Not sure how to deal with my Doctor


New Member
I am HIV Postive and have been since 1990. I was fortunate enough to avoid all of the early HIV treatments and just started taking meds about 4 years ago. I am healthy and undetectable.

When I started at the local IDP, I saw a psychologist and psychiatrist and was promptly given Wellbutrin and Adderal. It helped quite a bit and I figured that was as good as I would ever get.

After reading a great deal about Testosterone and realizing that I had all the symptoms of low T, I talked to my doctor and had my testosterone checked. It was at the low end of normal. I convinced him to let me try it and he reluctantly agreed.

I swear from the first minute (literally), I felt different. Within a couple of months, I quit Adderall and Wellbutrin and seriously had never felt better. When I was previously sleeping as many as 16 hours a day, now I was up and accomplishing things like I hadn't been able to in years.

About six months later, however, I started noticing the swings. At about day 8, I would feel like my energy was normal to low. My focus was a little off and I would just get grumpy and manic. By day 10, I was stuck in bed. It was like clockwork. I didn't put it together with the Testosterone shots until about 9 months after I started.

I spoke with my Doctor and he said, "You got plenty of room to go up on your dose" and promised to up my dosage slightly next visit. This went on for almost a year. Every time, there was one more reason not to increase my dose.

Meanwhile I tried splitting my dose in half and doing it once a week, but I never got the increased energy or focus. It was not the same.Finally, after 18 months, I demanded that he give me another test. He hadn't checked my testosterone levels since I had started therapy. I had taken my shot on Sunday, and Wednesday, they drew my blood. This time, my levels were">175.0-781.0 ng/dL taken at 9:20 am three days after treatment

This time, he claimed that it was a bad test, but didn't order another because it was too difficult to tell when I was administering the treatment relative to taking the test. He also started claiming that it was a possible heart risk. I have no history of heart disease and my heart is healthy.

I began compiling research statistics in the hopes of finding some study that supports his claim. Unfortunately, every study that claims it increases risk of heart attack is countered by one that says men who didn't take testosterone were more likely to have heart attacks/complications. Regardless, every study to date has been of a target demographic that doesn't apply to me.

When I came to my June appointment, I was armed with over 100 pages of research that supported my claim that I was not at risk of heart attack, outlined the fact that the quality of life was so greatly improved that I was willing to take the risk and would even be willing to die 10 years early if they were 10 years of feeling great as opposed to the same amount of time in bed for 4/14 days.

He got really flustered with me and refused to increase my dosage saying, "Nobody is getting more testosterone than you are...they just don't have a higher dose." (which is in direct conflict to what he had been saying for the last 2 years) He went on to claim that I had high blood sugars (which my CBC clearly shows that he is not telling the truth) and that he thought it was Sleep Apnea--which in itself is a contradiction....Test adversely affects people with sleep apnea. So, I would have the adverse affects when I was on Test, not when I was coming off of it. Besides, I don't have sleep apnea. I sleep like a rock.

My partner, who also started TRT has given me his dose so that I take 200mg once a week (as opposed to 200mg every two weeks). It is perfect for me. How do I get my Doctor to realize that he is full of misinformation and how can I convince him that 200mg/week is not overdoing it?

Sorry for the long post. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. I get my medical coverage through Ryan White, so I can't just go find another doctor.
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IMHO It would be easier if you would just post your BW and From what I have learned most uninformed Dr.'s will script 200mg EOW . After 3 yrs on TRT and much self research on whole life and half life of Testosterone Cipionate the proper injection times are every 3.5 days and this will keep you on a level wavy level !

SO with that said... Re post either time between injections and a simpler format for forum members to understand . . . .

Test date & Day of the week & time
Reading Free Test
Reading Total Test

Other reading are very important but to dial in these 2 will be general starting indicator as to how and why you feel the way you do ! You may find a sticky as to what " Nelson feels is optimal range in these 2 areas :)

I would assume you are taking what I consider normal supplements such as :
(HCG) for internal production of Testosterone and can help with mood swings and general well being
DHEA-IMHO Micronized
Fish oil
Also making sure your nutrition is in check and eating tight and clean !

Not always good to change a lot of things at one time because you will not know which change corrected your issues ( This is my opinion and it seems to be a rational thought ) But from my own experience these are a (lot of basics) that go hand in hand with TRT you will get from research and TRT Forum and Dr.'s in general will not tell you ! Just an injection of Testosterone is a part of your treatment and not all you will need to be optimal !

ALSO I WOULD IMHO ASK THE DR. IF HE WILL SCRIPT MEDFORMIN ? This is a general medication used for type II diabetics and opens your rectors for better utilization of hormonal receptors !

NOTE : I do not claim to be an expert and these are all part of my personal protocol that I have added some to and even taken a few supplement off of my protocol :) Sooooo "Nelson" is a very smart man and you should seek his opinion before any drastic changes ! The previous info I shared is from my personal 3 yrs of research and all men are different !

Just a thought your ups and downs just on the surface IMHO seem to indicate E2 issues ! I wish you luck and get more expert members to sound off on this and you will be on the right tract !

lol , I am one to be sharing this after my long post but you will get better answers if you keep your post simple and short or ppl blow right by them ! Male question short and factual and #'s easy to read ! NEVER GIVE UP PROPER BALANCE IS A GREAT THING I PROMISE ! It means different doses and different combos for all men :)
Thank you for your reply. As you can see, something messed up the formatting for my post, so I will post again and hopefully resolve the formatting issue. I can't thank you enough for your reply. Hopefully the next message will explain better.
Thank you for your reply. As you can see, something messed up the formatting for my post, so I will post again and hopefully resolve the formatting issue. I can't thank you enough for your reply. Hopefully the next message will explain better.

A clean post will result in more responses. I'd suggest you start a new thread as this one is over two weeks old and has only one comment. Good luck!

I edited your post since it was a nightmare to read.

Where do you live?

Can you clearly specify the dose and frequency of testosterone injections?

I assume your CD4 cells and viral load are good. How are they?

Do you have copies of your blood work?

Even under Ryan White, there are some good docs out there.

If not, apply for Defy's HIV program
I didn't read every line here but will say that Dr's are a dime a dozen, with respect to the good ones I know exist. Walk. Simple as that. If he's not treating you properly, walk. I had one like that, one-time visit, never went back. You CAN find competent Dr's.

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