeping blood markers healthy long-term

Big mistake to fly blind and as you can clearly see you had no idea that your ferritin is crashed and iron low as you never included it in your previous blood work on your last set of labs on Sept.30/2021 let alone since!
Labs Drawn February 23, 2022


ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

3.01 uIU/mL

0.40 - 4.50 uIU/mL

Free T3

ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag

Free Triiodothyronine

2.5 pg/mL

1.7 - 3.7 pg/mL

Free T4

ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag

Free Thyroxine (Ft4)

1.1 ng/dL

0.7 - 1.5 ng/dL


ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag


8.1 ng/mL

>5.4 ng/mL

0.4 - 3.4 Deficient
3.5 - 5.4 Indeterminate
>5.4 Normal

Vitamin B12

ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag

Vitamin B12

659 pg/mL

271-1,000 pg/mL

<200 Deficient
200-270 Borderline
271-1000 Normal
>1000 High

Vitamin D

ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag

Vitamin D, 25 Hydroxy

39 ng/mL

30 - 100 ng/mL

Reference Range:
<10 ng/mL Severe deficiency
10-29 ng/mL Mild to moderate deficiency
30-100 ng/mL Optimum levels
>100 ng/mL Toxicity possible

Madman - I'm telling you.... I recover fine from donating blood. I always have. I even recovered from my last donation. Something weird is going on.... and I'm simply losing iron currently. Or iron isn't being absorbed properly.

You are always very quick to jump the gun on a lot of your posts. I wasn't flying blind. My body was reacting fine to donating... I have labs to prove it. I never changed my eating habits or foods. I don't quite understand what is going on.... but something isn't right. Especially why the Hematocrit and Hemoglobin never moved. It always has jumped and sky rocketed. Why not now? I'm not doing anything different than before.
Some labs have come back already

Labs Drawn February 23, 2022

Iron And Transferrin Saturation

ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag

Iron (Fe) Level

39 mcg/dL

65 - 175 mcg/dL



330 mg/dL

163 - 382 mg/dL

Total Iron Binding Capacity, Calculated

462 mcg/dL

250 - 425 mcg/dL


% Transferrin Saturation

8 %

15 - 50 %


ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag


13 ng/mL

14 - 338 ng/mL


*It's remarkable that my Hematocrit and Hemoglobin aren't rising anymore??? They were always on the rise... for the smallest dosage of Test Cyp.... almost uncontrollably.... but mysteriously after donating literally 1 gallon and 3 pints of blood.... it's now stable. How is that even remotely possible?
Madman - I'm telling you.... I recover fine from donating blood. I always have. I even recovered from my last donation. Something weird is going on.... and I'm simply losing iron currently. Or iron isn't being absorbed properly.

You need to look into this.

Again once you get your ferritin/iron stores healthy it will drive up your hematocrit.

Most would aim for 100-150 ng/mL.

Just posting labs as a reference from the past....

Labs from March 3, 2020

All These Labs Were 1 Day Just Before A Blood Donation (1 Unit/Pint)

ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag

Testosterone, Total

1,106 ng/dL

330 - 1,188 ng/dL
ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag


36 pg/mL


Interpretive Data:
Follicular Phase: 21-251 pg/mL
Mid-Cycle Peak: 38-649 pg/mL
Luteal Phase: 21-312 pg/mL
Post-Menopausal: <=28 pg/mL
Male: 11-44 pg/mL

ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin

21 nmol/L

11 - 78 nmol/L

Test performed at Beaumont Laboratory
3601 W. Thirteen Mile Road, Royal Oak, MI 48073

TAT Sex Hormone Binding Glob

2 days

ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag

Iron, Serum

133 mcg/dL

65 - 175 mcg/dL


250 mg/dL

163 - 382 mg/dL


350 ug/dL

250 - 425 ug/dL

Iron Saturation Percent

38 %

13 - 48 %

Ok.... and then I donated blood on March 4, 2020 (1 Unit/Pint)

I also donated more blood on May 4, 2020 (1 Unit/Pint)

These Labs Are 1 Day After Blood Donation. Done on May 5, 2020
ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag

Iron, Serum

63 mcg/dL

65 - 175 mcg/dL



254 mg/dL

163 - 382 mg/dL


356 ug/dL

250 - 425 ug/dL

Iron Saturation Percent

18 %

13 - 48 %

ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag


53 ng/mL

14 - 338 ng/mL
These were labs ordered by my Hematologist and not my Endocrinologist. He observed the labs and told me you recover rather well from donating blood. You may continue to do so.

