Not feeling orgasms

Yep even I make a good mess. Should’ve felt that !
I’m so short on time I can’t find much that sounds like me. Because I’ve been going at it a year or two. Usually get 200 ml bi monthly. But do half a vial per week to last a month And the recommended hcg 5000 with 5 ml of water and 50cc or is it 75cc ok I suffer crs as well. Hcg shot twice a week .

But all the sudden I have a lack of interest in sex and when I do. I can’t feel my orgasm. Well I do. It’s more like peeing. It’s concerning. I do use lidocaine occasionally as well

I guess I’m writing because maybe I need to know what to look for. As to what is causing this.
All I can found to read seems to point to a honeymoon period and then you balance out. But I have been at it a couple years although because of bad doctors I had a few breaks here and there. Like I said I was injecting a half a 200ml a week. But I did a boo boo and injected a whole one when I got some from a new doctor and started back a couple weeks ago after a month or 2. But I went back to half after I realized what I did. But that’s when it started.

Just wondering if there are ideas on what I should check out to find answers. Or any reads I should look at. Thanks
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Yep even I make a good mess. Should’ve felt that !
I’m so short on time I can’t find much that sounds like me. Because I’ve been going at it a year or two. Usually get 200 ml bi monthly. But do half a vial per week to last a month And the recommended hcg 5000 with 5 ml of water and 50cc or is it 75cc ok I suffer crs as well. Hcg shot twice a week .

But all the sudden I have a lack of interest in sex and when I do. I can’t feel my orgasm. Well I do. It’s more like peeing. It’s concerning. I do use lidocaine occasionally as well

I guess I’m writing because maybe I need to know what to look for. As to what is causing this.
All I can found to read seems to point to a honeymoon period and then you balance out. But I have been at it a couple years although because of bad doctors I had a few breaks here and there. Like I said I was injecting a half a 200ml a week. But I did a boo boo and injected a whole one when I got some from a new doctor and started back a couple weeks ago after a month or 2. But I went back to half after I realized what I did. But that’s when it started.

Just wondering if there are ideas on what I should check out to find answers. Or any reads I should look at. Thanks
Dude I know several guys at the gym that do 200mg++ every wk and some more and non have a problem with climax. But I do and I blame Flo-Max so when I think I going to have sex I do not take my pills.
@rustylwb "I blame Flo-Max so when I think I going to have sex I do not take my pills."

I recently had a kidney stone and the doctor prescribed tamulosin (FloMax) to help relax the ureter and urethra to aid in passing the stone. I could swear that during the time I was taking tamulosin, about a month, that my semen volume was much larger than normal and the climax was outstanding.
I've been on TRT for over three years, with 5mg Cialis daily and 140mg CYP/week.
What I have noticed for the last 18 months or so is a very weak orgasm in the missonary position; great in all other positions.
Would anyone have an idea what may cause this?
Dude I know several guys at the gym that do 200mg++ every wk and some more and non have a problem with climax. But I do and I blame Flo-Max so when I think I going to have sex I do not take my pills.
I have BPH symptoms come and go. For me when my E is high they are worse. Daily tadalafil helps with BPH (along with an AI if my E is high). I have flomax and just the opposite of you, take it only when I know I'm going to have sex. Flomax is an alpha blocker that will lower norepinephrine and increase EQ. I think because of the infrequency at which I take flomax my orgasms are not affected.
Sorry I’ve been busy. Normal routine is have to do the math again is why I posted just a half a bottle. I agree it’s a bad protocol. But 200 mg/ml twice a month It it’s what I can get. But I split it in half so I can go weekly. Just seems more balanced. And I dose with hcg 50 iu. I think. That’s with 5000 iu of zyhcg with 5mg of water. I use a 32 gauge insulin needle to 50 iu in the needle. The doctors around here won’t prescribe that hcg and the one that did and it’s hard to get and it cost too much. The one time one did he wanted me to inject 5000 or 1000 iu at one time and I quit going to him. And I went a few months without anything after that.

but as far as not feeling orgasms I just quit injecting for now. I have no choice. The doctor that just prescribed to me the last two vials of 200ml/mg didn’t span the next apt for me to continue anyways. I’m out ! SMH. But My next apt is the 8th.

