Any other LOW SHBG patients with success on the T-Cream Scrotum

it’s crazy to think that this will be even close to enough. What makes you think that 25mg/ day is enough for a stand-alone TRT protocol, when most guys using cream need at bare minimum 100mg 2x/ day. A lot of guys find that their optimal dose is 200mg 2x/ day, which is 16x your current dose. I obviously hope it works for you, but I just don’t see why every guy that’s tried cream usually needs at least 150mg-400mg per day, but you are trialing 25mg per day. Is empower offering low dose magical fairytale cream that i don’t know about? Lol

I'm remembering now why I had you on my blocked list for a long time and had to prevent you from sending me PM's.
I'm remembering now why I had you on my blocked list for a long time and had to prevent you from sending me PM's.

What did I ever do to u? Lol. I was just asking an honest question. I’m honestly curious what your thoughts are. No sarcasm or anything. Not trying to be mean or pessimistic. I genuinely am curious what your logic is behind your decision to use only 25mg of the cream per day as your sole TRT protocol. Why would the very bare minimum dosage for every guy be 50mg 2x/ day, yet you think 25mg total per day is going to be enough? I’m legitimately curious what your thoughts are, and how you came to the conclusion to use the dose you’re using. I respect you as a member here, and just want to know how u came to choosing this specific dosage. I apologize if I offended you in some way. Wasn’t my intentions. Sorry Vince.

P.S.- I hope this dose gets your levels to a decent range. It would mean that there may be other men that only need a tiny dosage like this with the cream, which would make it a much more appealing option, as it would potentially be cheaper than injections. Currently, it’s quite a bit more expensive for most men. It was costing me around $72 every 20 days, for instance.
So let me get this straight... @Gman86 makes a very good point worthy of discussion, but rather than look at it constructively, you get your "feels" hurt and block him. Sounds about right. I can see why you're struggling to find a good protocol that works for you. SMH.

Appreciate this. My only goals here are to learn, and use the knowledge and experience I have to help others. If I offended anyone on this forum, it must just be a misunderstanding. It definitely wasn't my intentions.
My DHT is way over the lab range on this dose of cream. On a 16-79 scale (Quest) my base line is no more than 40. but ~2hrs post injection I'm over a 100, my last DHT was 155.

I had 155 on 40mg a day. I'm shooting for less than 100, Defy said 100+ causes hairloss. But even at 10mg, I still had hairloss. I'm doing 5mg now and will wait 3-4 weeks to see how it works out and I'm due for bloodwork too

So I'm on 5mg T-Scrotum a day + 60mg injections a week

NOTE: I respond well to low doses, I always have high T with lil amounts
I am long time low shbg lurker here and on another forum, have tried almost everything , all types of test , injection frequency, other proposed shbg increasing drugs and methods, nothing has worked so far, absolutely no change in the way I feel or any alleviation of the low T symptoms (T is up only on bloods). I havent yet tried testosterone gel so far , as in my country (I live in eastern Europe) its not being sold and prescribed at all. I know its probably against the rules, but if someone knows a reputable source that ships worldwide from where I can purchase Test in the form of gel ,without prescription, I would be really grateful if you message me , so I can try eli`s method and will report the results here. Thanks
I hate to be a skeptic, but there’s no way you had total T of 1700 at 50mg of cream once in am/ day. That’s like a guy saying he reached a total T of 1700 off of 25mg of cypionate per week. Have you ever seen a guy only need 25mg of cyp to get close to 2000 total T? For you to get a total that high, it was either lab error, or you doses the cream wrong. I will put everything I own on that.

