Nothing I try improves my libido. Need help!


New Member
Hi folks, I am fairly new to this forum and I am from the UK...

I would be extremely grateful for those who take the time to read this and offer advice if possible. I am a former anabolic steroid user and now suffering from low testosterone. Before starting TRT my bloods were:

LH 5.0iu/L REF: 1.0-10.0
FSH 9.0iu/L REF: 1.0-12.0
OESTRADIOL <18 pmol/L REF:95-223
PROLACTIN 264mU/L REF: 86-324
TESTOSTERONE 12.0 nmol/L REF: 9.0-29.0

I started TRT under the care of a TRT doctor in the UK and was prescribed the following starting protocol: 62.5mg Test E twice per week + 500iu HCG twice per week. Despite my blood work looking very good on this protocol, much to my disappointment it did absolutely nothing for libido. We made some tweaks to my protocol by adjusting the frequency of the HCG administration but still felt no different. My E2 was recording around 160 pmol which was right at the top of the range for this particular lab. We experimented with a lower test dosage 100mg per week split *2 but again made no difference. We put testosterone back to 125mg per week and introduced Examastane @6.25mg twice per week and got blood work for E2 done at week 2, 4 and 6. My doctor then increased dosage to 6.25mg EOD. I got blood work done which saw my E2 around 90pmol but I should mention this was on the standard assay. We then tried me on Test E shots EOD and then daily but much to my disappointment I was still suffering from very low Libido. I had forgot to mention that with a little persuasion from me, I was also prescribed Levothyroxin 100mcg per day as blood work showed a slightly sluggish Thyroid but unfortunately this also did nothing for me. My latest blood work for Thyroid shows:

TSH 2.37mIU/L (0.27 - 4.2)
FREE T3 5.2pmol/L (3.1 - 6.8)
FREE T4 21.4pmol/L (12 – 22)

I also got Dihydrotestosterone tested which came back at 3.25nmol/L (0.33 - 3.01)

I also got DHEA Sulphate tested: 5.54umol/L (2.41 - 11.6)

Now for something interesting that I’m hoping someone can give some feedback… About 18 months ago approximately 18 months into my TRT journey, feeling sorry for myself and pissed off, I was two weeks away from a beach holiday and thought F**k it, I’m going to take some test prop to try and trim up for the beach holiday… Now as expected, this did nothing for libido… However, three days after discontinuing the test prop when presumably the test prop would have cleared, when going to bed that night, and just for that night only I had good libido, pretty much to a level where it should be (normal)… And again around 7 months ago, I had a holiday booked and again feeling pissed off I took for just 10 ten days some dbol tabs and whilst as expected this did nothing for libido, however, three days after when presumably the dbol would have cleared I had the exact same experience as previous. Can anyone shed some light on this?

So where am I today… Just last month and still feeling no better, I decided to see a different TRT doctor in the UK for a second opinion. Whilst he agreed with all the treatment plans my original doctor had provided, he believed I may have damaged my testosterone receptors from my years of steroid use. He suggested to try and overcome this, he prescribe me a higher test dosage sustanon 250mg once per week whilst continuing the Examastane and HCG. On the night before my third shot I did feel an improvement in libido but only about half way where it needs to be. Unfortunately this was for one night only and after getting bloods done my new doctor decided to increase test dosage to every five days. This has now left me feeling worse than ever.

As you can probably imagine, I am finding this all very depressing and unfortunately I am now at a stage where I do not believe that this issue can be resolved. I would really appreciate any advice from members here inparticular why I felt good the three days after droping the dbol/test prop…

Many Thanks for reading…
I would stop Exemestane, keep the hCG and stay in lower doses of testosterone (you tend to feel better a few days after you stop your experiments). I would also get on low dose daily cialis if you can. When you say libido, what do you really mean? Having the edge to initiate sex or wanting to masturbate? Do you have the same sex partner or several?
Dr. Saya has said that in some cases he will try a short course of cabergoline to see if it helps, even with prolactin down to ~213 mIU/L (10 ng/mL), if nothing else is working. Presumably the dose is small, maybe starting with something like an eighth to a quarter of a milligram per week in two or three doses.
Things that affect libido:
  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Poor sleep
  • Medications
  • Stress/depression
  • Low testosterone
  • Infections
  • High prolactin
  • Low thyroid hormones
  • Alcohol & drugs
  • Surgery
  • Heart disease
  • High cholesterol
I would stop Exemestane, keep the hCG and stay in lower doses of testosterone (you tend to feel better a few days after you stop your experiments). I would also get on low dose daily cialis if you can. When you say libido, what do you really mean? Having the edge to initiate sex or wanting to masturbate? Do you have the same sex partner or several?

