Iron Deficiency Without Anemia – Common, Important, Neglected

Iron Deficiency Without Anemia – Common, Important, Neglected (2019)

Esa Soppi* Department of internal medicine, Eira Hospital, Laivurinkatu 29, FI-00150 Helsinki, Finland

stages of anemia.webp

A serum ferritin concentration of <30 µg/L is the most sensitive and specific test for the identification of iron deficiency in patients with or without anemia.
However, patients may be iron deficient at much higher concentrations of ferritin. Iron deficiency without anemia and with normal red blood count is a clinical challenge, and many patients have been diagnosed with a multitude of conditions ranging from hypothyroidism to depression to chronic fatigue syndrome over the years when they have sought help for their often debilitating symptoms. The keys to a correct diagnosis are assessment of the serum ferritin concentration and a meticulous medical history focusing on the possibility of life-long blood losses and diseases such as celiac disease. Differential diagnostic causes for the symptoms must be sought for. The mainstay of therapy is oral iron in sufficient doses for at least 6 to 9 moths together with serum ferritin monitoring. Some patients who do not respond to oral iron treatment may need intravenous iron. The longer the iron deficiency has lasted, the more challenging the therapy may be. Some iron deficient patients without anemia may have had the condition for over a decade, and may not fully recover. The amount of human suffering, the loss of quality of life and the indirect costs to society caused by iron deficiency are huge.

Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency. Several studies in Western countries have shown that 3–9% of children have iron deficiency before puberty. Some 11–33% of young women have iron deficiency after menarche, and 3.5–13% of males are iron deficient after having passed the growth spurt in adolescence. The prevalence of iron deficiency is constantly high, at 9–22%, among menstruating women, but among adult males the prevalence settles to around 1–2%. After menopause, the prevalence of iron deficiency among females approaches the prevalence of males and is 1.4–4% [1-3]. It has been estimated that 25–40% of females have iron deficiency anemia at some stage in their life [3,4]. Still, iron deficiency without anemia is much more common than iron deficiency anemia.

Excluding major blood loss, iron deficiency ensues as the end result of a long period of negative iron balance, i.e., when iron losses exceed iron intake or there are increased demands [5,6].
First, iron stores are gradually and progressively depleted and only then anemia may develop. Clinical data is emerging and showing that many patients may remain in prelatent or latent stages of iron deficiency without progressing to anemia [2,3,7-9].

During my 30-year carrier as a consulting internist I have met hundreds of patients, mainly menstruating females, who have sought medical advice for prolonged (1–35 years) fatigue, brain fog, muscle and joint pains, weight gain, headache, dyspnea, palpitations (sometimes associated with sleep disturbances), arrhythmia, lump in the throat or difficulty in swallowing or restless legs. Over time, the patients have often received a spectrum of diagnoses and corresponding treatments: subclinical hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia, burnout, overtraining, asthma, somber mood extending from melancholy to severe therapyresistant depression, chronic fatigue syndrome and chronic Lyme disease. It is important to include iron deficiency without anemia as a differential diagnostic possibility, because this type of iron deficiency is very often associated with symptoms that severely impair the patient’s performance and quality of life and may even hinder the patient from overcoming the ordinary challenges of everyday life and may cause permanent disability.

Differential diagnosis
The symptoms experienced by persons with iron deficiency are not pathognomonic, although the saying that “usual diseases are common” fits very well. It is important that the physician considers the etiology: What causes the iron deficiency in the patient (Table 2)? Among the common causes for iron deficiency are heavy menstrual bleedings and hemorrhages in connection with pregnancy and delivery among females and multiple blood donations, celiac disease and ulcerative colitis in both genders.

There are several conditions and illnesses with symptoms mimicking iron deficiency. Examples are hypothyroidism, profound vitamin D deficiency, vitamin B12 deficiency, celiac disease, testosterone deficiency, abnormal calcium metabolism, sleep apnea, heavy smoking and even occult malignancy [3,17]. Adequate differential diagnostic consideration is, of course, needed. There are innumerable patients with iron deficiency who have been put on thyroid hormone medication despite normal thyroid function. This is due to the fact that the symptoms of hypothyroidism and iron deficiency are very similar, and the serum thyrotropin activity tends to increase in iron deficiency [22,25]. In this setting, increased TSH-values are due to the enzyme thyroid peroxidase, a hormone that contributes to thyroid hormone synthesis. Thyroid peroxidase contains an iron moiety and in iron deficiency the function of the enzyme is disturbed. The symptoms may abate transiently when the patient takes thyroid hormone, but the iron deficiency must be corrected as soon as possible, during which time the need of thyroxin often decreases. Patients with iron deficiency tend to tolerate thyroid hormones poorly. Once the iron stores have been replenished, it is best to discontinue thyroid medication, if possible. Since both hypothyroidism and iron deficiency are common, it is by no means rare for a patient to have both conditions simultaneously, possibly even complemented with other comorbidities which further accentuate symptoms.

