HCG Testicles Question


New Member
Hello, everyone.
I have a question about HCG and its effects on testicles.
During and after a cycle with Test or steroids, testicular atrophy often occurs.
HCG (at higher or lower dosages) mimicking LH and raising T levels can reverse testicular atrophy after a cycle, right?

My question is: If HCG reverses testicular atrophy and increases testicle size after a cycle, when we stop taking HCG do testicles shrink again or maintain the size reached by HCG?

I know that on this forum there are many HCG experienced users and doctors, thank you.
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Shrinkage, or an increase in size, can be an outlier, something experienced by very few guys, much of which is subjective. I've never subscribed to making anything larger, as it were. Some guys feel that way. Some guys say they experience no shrinkage with no HCG...it's entirely a personal thing you have to go with and see how you do.
I am 18 years old, I ran 6 weeks DHT cycle and I experienced testicular atrophy.
I didn't follow any PCT, it's been over 1 year but my testicles have not recovered their original size.
I don't want to touch steroids no more and I am repented.
What should I do to have my testicles back?

If I would take HCG like 100-150IU every other day, would this reverse my testicular atrophy?
2- If HCG would work and reverse my testicular atorphy, once I stop taking HCG do my testicles shrink again or maintain their size reached thanks to HCG?

Please, somebody answer me thanks.
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I am 18 years old, I ran 6 weeks DHT cycle and I experienced testicular atrophy.
I didn't follow any PCT, it's been over 1 year but my testicles have not recovered their original size.
I don't want to touch steroids no more and I am repented.
What should I do to have my testicles back?

If I would take HCG like 100-150IU every other day, would this reverse my testicular atrophy?
2- If HCG would work and reverse my testicular atorphy, once I stop taking HCG do my testicles shrink again or maintain their size reached thanks to HCG?

Please, somebody answer me thanks.
You are doing this on your own, no doctor involved? Have you run any labs? Where does your LH and FSH stand? Total and free testosterone?
Have you thought about trying a low dose clomid. You may want to try 12.5 mg every other day.
Does Clomid do anything to recover testicular size?
Clomid raises LH/FSH levels but I haven't found any studies or evidence where clomid increases testicular size or reverses atrophy in PCT.
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If you are secondary, you should see some increase in testicular size. It also depends on the dose, and whether you are starting Clomid from baseline, or starting Clomid from a testicular atrophied state. Clomid will increase LH and FSH levels. Once LH and FSH activate the LH and FSH receptors in the testicles, this will make the testicles increase in volume. If you’re primary, you will most likely see no increase in testicular volume.

While I used Clomid, my testicles were a good size. Either baseline, or slightly larger. I am secondary btw.
I am 18 years old, I ran 6 weeks DHT cycle and I experienced testicular atrophy.
I didn't follow any PCT, it's been over 1 year but my testicles have not recovered their original size.
I don't want to touch steroids no more and I am repented.
What should I do to have my testicles back?

If I would take HCG like 100-150IU every other day, would this reverse my testicular atrophy?
2- If HCG would work and reverse my testicular atorphy, once I stop taking HCG do my testicles shrink again or maintain their size reached thanks to HCG?

Please, somebody answer me thanks.
As I understand HCG, it does reverse testicular atrophy and it can be discontinued without affecting the reversal of atrophy as long as the patient is not on TRT.
T Nation has a good article on HCG.
Tip: A Quick Guide to HCG | T Nation
As I understand HCG, it does reverse testicular atrophy and it can be discontinued without affecting the reversal of atrophy as long as the patient is not on TRT.
T Nation has a good article on HCG.
Tip: A Quick Guide to HCG | T Nation
I have read the article and it's good but it doesn't talk about what happens after you stop taking HCG alone.
My fear is that HCG may reverse my testicular atrophy but once I stop taking it testicles shrink again (since HCG is suppressive for own Lh and FSH levels) and thus worsen things.
If you are secondary, you should see some increase in testicular size. It also depends on the dose, and whether you are starting Clomid from baseline, or starting Clomid from a testicular atrophied state. Clomid will increase LH and FSH levels. Once LH and FSH activate the LH and FSH receptors in the testicles, this will make the testicles increase in volume. If you’re primary, you will most likely see no increase in testicular volume.

While I used Clomid, my testicles were a good size. Either baseline, or slightly larger. I am secondary btw.
So if you're secondary then Serm like Clomid or Nolvadex can increase testicular size from an atrophied state?
However, I have found a study in rats where it shows that nolvadex induces testicular shrinkage...
Maybe as well as LH and FSH also estrogens play a role in increasing testicular size...
And one study with Clomid.
Low-dose tamoxifen treatment in juvenile males has long-term adverse effects on the reproductive system: implications for inducible transgenics
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So if you're secondary then Serm like Clomid or Nolvadex can increase testicular size from an atrophied state?
However, I have found a study in rats where it shows that nolvadex induces testicular shrinkage...
Maybe as well as LH and FSH also estrogens play a role in increasing testicular size...
And one study with Clomid.
Low-dose tamoxifen treatment in juvenile males has long-term adverse effects on the reproductive system: implications for inducible transgenics

I didn’t look at the studies, but not sure why either SERM would cause testicular atrophy. Could be estrogen related I guess.

