I have tried Wellbutrin and Seligine. Neither of them do anything. Tried for months so I know it was not a case of "I needed to wait longer"
My case is not unique for guys with super low SHBG.
So not a modicum of change? No point in time where you had at least a little libido or signs that you possibly could get this right?
Have you considered Wellbutrin and selegiline, the dopamine agonists of the world?
How low is your SHBG?
I’ve actually seen a guy on another forum with pretty lowish SHBG doing well with 5mg ED.
It is pretty concerning that you’ve never had ANY success. That fucking sucks beyond anything imaginable.
If I ever find anything interesting to try, i’ll toss it your way.
Good luck man, hope this all comes together for you one day.
I have tried Wellbutrin and Seligine. Neither of them do anything. Tried for months so I know it was not a case of "I needed to wait longer"
My case is not unique for guys with super low SHBG.
Sleep Apnea??
Sleep is solid..my dad was a non responder to all the meds he had to take the last few years of his life so it's probably inherited
its insane how you feel no different. I’m low shbg and I get side effects from everything. The fact you feel nothing is crazy. I’ve been on the boards with you forever and I really feel for you man. I have found some relief from the hell I was in when this all started happening. But no where near perfect.Sleep is solid..my dad was a non responder to all the meds he had to take the last few years of his life so it's probably inherited
First off, I want to wish everybody on this forum a great Thanksgiving.
Anybody else here that doesn't respond to Thyroid meds? T3 or T4 or a combination of them?
I have persistent and slowly worsening symptoms of hypothyroidism:
Often feeling cold, I tire easily, I always have sore muscles (I don't recover well from exercise, and TRT has been ZERO help in that), weight gain, etc.
I follow an on-line macro calculator, I don't smoke, I rarely drink and when I do its a glass of wine with dinner. I am not diabetic, I don't have insulin resistance, high blood pressure or any other co-morbidity. No anxiety or depression. I do have very low SHBG raging between the upper single digits and low teens, which means that TRT doesn't really do much for me, either.
I have been with Defy for years and been checked for Hashimotos, reverse T3, etc.. (I don't have either issue)
I am currently on 75 mcg of T3 and I take it on an empty stomach and I don't eat or drink for 45 minutes afterwards and it is like I am taking a sugar pill. I feel NOTHING from it. Blood levels look fine now, but no improvement in symptoms.
You need to find out if you are Secondary hypogonadism and if you are, you need a whole pituitary panel done for Secondary adrenal insufficiency , growth hormone and moreI think the only thing have not already tried is Hydrocortisone. I will ask about it at my next consult.
You need t4 with your t3
i do not know if you ever see my posts but we are very similar. Trt makes me feel worse actually. I have great thyroid numbers but my body temp is always 97.0-97.5. Same symptoms as you. And my cortisol is low normal. I’ve taken hc and it did nothing alone. On trt it made me feel even worse. Then I tried t3. I immediately felt terrible on it dizzy and anxiety. Panic attack about an hour after first pill taken. I was on a tiny dose. I think it was 15mcg.
So we are a little different because I do seem to react to meds but only poorly lol. I’m currently on nothing and I feel better then when I mess with hrt. But I still don’t feel great
I have and I likely do have some continuing adrenal issues. I find that its reasonably easy to diagnose (4-tube cortisol test, etc.) but I have not found any treatment that actual works to resolve adrenal issues. Meditation and advice like, "try to stress less" are not really tangible fixes for me.
You could still have apnea and not know it, I did.
#1 what brand of t3 are you using? Very important, #2 How many hours since your last dosage did you test your thyroid levels? #3 did you test am cortisol and acth serum? #4 are you secondary hypogonadism?
I am using T3 from a compounding pharmacy via Defy Medical. My thyroid levels look OK on paper - I just don't have any symptom relief. I feel hypothyroid and have the usual symptoms of hypothyroid. TRT is the same for me - My total T, Free T and E2 levels are fine on paper - I just don't have any symptom relief and always feel like I have Low T.
If you took your thyroid the morning of the lab test before your lab draw , that is not accurate at all. You need acth serum and am cortisol and possibly other testing such as the metyrapone stim test to see if you have secondary adrenal insufficiency.
I have done am cortisol a few times and it's normal, but I am interested in the other tests you mentioned if l can find them on discountedlabs.com or somewhere else.
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