*Iron inhibits the absorption of thyroid hormones, and hence it is best to take the thyroxin tablet in the morning and the first iron pill around noon. Iron absorption is reduced by milk, calcium and magnesium products and by proton pump inhibitors. Also, coffee, tea and cereal products affect negatively the uptake of iron. At higher doses of iron intake, these diet restrictions have less importance. The impact of vitamin C as an uptake enhancer diminishes also when the iron dose increases. The role of the diet as a treatment modality of iron deficiency is generally modest, but once iron deficiency has been corrected, dietary iron is a significant iron homeostasis-maintaining factor.

Iron deficiency is very common and may be ranked among the most common public health concerns today. Diagnosing iron deficiency, especially if there is no iron deficiency anemia, is a challenge for the clinician. Iron deficiency without anemia seems to be an autonomous clinical condition which needs special attention, as has been suggested earlier [9].
Clearly, we have yet much to learn about iron deficiency and iron metabolism and how they relate to the spectrum of symptoms experienced by the patient. Iron deficiency is a real and harsh disease which may lead to severe symptoms and work incapacity. The longer the duration of iron deficiency, the more difficult it is to treat. The treatment of iron deficiency is often carried out with too small doses of iron and for too short a time. The treatment response must be followed up with assessments of the blood count and the serum ferritin concentration. Follow-up must continue for at least one year after normalization of the hemoglobin and ferritin concentrations.
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My problem is HCT (56), HG (19) and RBCs (6.9) are the same no matter on the protocol.
I’ve done 100 mg once weekly, 40 mg every 3.5 days, 72 mg every 5 days, and currently:
70 mg every 4 days test cyp total weekly 122.5 mg
Numbers on trough below
TT 926
FT 23.2
E2 72 ( no high e2 sides )

Numbers on trough much weaker on previous 72 mg every 5 days protocol
TT 600
FT 13.5
E2 35

same blood numbers

70 mg every 4 days test cyp total weekly 122.5 mg
Numbers on trough below
TT 926
FT 23.2
E2 72 ( no high e2 sides )

On your current protocol above using the newer TruT calculated method with a TT (trough) 926 ng/dL, SHBG 31 nmol/L, Albumin 4.3 g/dL (mean).....your FT (trough) is 33.07 ng/dL (just over the top end of the reference range of 16-31 ng/dL).

Your peak TT/FT levels will be a lot higher as your blood work for trough was done 4 days after your injection.
Screenshot (505).webp

Numbers on trough much weaker on previous 72 mg every 5 days protocol
TT 600
FT 13.5
E2 35

On the protocol above using the same FT calculator with a TT (trough) 600 ng/dL, SHBG 31 nmol/L, Albumin 4.3 g/dL (mean).....your FT (trough) is 20.48 ng/dL ( low/normal of the reference range of 16-31 ng/dL).

Again your peak TT/FT levels will be a lot higher as your blood work for trough was done 5 days after your injection.

When you were running the protocol above 72 mg every 5 days which had your FT (trough) at 20.48 ng/dl (low/normal of the reference range) long were you on such protocol as you would have needed to give it a good amount of time to see how the lower TT/FT levels truly effected your rbc's/hemoglobin/hematocrit levels?

Have you ever been tested from sleep apnea?

Regardless of your SHBG you could also look into injecting smaller doses of T more frequently as in daily which will keep your T levels very stable with minimal peak-->trough
I did a sleep study and came back negative. All protocols were around 3 months each. I’m tweeting the current one from 70 to 65 mg every 4 days. I donated today so ferritin surely went even lower. But I don’t feel any different.
Is it a bad idea to quickly start taking an iron supplement before the red cells go up again to at least boost my ferritin?
I did a sleep study and came back negative. All protocols were around 3 months each. I’m tweeting the current one from 70 to 65 mg every 4 days. I donated today so ferritin surely went even lower. But I don’t feel any different.
Is it a bad idea to quickly start taking an iron supplement before the red cells go up again to at least boost my ferritin?

You are in a bind here as seeing your ferritin is already 22 which is just above the bottom end of the reference range donating you most definitely crashed it so eventually you will develop iron deficiency if you do not start supplementation to get your ferritin levels back into a healthy range above 100.

You need to stop donating for at least 3-6 months now and start iron supplementation otherwise you will be causing more issues in the long run if you develop an iron deficiency.

I honestly think your best move would be to lower your overall weekly dose slightly and start daily injections using lower doses of T.

I think if you minimize your TT/FT peak--->trough levels which would be attainable using low doses of T injected daily and at the same time lower your overall weekly dosage slightly you may be able to find a TT/FT levels that is not too high/ when injecting daily your T levels will be much more stable.

You also may need to look into getting a referral to a hematologist.
Yeah I went to a hematologist and all she did was told me to stop trt lol so useless. Will taking iron supplements increased hct hg and rbc even higher then they are now? Or will the new iron just go into storage in ferritin?
Yeah I went to a hematologist and all she did was told me to stop trt lol so useless. Will taking iron supplements increased hct hg and rbc even higher then they are now? Or will the new iron just go into storage in ferritin?

