Rapid dissolve oral HCG and other HCG questions


New Member
Hey guys!

I have been accustomed to injectable HCG for a long time. The pharmacy that I use switched to rapid dissolve tablets (specifically an hcg/b12 blend tablet) and assure me it works just as well. Does anyone have any experience?? The dosage of the tablets is 500u and I am to take it twice a week. This dosage matches up with the dosage of injectable I am used to taking, but is that really the same?? I was under the impression that if you take it orally, you need 40-60% higher dose for same efficacy? I have also heard that oral hcg is worthless....

Can anyone provide any insight? Thanks!!
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Hmm well that sucks.... it’s from a reputable trt clinic and made by a large compounding pharmacy..... I’ve never used anything besides injectable either but they just recently switched to this. Has anyone ever actually tried them or done any before/after tests to check if they work?? My assumption/fear is exactly what you said.... but I just was hoping someone had concrete proof one way or another.
So use it, no one is stopping you. Be that guinea pig and report back. Do you have a good experience with injectable that you can compare it to?
I know nobody is stopping me, but I’ve used injectable for years and don’t want to use something that doesn’t work and screws me up because it doesn’t provide what I need. I guess I am looking to figure this out so I can go to another clinic before my current supply runs out to get what I need before I have to change over to to something that might not.
damn. I thought increasemyt.com was a trustworthy place to go. I’m sure there’s no chance they will refund me on that either. :/
Yes, and IF it did work, it would be so easy to prove it. Two blood draws.

Just curious, what would a person test for to check the efficacy of their HCG? I’m on Empower’s HCG, and it doesn’t raise my total testosterone, pregnenolone, progesterone or DHEA-S. And I am secondary. Pregnyl used to raise my testosterone and DHEA-S levels substantially, so it was very easy to tell that was working. But since not all HCG is created equal, just wondering what tests would be necessary to check if an HCG is working if it isn’t raising testosterone or DHEAS, for example.

The only other way I can think of to check if it’s working is to get off of everything, let natural LH and FSH come back, then take the oral HCG, and see if it suppresses LH and FSH back down to around zero, like injectable HCG should.

In my case personally, if I went on oral HCG and my testosterone, pregnenolone, progesterone and DHEA-S didn’t increase, it would give me no information on whether the oral HCG works or not, due to Empower’s HCG not doing any of those things either, yet I know that Empower’s HCG is real.
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Just curious, what would a person test for to check the efficacy of their HCG? I’m on Empower’s HCG, and it doesn’t raise my total testosterone, pregnenolone, progesterone or DHEA-S. And I am secondary. Pregnyl used to raise my testosterone and DHEA-S levels substantially, so it was very easy to tell that was working. But since not all HCG is created equal, just wondering what tests would be necessary to check if an HCG is working if it isn’t raising testosterone or DHEAS, for example.

The only other way I can think of to check if it’s working is to get off of everything, let natural LH and FSH come back, then take the oral HCG, and see if it suppresses LH and FSH back down to around zero, like injectable HCG should.

In my case personally, if I went on oral HCG and my testosterone, pregnenolone, progesterone and DHEA-S didn’t increase, it would give me no information on whether the oral HCG works or not, due to Empower’s HCG not doing any of those things either, yet I know that Empower’s HCG is real.
Just curious, what would a person test for to check the efficacy of their HCG? I’m on Empower’s HCG, and it doesn’t raise my total testosterone, pregnenolone, progesterone or DHEA-S. And I am secondary. Pregnyl used to raise my testosterone and DHEA-S levels substantially, so it was very easy to tell that was working. But since not all HCG is created equal, just wondering what tests would be necessary to check if an HCG is working if it isn’t raising testosterone or DHEAS, for example.

The only other way I can think of to check if it’s working is to get off of everything, let natural LH and FSH come back, then take the oral HCG, and see if it suppresses LH and FSH back down to around zero, like injectable HCG should.

In my case personally, if I went on oral HCG and my testosterone, pregnenolone, progesterone and DHEA-S didn’t increase, it would give me no information on whether the oral HCG works or not, due to Empower’s HCG not doing any of those things either, yet I know that Empower’s HCG is real.

Three ways to check HCG efficacy:

1- Testicular self-examination. Have they grown?

2- Semen analysis (wait 6 to 8 weeks after starting or changing HCG+ TRT dose). Good to also have a baseline semen test. Basic Semen Analysis

3- If you do not want to wait 6-8 weeks: 17-OH Progesterone blood test (2 weeks after) 17 - OH Progesterone : HCG + TRT Efficacy Predictor
All this has me lead to another question.... so they had me on 1000u of hcg per week (500 twice a week), but is this even enough?? I seem to read a lot of things that say guys take 500 EOD....
All this has me lead to another question.... so they had me on 1000u of hcg per week (500 twice a week), but is this even enough?? I seem to read a lot of things that say guys take 500 EOD....

Good question!
The only data we have on sperm count is coming from 500 IU every other day. We have had reports on ExcelMale.com from guys who were injecting HCG twice per week at 500 IU per shot and they did not achieve good sperm count until they switched to 500 IU EOD (along with their TRT). Best HCG Dose for Men on TRT: Two Studies That Used HCG with Testosterone
Note: This protocol was succesful in 66% of men. Older men and men with longer TRT pre exposure were not as responsive.

For testicular size preservation (not fertility) 500 IU twice per week works for me.
Some guys need more. Have you tried 500 IU 3 times per week or even two 1000 IU shots per week?

Also, be aware that testicular size should be measured in the absence of cold temperatures that can shrink up your testicles. The best time for me to realize my nuts are OK is when I get up at 5 am to pee.
I haven’t. I asked about it early on and they told me that it won’t make a difference, but if I wanted to pay for more hcg that I could try. I guess I was under the impression that whatever dose was needed would be included in the TRT plan, but when I was told it wouldn’t make a diff anyways figured this is just how it is. Maybe it’s time I find a new doc.

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