I’m going to ask if he can refer me to another endocrinologist that may or may not put me on a better protocol. at this rate I doubt it. But I notice a small improvement . Within the last week.
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This is a terrible protocol that can cause all kinds of issues and is normal to feel bad on every two weeks testosterone injections. It is advised you inject at least twice a week.
Also please post your dosages in mg, not ml
Issues Just from not dosing twice a week? Maybe I’m better off just quitting then. Seems as if all they want to give is 200 bi monthly. And the cutting it in half to do it once a week beats that for sure. But What are the most common issues for only dosing once a week?
I've been on TRT for over three years, with 5mg Cialis daily and 140mg CYP/week.
What I have noticed for the last 18 months or so is a very weak orgasm in the missonary position; great in all other positions.
Would anyone have an idea what may cause this?
If you find out let me know
Issues Just from not dosing twice a week? Maybe I’m better off just quitting then. Seems as if all they want to give is 200 bi monthly. And the cutting it in half to do it once a week beats that for sure. But What are the most common issues for only dosing once a week?

Once every two weeks is terrible and will not work well for anyone. The levels of testosterone and all metabolite hormones will fluctuate terribly and this will cause a terrible stress for your body. In fact in every two weeks protocol for a portion of the time you will be chrmicallly castrated. Your doctor is a terrible amateur and you need to find a new one. Have you tried to eat all your food for the week in monday morning and then eat nothing more for the rest of the week?

Once per week works for a few guys out there, but for most is not enough. Twice a week is the minimum injection frequency that will work for most guys, some need more often. The injection freequency and the dosage are the basics of the TRT protocol. If you dont get them right for your body you will never feel good.
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Once every two weeks is terrible and will not work well for anyone. The levels of testosterone and all metabolite hormones will fluctuate terribly and this will cause a terrible stress for your body. In fact in every two weeks protocol for a portion of the time you will be chrmicallly castrated. Your doctor is a terrible amateur and you need to find a new one. Have you tried to eat all your food for the week in monday morning and then eat nothing more for the rest of the week?

Once per week works for a few guys out there, but for most is not enough. Twice a week is the minimum injection frequency that will work for most guys, some need more often. The injection freequency and the dosage are the basics of the TRT protocol. If you dont get them right for your body you will never feel good.
Well if that is the case they are all terrible then. I’ve seen atkeast 5 doctors and that’s what they like to do. Endocrinologist and family doctors. I sure don’t have the time to focus on being a doctor . I have to focus on being good at my job before They replace me with a young buck. But common sense with physiology alone should let someone know keeping a steady level is the way to go. But.
They probably the same that recommend 3 mask instead of just one good mask as well. Who knows.

I been going through this going on 2 years now.. But That’s why I cut it in half and dose once a week. I did make mistake and inject The Whole 200MG oooops. After getting yet another doctor. But after I realized what I did back to 100MG once a week. .

I thought you said NOT injecting twice a week would cause a lot of problems. So basically I asked to make sure if 100MG once a week wouldn’t cause a number of problems. And what those problems may be?

I am assuming I must have read to fast and misunderstood.
But I have been quite aware of twice a month not being optimal. I questioned that regimen when I first started. After all when we diet we eat 6 meals a day to keep our metabolism and blood sugar levels from see sawing. So why is this any different. I don’t know why it is hard for doctors to get on board with a lot of that. But I’m not a DR.

I’m about to get another referral and maybe just quit because I don’t want the problems. Thank you kindly for your input.
I’ve seen atkeast 5 doctors and that’s what they like to do. Endocrinologist and family doctors. I sure don’t have the time to focus on being a doctor . I have to focus on being good at my job before They replace me with a young buck.

I understand you, but then you need to understand how the system works so you have a better idea how to resolve your issues.
You DONT do TRT with endocrinologists and family doctors. They are terrible at this. In USA there are maybe some 5 percent of endocrinologists that know how to do TRT properly(what is the chance you find such in your area?). Ive heard some urologists have learned it as well, for example I know one in Texas that will give you pretty good care.

To get a good service you need to find a GOOD specialist who specializes in hormone replacement. They do not work with insurances and you need to pay everything in cash, but if you get the right doctor he will work with you properly and fix most of your issues. In USA the average cost is like 250-400USD per month which I think includes blood work. They will put you on a good protocol, will work with your symptoms, will adjust your anxiliary supplements, vitamins and other possible deficiencies like DHEA, Pregnenolone, Thyroid optimization if needed and so on. This is how you get to feel good on TRT - when someone with knowledge and experience manages you. Bear in mind there are a lot of T-Mills in USA that will put you on a bodybuilding protocol and you need to stay away from them as well.

The other path is to try learn everything by yourself and self care, but its very difficult and if you happen to be a more complicated case like me - its impossible. Some guys do manage to do it, lucky them, I prefer to be managed properly by a professional.

I can try to help with some conrete suggestions on IM if you IM me with your coordinates or at least tell you the closest to you specialist for whom Ive read good opinions on the forums. Most of the good doctors in USA do telemedicine across most of the states, you need only the first time to go to them physically.
The Whole 200MG oooops. After getting yet another doctor. But after I realized what I did back to 100MG once a week. .

