Your username is amanofgod?!?! Like others have said on here stop talking crazy nonsense of killing yourself. You’re writings alone can have you pink slipped by the police and fire department for a medical hold against your will in the hospital for psychiatric evaluation. Trust me, I work in one.
Next change your username from being amanofgod to something else. A real man of god suffers and endures. They don’t harm their friends family or loved ones. They are strong not weak. Think about that!!! Suicide is not funny, it’s not a joke. Some of us on here Such as myself may have lost loved ones from it. so stop.
If I were in your shoes I would cleanse my body of everything and stay away from everything even remotely processed for the next 60 Days!!! What other prescriptions are you on? What other comorbidities do you have? You have to really dissect everything in your life first. And what’s wrong with using cialis, etc.? In addition, there’s trimix injections, as well as other options? You’re willing to take steroids, testosterone hcg and cancer drugs such as arimidex (AI), sleeping pills, etc but not a daily cialis? lol Makes no sense at all.
I agree with others. Your whole protocol is messed up. cleanse yourself. Get your baseline labs done. And start Over on a protocol with an expert in the field of men’s health and hrt. Someone that’s well known in your area. Do your own homework and read scholarly articles and publications on men’s health, diet, nutrition, trt, urology, endocrinology and cardiology. Stop saying you’ve done everything when clearly you haven’t. Don’t make excuses, look for answers. Don’t blame, take accountability!