I totally agree with you on this bro, no way in hell that dose is high enough. Might have decent libido with that protocol at the very most.
I totally agree with you on this bro, no way in hell that dose is high enough. Might have decent libido with that protocol at the very most.
No way in hell we can speak in absolutes about trt. And also low shbg guys are a different animal. And by that I mean we can have the same shbg number and still react totally different. Most these cream guys that are on that ******** group and dr Nichols page are trying to do legal roids. They also don’t worry if labs are 3x over the range as long as they get symptom relief. So if your looking for that more power too you but this forum is looking for long term health and symptom relief. So why not start low. Or you can use danny bossa asinine theory of it wasting time just start at 250mg a week save time and you’ll be dialed in. Smh
No way in hell we can speak in absolutes about trt. And also low shbg guys are a different animal. And by that I mean we can have the same shbg number and still react totally different. Most these cream guys that are on that ******** group and dr Nichols page are trying to do legal roids. They also don’t worry if labs are 3x over the range as long as they get symptom relief. So if your looking for that more power too you but this forum is looking for long term health and symptom relief. So why not start low. Or you can use danny bossa asinine theory of it wasting time just start at 250mg a week save time and you’ll be dialed in. Smh

Theres also a lot of guys on the cream with very average testosterone levels, that post their labs over there. The lowest dose I’ve ever seen someone need with the cream is 100mg am/ 50mg pm. I can’t recall anyone being able to use 50mg 2x day to get decent levels. So the minimum I’ve personally seen someone need, is 150mg/ day. And that’s to just get average, healthy levels. Not supraphysiologic levels. It just seems extremely unlikely, based on all the labs I’ve seen with guys using the cream, that a guy can use on 50mg/ day and reach a level of 1700, or that Vince can use 25mg/ day and reach a good level. Obviously there’s outliers that are genetic freaks, but why haven’t we seen anyone need only 20-30mg if testosterone cypionate/ enanthate per week to reach healthy levels? That would be around the equivalent dose of injectable compared to 25-50mg of 20% testosterone cream.

But like I said before, I hope I’m wrong, and that Vince achieves healthy levels, or at least close to it, on the low dose of cream, I honestly do. I’m hoping I’m incorrect in my assumptions. It’s just hard to theorize that these doses can achieve healthy levels, based off of all the knowledge and anecdotal reports we have on the creams currently.
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Theres also a lot of guys on the cream with very average testosterone levels, that poat their labs over there. The lowest dose I’ve ever seen someone need with the cream is 100mg am/ 50mg pm.

How do you define "need"?

I can’t recall anyone being able to use 50mg 2x day to get decent levels. So the minimum I’ve personally seen someone need, is 150mg/ day. And that’s to just get average, healthy levels.

What are "decent levels" and "average, healthy levels?

Personally, if I time the blood draw just right, I've measured a peak of over 1500 after applying 1/2ml of 200mg/ml cream. However if I measure +/-1hour from the peak my levels are several hundred points lower. The half life is really short and I do not have low SHBG.
How do you define "need"?

What are "decent levels" and "average, healthy levels?

Personally, if I time the blood draw just right, I've measured a peak of over 1500 after applying 1/2ml of 200mg/ml cream. However if I measure +/-1hour from the peak my levels are several hundred points lower. The half life is really short and I do not have low SHBG.

This is a big reason why 25 mg a day is MOST LIKELY going to be too low of a dose. That dose will not last long enough in the body to provide proper symptom relief in my opinion, even if you time the peak just right and get upper range lab numbers. I love experiments though, I can't wait to hear what vince's numbers are and how he feels. I will be as happy for him as anyone if it works out, that is a super inexpensive way to feel optimized on trt
Now I have to agree with Vince, you are an Odd dude. Give me a good reason why I have to lie about my dose and results? Does someone rub my nuts and sends me a check? Goooo take 20000mg a day, I don't care

200mg/ml, 1 click in the Am on nuts (.25ml) for 5 weeks, lab taken 5-6 hours later. It's pretty straight forward

I have a friend who takes 50mg of test cyp a week and he has TT in 700s, some would need 200mg. Are you new to this shit? Because I tell you this isn't a one size fits all game