100mg weekly for sure will be better or at least not so terrible in comparison to 200mg bi weekly. But its very likely you need AT LEAST twice a week injections to feel good and have a proper libido and errection. Some guys need every other day, some guys even claim to need daily injections on medium range single ester like cypionate or enanthate. The idea of this is to have relatively stable levels of the hormones related to testosterone.
But also different guys need dosages from 80 to 250mg per week to get optimal results on TRT and for everyone it is different. For example I feel at best at 140mg, another friend of mine takes 120mg, another takes 200.

If you want to get a better understanding about the injection frequency - it depends on the ester but also on the personal rate of metabolization. So that's why a doctor who puts everyone on the same protocol is a moron. For test cypionate the half life is 7-8 days, usually we want to get a compound dosed around the half of the half life, so it gets two times per week. From there on the personal metabolization rate gets in place and it is trial and error to find the best frequency for yourself.

So again we go to my previous post - you need a proper management.
I understand you, but then you need to understand how the system works so you have a better idea how to resolve your issues.
You DONT do TRT with endocrinologists and family doctors. They are terrible at this. In USA there are maybe some 5 percent of endocrinologists that know how to do TRT properly(what is the chance you find such in your area?). Ive heard some urologists have learned it as well, for example I know one in Texas that will give you pretty good care.

To get a good service you need to find a GOOD specialist who specializes in hormone replacement. They do not work with insurances and you need to pay everything in cash, but if you get the right doctor he will work with you properly and fix most of your issues. In USA the average cost is like 250-400USD per month which I think includes blood work. They will put you on a good protocol, will work with your symptoms, will adjust your anxiliary supplements, vitamins and other possible deficiencies like DHEA, Pregnenolone, Thyroid optimization if needed and so on. This is how you get to feel good on TRT - when someone with knowledge and experience manages you. Bear in mind there are a lot of T-Mills in USA that will put you on a bodybuilding protocol and you need to stay away from them as well.

The other path is to try learn everything by yourself and self care, but its very difficult and if you happen to be a more complicated case like me - its impossible. Some guys do manage to do it, lucky them, I prefer to be managed properly by a professional.

I can try to help with some conrete suggestions on IM if you IM me with your coordinates or at least tell you the closest to you specialist for whom Ive read good opinions on the forums. Most of the good doctors in USA do telemedicine across most of the states, you need only the first time to go to them physically.
Ok Well I’ll take your word for it then. It’s been a while since I’ve read but Yea I remember it’s not good. I hear ya. And think when I said I’ve been at it 2 years is wrong . it’s been more like 4. Time goes by quick. I have been thinking it’s probably time for me to get real and deal with reality and quit if I’m stressing my body out. And go at it all natural. Before I do more damage.

But there is Really nothing in my area unless I drive about 2 hours maybe 3 from here. I’ve made a lot of phone call over the past few years. Thing about urologist in this town. They make too much money with surgeries here to help with low T. I heard that straight from one of them.

But I found some good looking specialist way down the road. I can’t keep taking off work to commute. And those little internet 1-800 clinics only look at so much on your blood work. Im sure this new family DR would be on my ass if I was going that route. But the price of it added to what I pay in medical already is insane. Tack on another 200 to 1600 a month. So I’m not interested in those type of places either. I had a good run for a while where I could do it as suggested here. And it worked out great. But things change.
Ok Well I’ll take your word for it then. It’s been a while since I’ve read but Yea I remember it’s not good. I hear ya. And think when I said I’ve been at it 2 years is wrong . it’s been more like 4. Time goes by quick. I have been thinking it’s probably time for me to get real and deal with reality and quit if I’m stressing my body out. And go at it all natural. Before I do more damage.

But there is Really nothing in my area unless I drive about 2 hours maybe 3 from here. I’ve made a lot of phone call over the past few years. Thing about urologist in this town. They make too much money with surgeries here to help with low T. I heard that straight from one of them.

But I found some good looking specialist way down the road. I can’t keep taking off work to commute. And those little internet 1-800 clinics only look at so much on your blood work. Im sure this new family DR would be on my ass if I was going that route. But the price of it added to what I pay in medical already is insane. Tack on another 200 to 1600 a month. So I’m not interested in those type of places either. I had a good run for a while where I could do it as suggested here. And it worked out great. But things change. I’ve already started on holding off and seems I’m getting back to closer normal already. Perhaps something will come up later and I’ll try again. Or maybe nothing will come up and I’ll say screw this and try again. Just seems like stopping is the safest thing for now.

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