Hi Nelson,

Thank you very much for your reply... It is much appreciated... I have watched some of your videos on YouTube, they are very informative...

OK, so when it comes to libido, I simply do not get the sexual desires in my head its like I can't really get aroused or feel horny... I can mastabate but it's always dissatisfying and its like I have to work my brain, I have poor sensitivity to touch... I've not tried sex because as a single guy I just fear I would not be able to perform very well and therefore embarrassed myself... On the two separate occasions when I came off the test prop and ten days of dbol whilst trt running in the background , I had really good libido just for one evening only it was like before when I had a good sex drive before ever starting steroids... It was three days after that I finished the dbol I went to bed that evening and it was like the sexual thoughts came into my head with out me even trying, I was then able to continue those thoughts visualising sex with beautiful woman... I had an erection without even touching myself and it was very difficult to resist mastabating... This is exactly how I used to feel before my steroid use...

I forgot to mention that my original doctor did put me on tadalafil before starting the examastane not to improve erections but to try and lower the test to e2 ratio.. I felt no better libido wise and blood work showed that e2 remained the same so I discontinued the drug..

I was thinking myself that the examastane is probably not needed and looking back I wish I had tried smaller daily dosing of the test e shots before starting the AI...

As I've already mentioned my new doctor has me currently on Sustanton but I have no confidence in this protocol... I am now thinking of doing 15mg test e daily and 100iu HCG daily... You recommend cialis? Also, what are your thoughts on test propionate? I was thinking maybe this might work better for me but fear the jabs could be painful...

Overal I am so disappointed as to how I'm feeling, it was a difficult time for me to come to terms with the fact that I had to go on trt and now that I can't get the treatment to work just adds to the depression...

I really appreciate your help...
Things that affect libido:
  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Poor sleep
  • Medications
  • Stress/depression
  • Low testosterone
  • Infections
  • High prolactin
  • Low thyroid hormones
  • Alcohol & drugs
  • Surgery
  • Heart disease
  • High cholesterol
Hi SystemLord,

Thank you for your reply, it is very much appreciated... I have read some of your posts on various trt forums... You sound very knowledgeable.. Reading your list of factors above for low libido the only one I can think of is maybe a little stress... However generally I am quite calm and relaxed... In terms of thyroid I am on T4 medication... I've noticed that I don't particularly convert T4 to T3 very well with Ft3 still being mid range...
Hi Nelson,

Thank you very much for your reply... It is much appreciated... I have watched some of your videos on YouTube, they are very informative...

OK, so when it comes to libido, I simply do not get the sexual desires in my head its like I can't really get aroused or feel horny... I can mastabate but it's always dissatisfying and its like I have to work my brain, I have poor sensitivity to touch... I've not tried sex because as a single guy I just fear I would not be able to perform very well and therefore embarrassed myself... On the two separate occasions when I came off the test prop and ten days of dbol whilst trt running in the background , I had really good libido just for one evening only it was like before when I had a good sex drive before ever starting steroids... It was three days after that I finished the dbol I went to bed that evening and it was like the sexual thoughts came into my head with out me even trying, I was then able to continue those thoughts visualising sex with beautiful woman... I had an erection without even touching myself and it was very difficult to resist mastabating... This is exactly how I used to feel before my steroid use...

I forgot to mention that my original doctor did put me on tadalafil before starting the examastane not to improve erections but to try and lower the test to e2 ratio.. I felt no better libido wise and blood work showed that e2 remained the same so I discontinued the drug..

I was thinking myself that the examastane is probably not needed and looking back I wish I had tried smaller daily dosing of the test e shots before starting the AI...