I then donated Blood on June 29, 2020 (1 unit/1 pint)

I then donated Blood on August 24, 2020 (1 unit/1 pint)

I then donated Blood on October 19, 2020 (1 unit/1 pint)

I then donated Blood on December 14, 2020 (1 unit/1 pint)

I then donated Blood on February 8, 2021 (1 unit/1 pint)

I then donated Blood on April 5, 2021 (1 unit/1 pint)

I then donated Blood on May 31, 2021 (1 unit/1 pint)

I then donated Blood on July 26, 2021 (1 unit/1 pint)

I then donated Blood on October 19, 2021 (1 unit/1 pint)

I typically recover from a donation in 8-9 days fully. I return to the gym usually 3 days after donating. If I donate blood on a Monday... i'm back in the gym on Thursday. I felt "as usual" after all these donations. I have felt fine all the way up to this past week heading into Friday February 18, 2022. I woke up and felt like sh##. Every morning I feel like sh## since then. I can assure you I recovered from my October 19, 2021 donation fully... something is really weird going on now. My Hematologist cleared me... he said "You recover unbelievably well" when donating blood. Well... I guess my luck ran out?? I don't quite understand what I'm doing wrong? I eat all the same foods I've eaten the last 2-3 years. I drink the same fluids. I intentionally never alter my eating habits because I want to know where the errors are! Well... this is bizarre to me. Absolutely sucks.
Just had a quick in person appointment with my Endocrinologist about the low iron and low ferritin issues.

In his exact words he said... "Apparently you're bleeding somewhere... there must be a loss of blood somewhere". I said would you like to help figure out what's going on? Well that's not my department. Call your PCP or Hematologist.

Then he also said... we will not be running any Estradiol, Free Test, Bio Test, or SHBG anymore. It is unnecessary! lol

This is so lovely.... I call him on the phone.... explain the situation... he calls me in to see him. Explain everything once more... and then says there's nothing I can do. So in all essence... he just wanted to bill me for a visit with my insurance. How nice of him. lol

Now I have to call my PCP and Hematologist... to see if they can see me soon.
Posting the rest of my labs from February 23, 2022
ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag

Testosterone, Free Calculation

299 pg/mL

47 - 244 pg/mL


INTERPRETIVE INFORMATION: Testosterone, Free Calculation

Testosterone, Percentage Free

2.6 %

1.6 - 2.9 %

Testosterone, Adult Male

1146 ng/dL

300 - 890 ng/dL


INTERPRETIVE INFORMATION: Testosterone by Immunoassay

Testosterone, Bioavailable

852 ng/dL

131 - 682 ng/dL


INTERPRETIVE INFORMATION: Testosterone, Bioavailable

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin

20 nmol/L

17 - 56 nmol/L

REFERENCE INTERVAL: Sex Hormone Binding Globulin

ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag

Estradiol (E2)

20 pg/mL

11 - 44 pg/mL
Again... this is running 140mg of Test Cyp... a week. Broken down into 2 injections. 1 injection (70 mg) every 3.5 days. At each injection I take AI around 0.25 mg (Possibly a tad less).

Also.... these testosterone/E2 labs would be considered at TROUGH LEVEL.

Well men.... surgery is tomorrow (Wednesday) for my hernia on my left side (groin). And I have a small hernia on the right side that is considered Asymptomatic. Doctor doesn't want to repair the right side yet. Life is great lol NOT! Just hoping for the best.
Last edited:
Posting the rest of my labs from February 23, 2022
ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag

Testosterone, Free Calculation

299 pg/mL

47 - 244 pg/mL


INTERPRETIVE INFORMATION: Testosterone, Free Calculation

Testosterone, Percentage Free

2.6 %

1.6 - 2.9 %

Testosterone, Adult Male

1146 ng/dL

300 - 890 ng/dL


INTERPRETIVE INFORMATION: Testosterone by Immunoassay

Testosterone, Bioavailable

852 ng/dL

131 - 682 ng/dL


INTERPRETIVE INFORMATION: Testosterone, Bioavailable

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin

20 nmol/L

17 - 56 nmol/L

REFERENCE INTERVAL: Sex Hormone Binding Globulin

ComponentYour ValueStandard RangeFlag

Estradiol (E2)

20 pg/mL

11 - 44 pg/mL
Again... this is running 140mg of Test Cyp... a week. Broken down into 2 injections. 1 injection (70 mg) every 3.5 days. At each injection I take AI around 0.25 mg (Possibly a tad less).