Also, you absorb up to 10% of the cream on non-scrotal areas but on the scrotum, you absorb up to 8x more than other areas, meaning one could potentially absorb 80% of it. These are based on researches that are available. Now do the math with 50mg a day and 80% absorbed
UP TO means at least one of the people in the study absorbed 80%, it's not guaranteed for everyone, since everyone reacts differently.
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Theres also a lot of guys on the cream with very average testosterone levels, that poat their labs over there. The lowest dose I’ve ever seen someone need with the cream is 100mg am/ 50mg pm. I can’t recall anyone being able to use 50mg 2x day to get decent levels. So the minimum I’ve personally seen someone need, is 150mg/ day. And that’s to just get average, healthy levels. Not supraphysiologic levels. It just seems extremely unlikely, based on all the labs I’ve seen with guys using the cream, that a guy can use on 50mg/ day and reach a level of 1700, or that Vince can use 25mg/ day and reach a good level. Obviously there’s outliers that are genetic freaks, but why haven’t we seen anyone need only 20-30mg if testosterone cypionate/ enanthate per week to reach healthy levels? That would be around the equivalent dose of injectable compared to 25-50mg of 20% testosterone cream.

But like I said before, I hope I’m wrong, and that Vince achieves healthy levels, or at least close to it, on the low dose of cream, I honestly do. I’m hoping I’m incorrect in my assumptions. It’s just hard to theorize that these doses can achieve healthy levels, based off of all the knowledge and anecdotal reports we have on the creams currently.
healthy levels for who. That is all subjective bro. It’s very tiring going over this post after post. We are all different and it would always be logical to start as low as you can and work your way up. Why would you want to take double the meds you need just cause some jerkoff on YouTube that’s only been on trt a year tells you too. Same with Ssri. Everyone speaks that they are poison. I’ve had good success with them. But guess what at 1/4 of most people starting dose.
That’s the way medicine should be practiced.

instead of telling a guy good luck cause I’ve never seen it happen just wait and see his results. Especially when it’s a guy that’s been on trt for a while. Vince isn’t some 21 year old just starting trt
How do you define "need"?

What are "decent levels" and "average, healthy levels?

Personally, if I time the blood draw just right, I've measured a peak of over 1500 after applying 1/2ml of 200mg/ml cream. However if I measure +/-1hour from the peak my levels are several hundred points lower. The half life is really short and I do not have low SHBG.

Wow that’s a really good response. That’s not unheard of. I’ve seen a decent amount of guys have really good lab values using 100mg am/ 100mg pm. Do you apply another 100mg in the pm?

When I say “need” I guess I’m just referring to the dose they require to get their free T levels to near the top of the range, or above.

I would say decent levels are around mid range for free T. I’d say average levels would be around the same range.
This is a big reason why 25 mg a day is MOST LIKELY going to be too low of a dose. That dose will not last long enough in the body to provide proper symptom relief in my opinion, even if you time the peak just right and get upper range lab numbers. I love experiments though, I can't wait to hear what vince's numbers are and how he feels. I will be as happy for him as anyone if it works out, that is a super inexpensive way to feel optimized on trt

My exact thoughts. Really hoping for the best for him, and want this experiment to be successful, as it would be extremely cost effective. Just trying to be realistic at the same time.
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The least amount of any medication is best. I feel well on 60mg a week of cypionate. My levels on androgel would go well above a 1000ng. If someone is needing to put 2 to 300 mg of testosterone cream on their nuts then I would question the potency of the medication. Something don’t jive! I think I’d switch pharmacies
So @Gman86 today I receive a PM from @Vince Carter telling me how he's an established member, blah, blah, blah and that I really should listen to him. LOL .

So let me make this clear... I truly appreciate the veteran member's advice and contribution to this forum. I've truly learned a lot and enjoy being here. However, ANY member can learn from others, especially as in Gman's case offering some sound advice to you, Vince. I honestly don't care how long you've been here, Vince, your reply above was rude and uncalled for. Just because you've been here forever doesn't mean you can't learn something new or consider a different approach. As a "veteran" you should know better!

Finally, quit assuming just because someone has a new account they have only been on the forum for a week or two. In my case, I have been here a very long time doing research before starting TRT - I just hadn't registered until recently. I know who the "established" members are. Maybe you should take your own advice you prescribe to new members and listen more. Who knows, you might learn something that helps. End of rant.