It will definitely increase rbc's/hemoglobin/hematocrit levels but how much no one can say for sure.....that is why it is important to try and find a protocol where you can minimize your peak--->trough TT/FT levels and at the same time run the lowest dose possible in order to achieve a TT/FT level that is not too high and at the same time not too low where low-t symptoms become problematic again.
I hear yea. My only worry with lowering dosage is the experience I had with the 40 mg every 3.5 day protocol. All trt benefits disappeared yet bloods stayed high.
On the flip side I respond better then most to blood donations. I saw a 10% drop last time. HCT went from 56 to 50 and hemoglobin from 191 to 172
Yeah I went to a hematologist and all she did was told me to stop trt lol so useless. Will taking iron supplements increased hct hg and rbc even higher then they are now? Or will the new iron just go into storage in ferritin?

That sounds like a healthy option, return to low testosterone. Madmans advice is sound, daily dosing and start supplementing iron and blood donations.

I hematocrit was lowest on daily dosing, -4% (50%-->46%) even compared with my EOD protocol. My levels were about the same give or take 50 ng/dL.

If you start supplementing iron now, hematocrit might increase.
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Hematocrit will increase immediately? It seems like my levels reach a certain high and stay there. Like hct 56 on any protocol. Like some studies say testosterone resets a new point for hemoglobin.
How quick will iron supplements increase blood markers? Weeks? Days? If it’s gonna increase anyway might as well boost the ferritin in the mean time. Honestly I can’t do daily. I noticed I felt the best on the widest gap between shots.
I recently had iron below range (40), now iron is 100 and ferritin 63 and my RBC and hematocrit is the same when iron was 62 and ferritin 35 three years ago.

No one can say for certain whether or not hematocrit will increase on iron supplementation. Start low and go slow on dosing. Try 25mg glycinate twice weekly and go from there.
is 25 mg daily iron bisglycinate enough?
is 25 mg daily iron bisglycinate enough?

Your ferritin was 22 just before your most recent is definitely crashed now.

I would use iron bisglycinate at 36 mg/day.....capsules come in 18 mg and 36 mg strength.

Would be more sensible to use two 18 mg capsules morning/evening as using lower doses spread out will improve absorption.

It will take a good 3 months to get your levels up.....but seeing as your levels are going to be crashed such dose 36 mg/day may only get your levels around 50 (only blood work in 3 months will tell).

To get your level 100+ it may take 6 months at such dose.

If after 3 months at such dose 36 mg/day your levels are still not high enough you could double your dose 36 mg twice daily.

I use Now Iron Bisglycinate (dirt cheap$$$) and purchase online from here as they deliver to Canada:

18 mg strength comes in 90/120 caps
Now Foods, Iron, 18 mg, 120 Veg Capsules

36 mg strength comes in 90/120 caps
Now Foods, Iron, Double Strength, 36 mg, 90 Veg Capsules
I just bought the SISU brand iron Bisglycinate and it’s 25 mg per capsule. Should I take 50 mg a day?
My HCT went from 56 (after donation it dropped to 50) and back to 56 in exactly 3 months. Would taking this iron speed things up and bring my hematocrit back to let’s say 56 again in like a month after today’s donation?
Strange that with all these high bloods my blood pressure is excellent. Mid 90s/mid70s.
I just bought the SISU brand iron Bisglycinate and it’s 25 mg per capsule. Should I take 50 mg a day?
My HCT went from 56 (after donation it dropped to 50) and back to 56 in exactly 3 months. Would taking this iron speed things up and bring my hematocrit back to let’s say 56 again in like a month after today’s donation?
Strange that with all these high bloods my blood pressure is excellent. Mid 90s/mid70s.

Supplementing iron let alone when on trt will speed up the process but regardless seeing as your ferritin will be crashed it could take 3-6 months to get your levels into a healthy range.....most likely 6 months to get in the 100 range but we have no idea where it will put your ferritin until you have bloodwork done at 3 months.

Downfall is you have to stop donating until you get your ferritin fairly high again.....otherwise in 3 months if your ferritin is still sub-par than donating again will just lower it.

The only other way to lower your rbc's/hemoglobin/hematocrit is to lower your T dose and if anything trying daily injections using lower doses as again your peak--->trough levels will be minimal and blood levels will be very just need to find the lowest TT/FT level you can run where you still benefit from replacement.

I know you stated that you did not like daily but it would be the most sensible protocol to try as in your case constantly battling the high rbc's/hemoglobin/hematocrit since you persist to keep running the protocols you are using than you may very well be stuck chasing your tail.....high rbc's/hemoglobin/hematocrit.....donate.....crashed on and so forth!

* The current world health organization guidelines have the lower limit of normal for serum ferritin at 15 micrograms per liter, whereas we know from physiological studies… that a more appropriate threshold is probably 25-to-30, maybe even as high as 50 micrograms per liter

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