I was on nothing before starting Clomid, so my testicles were normal size before starting. My LH shot up to 11.3 while on Clomid, which is a couple points above the top of the range. If I remember correctly, my testicles were either the same size as usual, or slightly larger. This was due to all the LH stimulating the leydig cells in my testicles, I would imagine.
I have read the article and it's good but it doesn't talk about what happens after you stop taking HCG alone.
My fear is that HCG may reverse my testicular atrophy but once I stop taking it testicles shrink again (since HCG is suppressive for own Lh and FSH levels) and thus worsen thingsof .
You have probably googled endlessly in search of an answer so far. I’m afraid you might find the answer only with a doctor who might want to know why after a year your testicles remain atrophied for which he will have to run tests and all. I suggest you do to get to the bottom of your issue. I certainly understand how bothered you must be by the atrophy of your testicles and don’t want to make matters worse by using HCG till you know what happens after you stop taking it.
You're right but I've consulted several andrologists but they don't want to help me, they say it's all okay, since they don't have any blood tests or testicle sizes prior to my cycle they can't compare the current values with the previous ones.
I'm desperate... damn it, I did a bullshit when I was 17 but it's not right for me to pay for my whole life...
You're right but I've consulted several andrologists but they don't want to help me, they say it's all okay, since they don't have any blood tests or testicle sizes prior to my cycle they can't compare the current values with the previous ones.
I'm desperate... damn it, I did a bullshit when I was 17 but it's not right for me to pay for my whole life...
Doctors.... after a three month on TRT I had to stop it. At that point I was already experiencing atrophy that showed as a dull pain in the testicles and reduction in size. They were cold and shriveled most of the time. That was like 7 weeks ago. To this date I don’t know if they went back to their original size but I feel they didn’t. However, when I see my urologist soon, his point of reference will be the initial digital exam he performed prior to start me on a TRT protocol. I doubt he will remember my size since he didn’t use any measuring tool to record my testicular size. When I asked him about testicular atrophy I still didn’t have any signs (exam and labs within 7 weeks of being on TRT) of atrophy but he assured me that I had nothing to worry about since it would be reversible via HCG. So, to this point before your post, I had assumed HCG would resolve my issue and I would stop using it as soon as my testicles felt normal to me without any regression or worsening of the atrophy. A question I will ask my Dr at the end of next month...
So, to this point before your post, I had assumed HCG would resolve my issue and I would stop using it as soon as my testicles felt normal to me without any regression or worsening of the atrophy. A question I will ask my Dr at the end of next month...
Thanks for sharing your experience.
I know that dull pain in the testicles...
Sorry I don't get it, so now you're off TRT and you want to recover your testicular size/health?
At the end of next month you will ask your doctor if HCG can reverse testicular atrophy without it regressing once stop taking HCG?
You’re correct. I had to stop TRT because I’m traveling for three months. My supply of testosterone cypionate didn’t last too long into my trip so I had to stop. The pharmacists in Massachusetts won’t give people more than a month supply regardless what the script says. I’m back in Boston by the end of May when I’m scheduled to see my urologist. Then I’ll have to discuss Hcg as I’m not comfortable believing the time off TRT was enough to have my atrophy completely reversed. I have my doubts. I want to feel normal. I may choose not to continue TRT but if I go on with it, hcg will have to be part of my protocol. If I take HCG I will ask if the reversal is permanent once I’m off as you have brought it up. It’s an exogenous source in the end that “tricks” the brain to continue its own endogenous production per definition. However, who knows, right?
You’re correct. I had to stop TRT because I’m traveling for three months. My supply of testosterone cypionate didn’t last too long into my trip so I had to stop. The pharmacists in Massachusetts won’t give people more than a month supply regardless what the script says. I’m back in Boston by the end of May when I’m scheduled to see my urologist. Then I’ll have to discuss Hcg as I’m not comfortable believing the time off TRT was enough to have my atrophy completely reversed. I have my doubts. I want to feel normal. I may choose not to continue TRT but if I go on with it, hcg will have to be part of my protocol. If I take HCG I will ask if the reversal is permanent once I’m off as you have brought it up. It’s an exogenous source in the end that “tricks” the brain to continue its own endogenous production per definition. However, who knows, right?
Well, let's keep in touch please.
Can anyone here on the forum answer our questions? Thanks.

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