Better results in that you're less likely to have side effects from high estradiol around the peaks, and less likely to go hypogonadal before your next injection. The "spike up" and long drift down of testosterone are precisely what allows peak estradiol to become excessive. Nebido fairs better with HCT because the dose is so low. If you injected only 75 mg a week of T cypionate you'd get similar results. But you're comparing to guys injecting 100-200 mg per week.
Really nice to see you guys respond. Thanks a lot.
I can do just fine on 2ml every 4 weeks. But I do have to know ballpark what my levels should be before injecting. I was told waiting until the levels falls down to 15-20 nmol/ area before injecting 4ml. I imagine it has to be a little higher when injecting "only" 2ml.