As I've already mentioned my new doctor has me currently on Sustanton but I have no confidence in this protocol... I am now thinking of doing 15mg test e daily and 100iu HCG daily... You recommend cialis? Also, what are your thoughts on test propionate? I was thinking maybe this might work better for me but fear the jabs could be painful...

Overal I am so disappointed as to how I'm feeling, it was a difficult time for me to come to terms with the fact that I had to go on trt and now that I can't get the treatment to work just adds to the depression...

I really appreciate your help...

I just wanted to add... As a side note, as well as suffering low libido despite good trt blood work, I also have a problem with injury healing... It just seems a coincidence and makes me think that there must be something else wrong with me.. I've spent hours on the Internet reading up on Thyroid, DHEAS, Adrenal fatigue, insulin resistance etc etc..
I have read some of your posts on various trt forums... You sound very knowledgeable..

I've learned most of knowledge right here on Excelmale, the studies here are second to none. If you haven't already check out the "Home" tab. If you click on my tab, you'll see I have been having problems with deficiencies as well as diabetes, neither of which were addressed until after I realized TRT will not be enough.
Dr. Saya has said that in some cases he will try a short course of cabergoline to see if it helps, even with prolactin down to ~213 mIU/L (10 ng/mL), if nothing else is working. Presumably the dose is small, maybe starting with something like an eighth to a quarter of a milligram per week in two or three doses.
Thank you for your reply... My prolactin has fallen since being on trt...
Don’t take this the wrong way but why are guys so concerned with libido?

On one hand you have the incel guys who have trouble with too much libido and the absence of sexual relationships such that it affects their well-being in a big way.

On the other hand you have guys searching for every pill under the sun to improve libido and erections.

It’s confusing to me. My life seemed better when I had lower libido personally.
Don’t take this the wrong way but why are guys so concerned with libido?

On one hand you have the incel guys who have trouble with too much libido and the absence of sexual relationships such that it affects their well-being in a big way.

On the other hand you have guys searching for every pill under the sun to improve libido and erections.

It’s confusing to me. My life seemed better when I had lower libido personally.
Man I TOTALLY can relate to that last sentence lol I’m on the cream and my libido is extreme at the moment, to the point where being in a committed relationship is a hell of a lot more difficult to be honest. Apparently my body just loves elevated dht as I feel amazing. My sex drive is distracting to the point I honestly think I’ll have to go back on injections, and I’ve never been one to struggle with impulse control of any kind really
Don’t take this the wrong way but why are guys so concerned with libido?

On one hand you have the incel guys who have trouble with too much libido and the absence of sexual relationships such that it affects their well-being in a big way.

On the other hand you have guys searching for every pill under the sun to improve libido and erections.

It’s confusing to me. My life seemed better when I had lower libido personally.

When you’re a married, *** male, and my libido disappears I can literally go 6 or 8 weeks without thinking about sex at all. No erections. ED. No morning wood. No porn. No interest in having sex with my spouse. Seeing the problem yet?

TRT solved all of that and more, except for the libido part. Having no libido or an overwhelming one to the point you’re jerking off at work 3 times a day, are both problems.
Silver surfer I know where you’re coming from. I’ve been on trt a decade and in general it’s helped. Libido has been the most elusive part of the puzzle. Ive went weeks and never think about sex almost to the point of being asexual. There’s really nothing I haven’t tried over the years. At one point I tried Wellbutrin as per my doctor still to no avail. What I found a couple years ago that has helped some is lowering my weekly dose. I only do 60mg once a week cypionate only. I’ve tried all the way up to 200mg per week the higher my dose, the lower my libido. I don’t use any ancillary medications and have tons of energy at this dose. I’m also a high shbg guy, usually in the 70s. My day seven trough is usually around 650-700ng and I feel far better in every aspect than I ever did at 100-150mg per week. Also at this dose I don’t experience the sluggishness and water weight that I did at higher doses. I really don’t care about the muscle building aspect, just want to feel normal.
3 tabs of pharma grade 25mg proviron (Bayer) prior to some particular sexual arousal event + 0,5mg cabergoline the day before + just 2 or 3 alcoholic drinks just to relax.
If this not works, probably nothing will.
Don’t take this the wrong way but why are guys so concerned with libido?

