Never heard about elevated E2 causing joint cracking, but have heard about guys complaining of low energy/ motivation when their E2 is too high. But prolactin tends to follow E2, and prolactin has an inverse relationship with dopamine. So when prolactin increases, dopamine tends to decrease, and low energy/ motivation are clear signs of low dopamine. So I would blame those symptoms more on ur elevated prolactin than ur elevated E2. But E2 and prolactin tend to go hand and hand. They usually increase and decrease together.
I would still drop everything other than the test and switch to EOD injections. Then add in a compound one at a time. U just don’t know what’s causing u issues when ur on a ton of things. For instance, just DHEA alone tends to cause men more issues than benefits. So just the DHEA ur using could be the issue. On the Ray Peat forum they see a lot of success with very low dosing, around 5-10mg/ day. According to them 25mg/ day would be way overkill. So u really have to experiment to dial DHEA in, and who knows if u can even get it to work for u. But one thing is for certain, u have zero clue whether the DHEA ur taking is causing ur issues or not. Then pregnenolone is another compound that’s extremely hit or miss for guys. Some feel great on it, for some it completely ruins their experience on HRT. There’s different forms u have to consider, oral, sublingual and transdermal being the most popular ones. Then u have to figure out timing. Some say it can increase cortisol, and to take it in the morning, some say it lowers cortisol, and to take it in the evening or before bed. Then the dosages vary greatly. Some feel great on 5-10mg/ day, some need up to 200mg/ day to feel good. How do u know that ur on the correct form that works best for u, the correct dosage, and are taking it at the correct time? And then HCG can come with a host of problems. Increasing ur E2 and prolactin and possibly skewing ur Test to E2 ratios. How do u know that ur on the correct dose of HCG? Are u taking it at an optimal frequency? It’s extremely difficult to figure out the questions for even one of these compounds. Then when u have to factor in that ur taking all of them, it’s literally impossible to have any clue what to adjust to make u feel better. U haven’t even figured out the optimal dose and frequency of testosterone to take. Not trying to harass u or put u down or anything lol. Just do urself a favor and drop everything but the test and dial that it first. I know it feels like going backwards, but I promise u that starting from scratch and doing things the right way will save u a ton of money and time and aggravation in the future. Don’t continue making these very basic mistakes and chasing ur tail for months or even years to come. Do this the right way and slowly make progress in the right direction until u feel like ur fully dialed in, or at least dialed in to a point that ur comfortable with