Latest labs in August were all middle range, slightly lower for my age. I turn 45 tomorrow and I feel fine, mostly, but 'things aren't what they used to be'. All my friends my age are on TRT, and some telling to do 150+ once a week. That seems extreme to me with my numbers below.
My DHEA & E2 are a bit on the lower side, so I was thinking to supplement with DHEA, 25mg at night, to try to get those into better ranges. I tend to be E2 sensitive, plus I've been taking lots of Zinc, D3, K2, and Boron, so I'm not sure if that's also keeping my E2 in the lower end of range. ...I know TRT would bring that up.
So I was curious who started with 'normal' range, perhaps the middle of the range, and were willing to shut down HPTA and go the distance? How old were you when you did that? ...I know it's NOT about the numbers, but just curious. Cheers!
My DHEA & E2 are a bit on the lower side, so I was thinking to supplement with DHEA, 25mg at night, to try to get those into better ranges. I tend to be E2 sensitive, plus I've been taking lots of Zinc, D3, K2, and Boron, so I'm not sure if that's also keeping my E2 in the lower end of range. ...I know TRT would bring that up.
So I was curious who started with 'normal' range, perhaps the middle of the range, and were willing to shut down HPTA and go the distance? How old were you when you did that? ...I know it's NOT about the numbers, but just curious. Cheers!
8:45am fasted | ||
TSH/FSH/LH/Cortisol | ||
FREE T4 (THYROXINE) | 1.31 | 0.80 - 1.90 (NG/DL) |
T3 TOTAL | 103 | 80 - 200 (NG/DL) |
T3-UPTAKE | Did not provide | 24.3 - 39.0 (%) |
THYROX. BIND. CAPAC. | 0.8 - 1.3 | |
TSH | 1.05 | 0.400-4.100 (UIU/ML) |
FSH | 3.1 | 1.5 - 12.4 (IU/L) |
LH | 5.1 | 1.2 - 8.6 (IU/L) |
CORTISOL | na | 4.8-19.5 (UG/DL) |
Test, Free, E2, ETC. | ||
ESTRADIOL | 17.7 | <=60.7 (PG/ML) |
Total TESTOSTERONE | 536 | 300 - 890 (NG/DL) |
SEX HORM BIND GLOBULIN | 35 | 16.5 - 55.9 (NMOL/L) |
CALC FREE TESTOSTERONE | 109 | 47.0 - 244.0 (PG/ML) |
PROLACTIN | 13 | 4.0-26.0 (NG/ML) |
FERRITIN | 127 | 30-400 (NG/ML) |
DHEA | 129 | 89-427 (UG/DL) |
PSA, TOTAL | 1.29 | <=4.00 (NG/ML) |
Vitamin D, 25 OH / B12 / | ||
VITAMIN D, 25 OH | 36 | NG/ML 30-100 |
B12 | 491 | 200-950 (PG/ML) |
Folic Acid | 83 | >=6.0 Sufficient |
A1C | ||
HEMOGLOBIN A1c | 5.3 | 4.2 - 5.6 (%) |
IRON, SERUM | 127 | 59-158 (UG/DL) |
UNSATURATED IBC | 238 | 112-347 (UG/DL) |
CALC TOTAL IBC | 365 | 250-450 (UG/DL) |
CALC % IRON SAT | 35 | 20-50 (%) |
Metabolic Panel | ||
GLUCOSE | 92 | 70 - 99 (MG/DL) |
BUN | 21 | 6 - 20 (MG/DL) |
CREATININE | 1.22 | 0.80-1.40 (MG/DL) |
eGFR AFRICAN AMER. | 83 | >60 (ML/MIN/1.73) |
eGFR NON-AFRICAN AMER. | 72 | >60 (ML/MIN/1.73) |
CALC BUN/CREAT | 17 | 6 - 28 (RATIO) |
SODIUM | 137 | 133 - 146 (MEQ/L) |
POTASSIUM | 4.2 | 3.5 - 5.4 (MEQ/L) |
CHLORIDE | 103 | 95 - 107 (MEQ/L) |
CARBON DIOXIDE | 23 | 19 - 31 (MEQ/L) |
CALCIUM | 9.2 | 8.5 - 10.5 (MG/DL) |
PROTEIN, TOTAL | 6.8 | 6.1 - 8.3 (G/DL) |
ALBUMIN | 4.7 | 3.5 - 5.2 (G/DL) |
CALC GLOBULIN | 2.1 | 1.9 - 3.7 (G/DL) |
CALC A/G RATIO | 2.2 | 1.0 - 2.6 (RATIO) |
BILIRUBIN, TOTAL | 1.1 | <=1.2 (MG/DL) |
ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE | 48 | 40 - 119 (U/L) |
AST | 27 | 9 - 50 (U/L) |
ALT | 26 | 5 - 50 (U/L) |
WBC | 4.2 | 3.5-10.0 (K/UL) |
RBC | 5.17 | 4.30-5.70 (M/UL) |
HEMOGLOBIN | 15.8 | 13.5-17.0 (G/DL) |
HEMATOCRIT | 45.9 | 38.0-50.0 (%) |
MCV | 88.8 | 80.0-99.0 (fL) |
MCH | 30.6 | 25.0-34.0 (PG) |
MCHC | 34.4 | 31.0-36.0 (G/DL) |
RDW | 12.8 | 11.5-15.0 (%) |
NEUTROPHILS | 52.6 | 40.0-75.0 (%) |
LYMPHOCYTES | 34.1 | 20.0-45.0 (%) |
MONOCYTES | 9.5 | 4.0-12.0 (%) |
EOSINOPHILS | 2.8 | 0.0-7.0 (%) |
BASOPHILS | 0.5 | 0.0-2.0 (%) |
PLATELET COUNT | 224 | 130-400 (K/UL) |
Lipid Panel | ||
CHOLESTEROL | 142 | <200 (MG/DL) |
TRIGLYCERIDES | 91 | <150 (MG/DL) |
HDL CHOLESTEROL | 43 | >39 (MG/DL) |
CALC LDL CHOL | 82 | <130 (MG/DL) |
RISK RATIO LDL/HDL | 1.91 | <3.55 (RATIO) |