Trying to find info on splitting cialis pils is harder than I thought. I've seen it mentioned here that dissolving in vodka then administering the liquid with a syringe is an option. Also wondering if there's an alternative to alcohol as a solvent. I do have lengthy periods of abstention, and would prefer to avoid micro-dosing booze, but if unavoidable, hey 
Reading generally, I see it's discouraged to split pils that are coated. Presumably this is because it might affect the intended slow release effect. With daily cialis, this shouldn't matter, right? Would there be any impact on potency if say the pills were just crushed and divided?
Motives are wishing to start with 1mg daily and up titrate from there, but also cost optimisation. 2.5mg pills are a rip off gram for gram.

Reading generally, I see it's discouraged to split pils that are coated. Presumably this is because it might affect the intended slow release effect. With daily cialis, this shouldn't matter, right? Would there be any impact on potency if say the pills were just crushed and divided?
Motives are wishing to start with 1mg daily and up titrate from there, but also cost optimisation. 2.5mg pills are a rip off gram for gram.