Also.... these testosterone/E2 labs would be considered at TROUGH LEVEL.

Well men.... surgery is tomorrow (Wednesday) for my hernia on my left side (groin). And I have a small hernia on the right side that is considered Asymptomatic. Doctor doesn't want to repair the right side yet. Life is great lol NOT! Just hoping for the best.

Clear as the day your trough FT is very high as in not too far off from being absurd.

As I have stated numerous times on the forum FT 5-10 ng/dL would be considered low.

FT 16-31 ng/dL (top-end) is healthy.

Most men will do well with FT 20-30 ng/dL.

Some may choose/want to run higher levels.

Comes down to the individual.

You are injecting 140 mg T/week split (70mg every 3.5 days) which has you hitting a very high trough TT 1146 ng/dL and your FT is very high as in most likely mid 40 ng/dL).

Your SHBG 20 nmol/L is lowish.

With a trough TT 1146, ng/dL, SHBG 20nmol/L, and Albumin 4.3 g/dL than your trough FT would be very high (43 ng/dL).
Screenshot (11242).webp

Your peak TT, FT, and estradiol level will be much higher!

Yet you have been struggling with high RBCs/hematocrit/hemoglobin let alone trying to manage high estradiol with the use of an AI.

You are caught up on that never-ending blood donations to manage your elevated blood markers due to running a very high trough FT let alone your ferritin/iron is crashed.

If anything I would definitely look into more frequent injections EOD or even daily running lower doses of T and bringing down your FT some.

Not only will you be clipping the peak--->trough but you may be able to get away with running a lower TT (low 800s) which would still have you hitting a high-end FT (29-30 ng/dL) letting you maintain the positive effects while minimizing sides (elevated estradiol, RBCs/hematocrit/hemoglobin).

Everyone makes the mistake of getting caught up in thinking they need to run very high/absurdly high trough FT levels let alone tend to overlook the peak--->trough on such protocols.

Going to be a big difference running a high trough FT 30 ng/dL injecting once weekly or twice weekly (every 3.5 days) compared to EOD or daily.

Definitely need to address your crashed ferritin/iron.

Again do what you feel is best for you and if you are content with trying to constantly manage the side effects of running a very high FT go nuts.

All the best with your surgery tomorrow hoping all goes well!
Your Blood Urea Nitrogen is high in post #17. That may happen if you are dehydrated. Dehydration may be related to low blood pressure and dizziness.

Blood pressure must be measured in a non-agitated condition at home or with 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. I have a low blood pressure at home 100/60 but it jumps to "normal" or above when they measure it at doctors office - and I may not feel nervous nor my pulse is elevated. This is known as the "white coat effect" and many people are missing diagnosis with low blood pressure because of it.
Thank you for all the posts. I have been in slow motion since surgery. Mild swelling but recovering ok.

I have something interesting to share while on medication from the hernia operation. My doctor wouldn't prescribe me major pain killers after the surgery. He prescribed 600mg of Ibuprofen every 6 hours and also Acetaminophen 650mg every 6 hours for 7 days after surgery.

I would say on day 3 I had nocturnal erections more than ever. Every time I closed my eyes and woke up... I had an erection. I'm talking pretty extensive. I had it during day 4, day 5, and day 6. What is the medical hypothesis or meaning using Ibuprofen and correlating it to libido and/or nocturnal erections? Like... no BS... the proof is right there. It works. I certainly would like to know why? Any ideas?

Keep in mind prior to this... I had ZERO nocturnal erections.
What is the medical hypothesis or meaning using Ibuprofen and correlating it to libido and/or nocturnal erections? Like... no BS... the proof is right there. It works. I certainly would like to know why? Any ideas?
Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, so inflammation may be your problem.

What is your gut health, any digestive issues?
And just like that... a few days off of Ibuprofen.... and no more nocturnal erections. Simply vanished. No libido.... and we're back to normal. It's mind blowing.

Systemlord - Gut health seems to be fine. I have an appetite. Always hungry. That was an apparent freak accident a few days back about bleeding? Since the surgery repair of the hernia... bowel movements are fine. No bleeding. No trace anywhere of blood. I asked the surgeon if bleeding had any correlation with the hernia.... he said no. He said it's 2 separate things. I don't know what to believe. I see my Hematologist tomorrow (Tuesday) and I'll talk over Iron issues with him. My Hematologist cancelled the original appointment on March 1, 2022. I have no idea why? So the office rescheduled me for Tuesday March 15th.

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