On one hand you have the incel guys who have trouble with too much libido and the absence of sexual relationships such that it affects their well-being in a big way.

On the other hand you have guys searching for every pill under the sun to improve libido and erections.

It’s confusing to me. My life seemed better when I had lower libido personally.

I’ve never wanted to downvote a comment so much in my life.
I did EOD 25 mg sustanon and didn’t feel good. Even with estrogen undercontrol.
Increased to 50 mg twice a week felt a bit better.

From my short experience I think how fast testosterone movement can create libido (maybe)
25mg didn’t do much but higher dose (high fluctuation) did something, people on daily cream are saying the same at least most of them, daily high dose maybe can do this.

You said when u increase testosterone suddenly things started happening. I guess u don’t need high levels but high fluctuation.
for sure for EOD with low dose 25mg sustanon I was a dead fish.

But hey the guys above are more experience then me I am still testing this and that.
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OK, so when it comes to libido, I simply do not get the sexual desires in my head its like I can't really get aroused or feel horny... I can mastabate but it's always dissatisfying and its like I have to work my brain, I have poor sensitivity to touch... I've not tried sex because as a single guy I just fear I would not be able to perform very well and therefore embarrassed myself... On the two separate occasions when I came off the test prop and ten days of dbol whilst trt running in the background , I had really good libido just for one evening only it was like before when I had a good sex drive before ever starting steroids... It was three days after that I finished the dbol I went to bed that evening and it was like the sexual thoughts came into my head with out me even trying, I was then able to continue those thoughts visualising sex with beautiful woman... I had an erection without even touching myself and it was very difficult to resist mastabating... This is exactly how I used to feel before my steroid use...

Well said. This is very similar to how I feel. It's like... whatever internally is telling your mind... SEX IS OVER. Like... you're into another path of life. (No more sex.) lol Like you're 65 years old and washed up even though you're in your early 40's. There is no sensitivity down there. There isn't any type of arousal. Never get fully erect (IF YOU DO.) It's the most mind boggling thing ever.

I've heard from several "body builders" that claim I need Test levels over 200mg weekly to reverse this process. Of course it's coming from meat heads. Naturally, I don't believe in MORE IS BETTER... I just want things to work "Normal" as before.

I'm more than likely going to try low doses of Proviron and/or Cabergoline soon. Just waiting on some lab work to have a starting point.... so I don't screw up Cholesterol levels etc. Not a big fan of using other drugs like this... but there is a sense of desperation building up.

What else could it be?
Man I TOTALLY can relate to that last sentence lol I’m on the cream and my libido is extreme at the moment, to the point where being in a committed relationship is a hell of a lot more difficult to be honest. Apparently my body just loves elevated dht as I feel amazing. My sex drive is distracting to the point I honestly think I’ll have to go back on injections, and I’ve never been one to struggle with impulse control of any kind really

As someone who hasn't had a libido for 23 years - I'm so jealous.

Will be trying Doxazosin now to calm SNS. Will see if it works.
Well said. This is very similar to how I feel. It's like... whatever internally is telling your mind... SEX IS OVER. Like... you're into another path of life. (No more sex.) lol Like you're 65 years old and washed up even though you're in your early 40's. There is no sensitivity down there. There isn't any type of arousal. Never get fully erect (IF YOU DO.) It's the most mind boggling thing ever.

I've heard from several "body builders" that claim I need Test levels over 200mg weekly to reverse this process. Of course it's coming from meat heads. Naturally, I don't believe in MORE IS BETTER... I just want things to work "Normal" as before.

I'm more than likely going to try low doses of Proviron and/or Cabergoline soon. Just waiting on some lab work to have a starting point.... so I don't screw up Cholesterol levels etc. Not a big fan of using other drugs like this... but there is a sense of desperation building up.

What else could it be?
I guess the cream can be something, I remember 10 years ago I gave it a try though with inexperience doctor. But libido was really high. But had erection issues. Was a short term thing then I stopped it.

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