Thinking about taking my life because of ED!

Just a quick note, you have mentioned a couple times that you are/have been taking "test boosters". Those are somewhat infamous for illegally containing various active ingredients (hormonal or PDE5?). I definitely would stop those, if you are still taking them, as there is a POSSIBILITY they could contain substances that are keeping you shut down?
Just a quick note, you have mentioned a couple times that you are/have been taking "test boosters". Those are somewhat infamous for illegally containing various active ingredients (hormonal or PDE5?). I definitely would stop those, if you are still taking them, as there is a POSSIBILITY they could contain substances that are keeping you shut down?
The thing is they worked great I mean fantastic! I forgot to mention I took a anti estrogen from the gym called erase pro plus with Daa my sex drive was insane and the rage that came with it the aggression I had in the gym it was crazy!
That could be an indication of it having banned ingredients? Test boosters are typically not well reviewed and are seen by most as useless or minimally effective. The reports of some companies including banned ingredients is not uncommon. The fact that it had this degree of effect on you would make me suspicious of the actual ingredients. It would also support the idea that it is keeping you shut down. Just my two cents.
That could be an indication of it having banned ingredients? Test boosters are typically not well reviewed and are seen by most as useless or minimally effective. The reports of some companies including banned ingredients is not uncommon. The fact that it had this degree of effect on you would make me suspicious of the actual ingredients. It would also support the idea that it is keeping you shut down. Just my two cents.
I’m on trt now! But when(3rd cycle using test boosters) I tried to switch to Daa and erase pro plus without cycling off tribulus I started getting a numb penis and my semen volume went down dramatically which is reported side effect of the sleeping pill I was taking trazdone I also heard when u stop it cold turkey it can give you severe withdrawals symptoms which i have all off! I starting to think my prolactin is off my doctor didn’t even put the appointment in I went and he told me he forgot smh!
Stop taking the AI immediately. That stuff wrecks havoc on my sex drive and depression, even just a little bit destroys me and you took a TON! Understand it will take weeks, possibly several weeks to bounce back from the AI damage. My estrodial is high too, but as others have mentioned that’s not as big of a deal unless you’re having gynocomastia signs. Test and HCG only is all you should be taking at this point. I know the depression can be hard, but you’ve got to overcome this. Your life depends on it. I’m a pastor as well, if you want to talk I’m here for you. 410-937-7452. Leave a message or text me, as I get tons of spam calls. Ending your life is not the answer, even when it seems like the best choice, it’s only another lie from Satan.
No my doctor checked for diabetes nothing!
I was on trazdone for sleep 50-100 mgbut stopped because it started to fuck up my head! When I first started my sex drive was great after awhile it started to make me feel like a zombie and I started to have severe anxiety!
Trazadone is the worse. I had a terrible reaction coming off of that stuff.
First off taking your life is not something you should be thinking about.
You have sooooo much life to live. You have so much opportunity to do ANYTHING with your life if you choose too.

So please find someone to talk to about those bad feelings you are having. will Probably not want to hear this.....but. You need to STOP all T or other substances.

Get clean. Let your system recover. Pull labs after a couple of months. you happen to have low T, get with a competent TRT Dr and take things SLOW.

Hang in there and good luck.
I agree. If you are secondary you can get on clomid to get natural producing again. And then weak off of that.
Your username is amanofgod?!?! Like others have said on here stop talking crazy nonsense of killing yourself. You’re writings alone can have you pink slipped by the police and fire department for a medical hold against your will in the hospital for psychiatric evaluation. Trust me, I work in one.

Next change your username from being amanofgod to something else. A real man of god suffers and endures. They don’t harm their friends family or loved ones. They are strong not weak. Think about that!!! Suicide is not funny, it’s not a joke. Some of us on here Such as myself may have lost loved ones from it. so stop.

If I were in your shoes I would cleanse my body of everything and stay away from everything even remotely processed for the next 60 Days!!! What other prescriptions are you on? What other comorbidities do you have? You have to really dissect everything in your life first. And what’s wrong with using cialis, etc.? In addition, there’s trimix injections, as well as other options? You’re willing to take steroids, testosterone hcg and cancer drugs such as arimidex (AI), sleeping pills, etc but not a daily cialis? lol Makes no sense at all.

