I started in January of 2009, almost 10 years ago exactly to the day +/-.
I went for almost an entire year with the primary, which was initially referred and treated by the endo, who was a nightmare. Strangely, that was the BEST experience for me on this journey. If the treatment program would have been even semi mediocre, I might have just rolled with it and never expanded outward & upwards. However, it was such a mess, to the point it really made me have to start looking for answers and educating myself on TRT/HRT and the variables that go with it.
Somewhere during all of that I found a real passion for all of this, which only pushed me to learn more & more about hormones, health & wellness, anti-aging, and to be involved in network communities that it could be paid forward. I discovered that there are very few physicians that truly understand how to not only treat TRT, but knowledgeable with everything else that is related to TRT. Even after 10 years, I think things have improved, but there still seems to be a huge gap with mainstream medical practitioners who don't know how to effectively treat hypogonadism patients, or that even take the subjet seriously.
Like others, I wish I had got more involved with HCG sooner. Plus, I didn't fully understand the dynamics of the thyroid and other areas associated with finding balance, so when/if giving advise, I highly encourage new patients & members to look at the "whole" picture, don't put everything on the almighty testosterone as the be-all, end-all for wellness. It's only one component ... Yes, a critical component, but if your adrenals are shot or your thyroid is in the tank, TRT won't be all that effective .. In fact it could be highly counterproductive if other key areas are out of balance.