I don’t want to fall into the trap that most guys here do and succumb to our caveman brains and make this an us vs them thing. Anytime people pick sides, everyone loses. But what you said Jimbo is very lucid and I’d have to agree with you. Nobody’s better than anyone here. There’s some members that are doctors that have great insight and info to share, and then there are new members that have no certifications or degrees in this field and can offer info that is just has accurate and helpful. This forum has amazing potential, but for some reason a lot of the members here can be very immature, resort to name calling, can be extremely judgmental, and can be extremely poor communicators. I’m a part of quite a few hormone fb groups, and of course you get some guys that are like this, but for some reason, it seems like there is way more men here that just don’t communicate well, get offended very easily, like to take sides, like to judge, like to attack other members, can only see things from their perspective/ experiences, and just overall lose sight of what this forum is supposed to be. Which is a place for men to learn, share their experiences, and help guide other members on their path to health and wellness. This is supposed to be a positive place to help guys out struggling. That’s why I’m here at least. If I ever offend anyone, or make them upset, or seem like I’m being judgmental, it’s not my intentions, and I apologize. I just wish this place was a more positive outlet for men/ women to come to when they need it. Unfortunately this forum has gotten off track quite a bit, imo. Which is very sad. Like I said, it has a ton of potential.
I'm wondering if there is a saturation limit to the amount that can be absorbed per sq. in. of skin area. I'm hearing some of these doses that seen way to high and wonder if they could get the same results on a much lower dose.

I also wonder how much difference the method of application makes. I would rub the cream in until it was completely absorbed, but I've heard of other guys basically brush it on in one stroke, not rub it in, and then wait for it to dry before getting dressed.
I don’t want to fall into the trap that most guys here do and succumb to our caveman brains and make this an us vs them thing. Anytime people pick sides, everyone loses. But what you said Jimbo is very lucid and I’d have to agree with you. Nobody’s better than anyone here. There’s some members that are doctors that have great insight and info to share, and then there are new members that have no certifications or degrees in this field and can offer info that is just has accurate and helpful. This forum has amazing potential, but for some reason a lot of the members here can be very immature, resort to name calling, can be extremely judgmental, and can be extremely poor communicators. I’m a part of quite a few hormone fb groups, and of course you get some guys that are like this, but for some reason, it seems like there is way more men here that just don’t communicate well, get offended very easily, like to take sides, like to judge, like to attack other members, can only see things from their perspective/ experiences, and just overall lose sight of what this forum is supposed to be. Which is a place for men to learn, share their experiences, and help guide other members on their path to health and wellness. This is supposed to be a positive place to help guys out struggling. That’s why I’m here at least. If I ever offend anyone, or make them upset, or seem like I’m being judgmental, it’s not my intentions, and I apologize. I just wish this place was a more positive outlet for men/ women to come to when they need it. Unfortunately this forum has gotten off track quite a bit, imo. Which is very sad. Like I said, it has a ton of potential.
are you saying I have a caveman brain lol. It’s us vs them with me because what this forum is about vs what that ******** group is about. We are about conventional trt. For sick men. They have way to many members that are healthy and using “trt” as legal roids. And I’m fine with anyone doing what every they want with there body but they are actually hurting the community by promoting it as trt. That’s why I’m against a lot of what they stand for. If we have sub forums for that kind of thing then that’s fine. It’s hard enough to get good information on trt. These younger guys are very impressionable. They come here and see a guy saying how 300mg scrotum cream has changed his life. He fucks 3 times a day 7 days a week blah blah blah. The. Come to find out he’s only been on it 2 months. These guys leave out very important details that’s why it gets frustrating. Especially a guy like me that has been through the ringer with this shit. And still at this point I feel better off then on. And I have 200 t levels. So even though I’ve been on the forums 10+ years I get desperate and read the shit they spew and go and try something crazy and end up worse off for it. My real problem with it all is the absolutes. Sorry for the rant. I know everyone here means well and we are all different and trying to feel better is all our main goal but it gets frustrating

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