I agree with others. Your whole protocol is messed up. cleanse yourself. Get your baseline labs done. And start Over on a protocol with an expert in the field of men’s health and hrt. Someone that’s well known in your area. Do your own homework and read scholarly articles and publications on men’s health, diet, nutrition, trt, urology, endocrinology and cardiology. Stop saying you’ve done everything when clearly you haven’t. Don’t make excuses, look for answers. Don’t blame, take accountability!
And most common blood tests ranges are not 47-300. So again...where and when did you get labs?

As for Cialis and your feelings about are wrong.
I’ll interject here and mention that the lab value at the lab my doctor uses is 47-244 so 47-300 is a probable lab range.
I’ll also mention that my T levels are on the high end and my sex drive is crazy high. I’m 55 and sex has never been better. I use testosterone cypionate and HCG with a very small amount of arimidex. When my E2 gets too high I lose penis sensitivity. With my high testosterone levels I don’t have erection problems but I take 5mg Cialis Daily for BPH symptoms and I use viagra just for the fun of it because it makes elections so easy and very firm.


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There is NO WAY I'd take my own life because of ED. If that's what's on your mind, you put too much of a priority on sex. I know men who have spinal injuries and can't have half the life you have, and they find happiness and a reason for being. You need to get some help, but you also need to reevaluate your priorities. You've obviously been letting the little head lead you and you don't know how to function without it. That's a problem with YOU, not your penis.
I am really fed up with life! I haven’t masturbated in almost 12 months! My libido is non existence my brain is foggy my dick is numb!my anxiety is that of a womanI keep reading about how some people never get there sex drive back on trt! It’s over for me!

I’ve taking three doses of .5 armidex and still no libido boost! I inject 62.5 e3d it seems like nothing is gonna work My e2 came back at 73 sensitive! Nobody gives me good answers! I’m so young and my life is just over!

I got some sleeping pills I’m just gonna pop a few and call it a life! I appreciate everyone who tried to help but I wanted to share this so people know trt is a scam and rarely works for people from my research! I’ve seen so many shrinks and threpist no help! If anyone has any last suggestions before I take my life that would be awesome!

I just hope you guys know I am so fed up with life and dealing with Ed I would never be willing to take a pde5 cause I wanna get to the root cause of the problem! I know I’m cursed no matter who I ask for help no one is gonna help or guide me to the right direction!
I am really fed up with life! I haven’t masturbated in almost 12 months! My libido is non existence my brain is foggy my dick is numb!my anxiety is that of a womanI keep reading about how some people never get there sex drive back on trt! It’s over for me!

I’ve taking three doses of .5 armidex and still no libido boost! I inject 62.5 e3d it seems like nothing is gonna work My e2 came back at 73 sensitive! Nobody gives me good answers! I’m so young and my life is just over!

I got some sleeping pills I’m just gonna pop a few and call it a life! I appreciate everyone who tried to help but I wanted to share this so people know trt is a scam and rarely works for people from my research! I’ve seen so many shrinks and threpist no help! If anyone has any last suggestions before I take my life that would be awesome!

I just hope you guys know I am so fed up with life and dealing with Ed I would never be willing to take a pde5 cause I wanna get to the root cause of the problem! I know I’m cursed no matter who I ask for help no one is gonna help or guide me to the right direction!

