Testosterone Replacement for Women too

Testosterone is often inaccurately defined as a hormone that is important for men only. Studies and practical obervation has shown that testosterone is a very important hormone for women too.

Women experience a rapid decline in sex hormones such as estradiol and testosterone while aging. Other important hormones that can decline with age or illness include those produced by the adrenal and thyroid glands. Although women produce a much lower amount of testosterone than men, this decline is noticed throughout the whole body. Research has shown that testosterone is responsible for a women's sexual desire and responsiveness, mood, sense of well-being and mental acuity. The Women's Health Institute at the University of New Jersey suggests that androgens (testosterone) play a significant role in affecting pre-menopausal and post-menopausal symptoms and quality of life

As it does in men, testosterone supports bone density and muscle tissue. Increased bone density is critical because of the increased risk of osteoporosis women face as they age. Women produce their testosterone in the ovaries and adrenal glands and typically lose 70 percent of the hormone by the age of 40. This decrease can cause most, if not all the effects listed above. Some other effects of low testosterone in women include increased risk of cardiovascular disease (Med. Suisse Romande2003 Mar) and increased risk of Alzheimer's (Cell mol Life Sci. 2005 Feb). A simple blood test through a physician can determine the level of testosterone in the body and therefore can detect a deficiency.

The best testosterone range for men to maintain health and quality of life has been established. Men appear to respond optimally when the total testsoterone level is greater than 550ng/dl. Improvments can be experienced when testosterone is maintained in the upper-end of the established range, roughly between 650ng/dl-1100ng/dl. Just like men, women have testosterone level that should be maintained within a specific range in order for the hormone to support the functions in which it is reponsible. Clinical focus on testosterone in women has been lacking therefore we must rely on the data that is presently available. In addition to clinical studies, we also have years of observing clinical practice within the emerging feild of "hormone replacement therapies" in which re-trained doctors provide compounded bio-identical hormone medications to treat women for hormone deficiencies inclduing testosterone. Many of the most experienced doctors have established the best range for Total Testosterone levels in women to be between 45ng/dl-120ng/dl, depending on other factors including symptom response and other hormone biomarkers. I have no doubt that women can experience the same health and physical benefits as men by maintaining optimal testosterone levels with the assistance of a trained doctor.

Supplementing with the adrenal hormone ''DHEA' can be useful for improving testosterone levels in women. If this does not work, there are other methods of testosterone administration. The therapy of choice is a topical cream applied in a very small amount to the skin. The hormone is absorbed through the skin and into the blood stream. Injections and pellets are also available to restore deficient testosterone. Just a small amount of this hormone will make a big impact on women's quality of life.
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I and my wife are going to be very interested in this thread, since I have gotten myself back on track with the guidance of this forum. Now that I am back to my old self, my wife has gained an interest herself. She has now taken notice of her own lack of drive and other issues., but has yet to get herself comfortable with speaking with a medical professional. She has discussed a consultation and has gotten the needed forms to get started. She has submitted the short form and started on libo c just as a self improvement start and has tried low dosage of DHEA both with good success. She is very confident with Defy Medical, Jasen Bruce and is in self processing (procastantion) mode in getting started.

She has expressed an interest in scream cream from Empower and now the libido cream from Defy. She has also look into oxytocin as well.

We will both be very interested as this thread developes.

Thanks for starting it. Your timing could not been better. Some starting guidance in leading her to lab work and a consultation.
I and my wife are going to be very interested in this thread, since I have gotten myself back on track with the guidance of this forum. Now that I am back to my old self, my wife has gained an interest herself. She has now taken notice of her own lack of drive and other issues., but has yet to get herself comfortable with speaking with a medical professional. She has discussed a consultation and has gotten the needed forms to get started. She has submitted the short form and started on libo c just as a self improvement start and has tried low dosage of DHEA both with good success. She is very confident with Defy Medical, Jasen Bruce and is in self processing (procastantion) mode in getting started.

She has expressed an interest in scream cream from Empower and now the libido cream from Defy. She has also look into oxytocin as well.

We will both be very interested as this thread developes.

Thanks for starting it. Your timing could not been better. Some starting guidance in leading her to lab work and a consultation.
Robbie63 - I have been with Defy for about 3 weeks or so - so far, so good! A Huge improvement over my local Endo and my new protocol seems to have me feeling great. I wanted to ask whether your wife proceeded with treatment from Defy? My wife just finished submitting her paperwork and labwork to Defy and is awaiting her first consultation. We both turned 50 this year and are very active, but she is beginning to feel the affects of menopause and was looking to feel like her old self again. Her BW appeared to come back mostly in normal ranges except for TSH, so she is eager to meet with Defy to see what they recommend.
In years of research, I finally took the plunge & after seeing the proof via blood tests that my hormones are not properly aligned, I am currently on testosterone. In reading the post, it says, "The therapy of choice is a topical cream..." This is accurate of DOCTORS & somepatients who either don't have ill side effects or don't know there is another option: injections. For me, the cream was a "dirty" delivery system & I gained only negative side effects. Only 2 weeks into injection T therapy, I seem to be doing well. The only negative side effect to report are sore/itchy nipples which I'm told will subside.
Posts like this are interesting but I'd love to see more women ringing in on their experiences. There is very little information available to us beyond medical information which is clinical & seems to be based on "Ranges" which are what allowed me to go untreated by conventional doctors for so long. Currently, my testosterone level is 4. Because the range for women, as noted above, is 45-120, my level at 4 was deemed acceptable numerous times by numerous doctors. Thankfully, through the help & guidance from Defy Medical, I am finally getting some long needed help. Though I am only 2 weeks into therapy, I still feel there is a lingering hormonal issue (possibly high estrogen) which was noted as being at the high end of the range. With my treatment being so new, we will continue to monitor my blood work & I'm currently scheduled for thyroid blood work in a few days. When injecting, blood work is best done on the last day of the decline. Some refer to this as the "trough".
Hello Amberlin, Welcome to the forum.
Me and my wife are Defy patients. Me 8 months my wife 2 months. I am pretty sure she would not post in an open forum like this because the boys just won't stay out. But I am pretty sure she would share info with you via PM's. We just did our 2nd blood test to see where her protocol has taken her. To say the least we are very excited to see the new numbers. If you have any general question about what we are doing I would be happy to answer any questions you might have.
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I appreciate any information I can get because at this point, both males & females can likely offer more information than I currently have. Thanks for your response FeelingLost. I'm really glad to hear your wife's levels have improved. I hope the same for myself. While I realize it took some time for my levels to drop to where they are, I also know it will take some time to get them back to where they should be. I am impatient to say the least. Though the internet can be helpful, in my extensive research, I've managed to outsmart myself passed my education & now I'm frustrated with an over abundance of contradicting information. Thanks again for weighing in. If your wife is interested, she can PM me. I think open forums are the best way for many people to share information in a non-identifying way. I think this is positive for people because we can read accounts of others in similar situations & know we're not alone & as in my case, hearing accounts from experienced people such as from you regarding your wife, we can gain hope that our current situation can absolutely have a positive outcome... in TIME (note to self. Hahah!). There is so little info out there for women who aren't body builders & since bio-identical therapy is a relatively new endeavor largely for men, there is even less info available for women. We seem to be the guinea pig group now ;) I'm happy & eager to share my experiences & again, thank you for sharing yours.

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