You need to chill and see a Urologist who specializes in sexual heath. A simple Doppler test will determine the blood flow in and out and show if you have a physical problem that is preventing an erection. NO amount of TRT or hormones or Pde5 pills will correct a physical problem once your at a specific point. If you have not had an erection in a year you have lost length and girth you may never get back , and the longer you wait it will get progressively worse. If you don’t use it, you will lose it. Do NOT wait. If you need a recommendation on a Urologist please let me know, I can recommend the best , from personal experience.
You need to chill and see a Urologist who specializes in sexual heath. A simple Doppler test will determine the blood flow in and out and show if you have a physical problem that is preventing an erection. NO amount of TRT or hormones or Pde5 pills will correct a physical problem once your at a specific point. If you have not had an erection in a year you have lost length and girth you may never get back , and the longer you wait it will get progressively worse. If you don’t use it, you will lose it. Do NOT wait. If you need a recommendation on a Urologist please let me know, I can recommend the best , from personal experience.
I can get hard but it dosent stay like that for longer than 5 to 20 seconds and it only stays hard hard without stimulating if I stand up! My penis is like a yo yo! My urologist said maybe is because my penis is curved but my mom had revealed so is my fathers(so genetics) and I had success with test boosters a couple months ago so I know it was hormonal! It feels like it’s in my dopamine I’m not getting aroused or anything my mind feels foggy ever since I stopped trazdone I feel like Steven Hawkins my brain is like dead I can’t have any pleasure life feels dull and mundane,my doctor had done some heart scans and says I’m fine, I just wanna know why I don’t wake up with wood I haven’t in 2 years! I can’t see any specialist I called today and they all said they don’t take my insurance so just further let down! I feel like I lost my alpha qualities and I feel like a pms woman going through menopause! And remember I called every specialist in Boston this morning and they don’t take my insurance so trt is never something I’m gonna be able to do under a doctors supervision my gp has no idea what he is doing my uro said he dosent care just take Cialis! I’m really lost I just need to know what blood to do on my own and the correct dosage to lower my e2 I’ve been on this ai protocol for almost 2 weeks of Friday and still don’t feel much different
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I’ll interject here and mention that the lab value at the lab my doctor uses is 47-244 so 47-300 is a probable lab range.
I’ll also mention that my T levels are on the high end and my sex drive is crazy high. I’m 55 and sex has never been better. I use testosterone cypionate and HCG with a very small amount of arimidex. When my E2 gets too high I lose penis sensitivity. With my high testosterone levels I don’t have erection problems but I take 5mg Cialis Daily for BPH symptoms and I use viagra just for the fun of it because it makes elections so easy and very firm.
Yes this is my worry they say get off and cleanse your body but my t was low to begin with and my doctor said my t is just gonna come back lower and I will be in a worse spot than I am in now! I had went to a endo and asked for clomid he said it doesn’t work and trt would be the safest bet in restoring libido!
It doesn't sound hormonal to me, if you stand up and can get an erection but not while sitting down, I don't see how it could be hormonal. You're not producing more hormones while standing up.

It sounds like a blood flow problem.
What causes that blood flow problem and the erection just last for like 1 minute longer? And my penis is still numb and I’m not getting aroused?
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Your username is amanofgod?!?! Like others have said on here stop talking crazy nonsense of killing yourself. You’re writings alone can have you pink slipped by the police and fire department for a medical hold against your will in the hospital for psychiatric evaluation. Trust me, I work in one.

Next change your username from being amanofgod to something else. A real man of god suffers and endures. They don’t harm their friends family or loved ones. They are strong not weak. Think about that!!! Suicide is not funny, it’s not a joke. Some of us on here Such as myself may have lost loved ones from it. so stop.

If I were in your shoes I would cleanse my body of everything and stay away from everything even remotely processed for the next 60 Days!!! What other prescriptions are you on? What other comorbidities do you have? You have to really dissect everything in your life first. And what’s wrong with using cialis, etc.? In addition, there’s trimix injections, as well as other options? You’re willing to take steroids, testosterone hcg and cancer drugs such as arimidex (AI), sleeping pills, etc but not a daily cialis? lol Makes no sense at all.

I agree with others. Your whole protocol is messed up. cleanse yourself. Get your baseline labs done. And start Over on a protocol with an expert in the field of men’s health and hrt. Someone that’s well known in your area. Do your own homework and read scholarly articles and publications on men’s health, diet, nutrition, trt, urology, endocrinology and cardiology. Stop saying you’ve done everything when clearly you haven’t. Don’t make excuses, look for answers. Don’t blame, take accountability!
Because Cialis is putting a band aid over the problem!
I am really fed up with life! I haven’t masturbated in almost 12 months! My libido is non existence my brain is foggy my dick is numb!my anxiety is that of a womanI keep reading about how some people never get there sex drive back on trt! It’s over for me!

I’ve taking three doses of .5 armidex and still no libido boost! I inject 62.5 e3d it seems like nothing is gonna work My e2 came back at 73 sensitive! Nobody gives me good answers! I’m so young and my life is just over!

I got some sleeping pills I’m just gonna pop a few and call it a life! I appreciate everyone who tried to help but I wanted to share this so people know trt is a scam and rarely works for people from my research! I’ve seen so many shrinks and threpist no help! If anyone has any last suggestions before I take my life that would be awesome!

I just hope you guys know I am so fed up with life and dealing with Ed I would never be willing to take a pde5 cause I wanna get to the root cause of the problem! I know I’m cursed no matter who I ask for help no one is gonna help or guide me to the right direction!

Are you taking .5 arimidex every day or 3 times a week? When are you going to retest that? What is is total testosterone now? What about shbg? free testosterone with equilibrium dialysis? Are you secondary hypogonadism? One thing that will cause major ed is low thyroid. What is your free t3, free t4, reverse t3, tsh? Prolactin levels? Other labs?

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