I am a huge supporter of testoserone only and perhaps small doses of hcg every few months and thats it. Usually if T dosages are not high ( over 120 mgs per week) and you miantain low body fat, estrogen is not a problem. To me, and its only my opinion, too many men are looking to feel perfect all the time. They want a high sex drive 24/7, always have energy, always be in a good mood ect..
Unfortunately, thats very unrealistic and leads many men to start searching for problems that arent truly an issue.
Testosterone is supposed to be used just to replace what you should normally have. Is it normal for a 60 year old to walk around with a T level of 900 ??
I perfectly agree testoreone is for optimal health and normal life health life with a cpnfidance focus strength and positive mood outlook in liFe
I want a normal healthy confident man who is able to satisfy his life and his girl daily. I am not looking to bang my girl daily for 3/4 times. One time is enough for beautiful moments and orgasm. Testosterone should be calm in life and not huge body and aggression. I am looking for a humble life which is healthy and helping others.
I want to be in optimal range and not in bodybuilders range.
Hcg scares me as my testicles are already producing more estrogen. I do not want to take anastrozole and any other stuff which can damage my natural liver and my body.
Share your thoughts and guide me. I do not want to jab with Hcg every week to keep my testicles super awake. I just want them to be alive with once in a month.
I do not want to be Mr olymia. I just want Mr perfect.
I have transitioned from T and HCG to T only. I do not tolerate HCG well so I am trying T only for now.

So far...MUCH better results on T only protocol. Time will tell if that last or not.

can you tell us your body weight and weekly dosage of Cypionate?
I am a huge supporter of testoserone only and perhaps small doses of hcg every few months and thats it. Usually if T dosages are not high ( over 120 mgs per week) and you miantain low body fat, estrogen is not a problem. To me, and its only my opinion, too many men are looking to feel perfect all the time. They want a high sex drive 24/7, always have energy, always be in a good mood ect..
Unfortunately, thats very unrealistic and leads many men to start searching for problems that arent truly an issue.
Testosterone is supposed to be used just to replace what you should normally have. Is it normal for a 60 year old to walk around with a T level of 900 ??

I am a huge supporter of testoserone only
-sure it can be effective for a fair percentage of men but do understand that hcg use and sensible a.i. use can be needed in many cases for a trt protocol to be effective.....we are all not the same!

perhaps small doses of hcg every few months
- proper hcg use is not done this way when on trt.....combined use of testosterone/hcg when on a protocol is needed to experience the full benefits of hcg.

Usually if T dosages are not high ( over 120 mgs per week) and you miantain low body fat, estrogen is not a problem.
-in many cases it can be but ones SHBG will play a big role and do understand that some men (lean) are naturally high aromatizers of T----->e2.....Dr. Crisler would be a good example he is built like a SPARTAN, has low SHBG and still needs to use an a.i.

Testosterone is supposed to be used just to replace what you should normally have. Is it normal for a 60 year old to walk around with a T level of 900 ??
- narrow minded.....do understand that older men tend to have high SHBG let alone possible desensitization of the AR (androgen receptor) so regarding trt many may need to run a higher TT (900+) in order to achieve a healthy FT.....as you should know FT is what truly matters as it is the unbound biologically active fraction of testosterone......and yes there are some older men that have a natty testosterone levels in the higher end of the physiological range!
Yes. I agree. But I do not want to use AI during my protocol what can be my ideal dosage ahould start with. I would like to keep my protocol as simple as it is without any other added protocol or medications.
If SHBG is a key for dosage and requenvy then why nebido I mean underconTe has been developed as it's clueless to understand. As drug makeers should be aware of that it will not remain throughout at same level during half life. And that's why it's not a good protocol in optimal TRT. Any views on using nebido or cypionate TRT. Because many guys who do not understand more depth in TRT might be prescribed for nebido.
The problem with TRT as it should keep simple as Starting point should be very clear with TT, estradiol and SHBG levels to start. My estrogen is already over 30 and I am worried of that.
Can I use anastrozole only a small dose every week before starting TRT and I hope it will not rebound. Can you share Your views on the same.
TT 378
E2 38
Please let me know. I am on TRT yet. This are my natural levels
Testosterone is supposed to be used just to replace what you should normally have. Is it normal for a 60 year old to walk around with a T level of 900 ??
- narrow minded.....do understand that older men tend to have high SHBG let alone possible desensitization of the AR (androgen receptor) so regarding trt many may need to run a higher TT (900+) in order to achieve a healthy FT.....as you should know FT is what truly matters as it is the unbound biologically active fraction of testosterone......and yes there are some older men that have a natty testosterone levels in the higher end of the physiological range!

I am 65 in 3 months and I like to run my testosterone levels at least 800. No, it is not normal. Remember that “normal” for my age is to be in the 200-300 range, have no muscle tone, saggy gut, skinny arms, etc. Virtually all my peers are in a state of decline, along with their spouses. Sorry, but the wife and I aren’t joining that party. I need to be at that level to get my free testosterone in the upper range of normal.

I also believe that sex is an indicator of health and that once that stops being of interest the body declines even more rapidly as the ability to pro create tells the entire system that it is needed on the planet. If you want to be merely taking up space and existing in your 60s, then yeah, keep levels “normal.” Never confuse normal with healthy.
I am 65 in 3 months and I like to run my testosterone levels at least 800. No, it is not normal. Remember that “normal” for my age is to be in the 200-300 range, have no muscle tone, saggy gut, skinny arms, etc. Virtually all my peers are in a state of decline, along with their spouses. Sorry, but the wife and I aren’t joining that party. I need to be at that level to get my free testosterone in the upper range of normal.

I also believe that sex is an indicator of health and that once that stops being of interest the body declines even more rapidly as the ability to pro create tells the entire system that it is needed on the planet. If you want to be merely taking up space and existing in your 60s, then yeah, keep levels “normal.” Never confuse normal with healthy.

Couldn’t agree more. Losing the desire for sex is a good indicator that your hormones are declining. And losing the ability to get an erection can be a decent indicator of cardiovascular health. So turns out we basically have a little doctor in our pants. Well, hopefully not too “little”.

But you’re spot on, imo. If you observe people, yes they get older, looks wise, slowly over the years, but as far as health conditions go, it seems like once the hormones go, health declines rapidly. I’m a nurse, and this is what I’ve observed over the years. Seems like once the hormones give, it’s a steep decline, and here comes cancer, diabetes, bone loss, heart attack, stroke, dementia/ Alzheimer’s, etc. You’re literally spot on. Our body’s are here to do one thing, and one thing only, reproduce. But our bodies will only be fertile and want to produce if it feels our DNA is healthy enough to pass on. Once your body feels like your not healthy enough to pass on quality DNA, it will shut the hormones down, and there goes your sex drive. It’s not going to want you all horny and shooting loads everywhere if you’re health is compromised. So mountain man is right, losing your libido, at any age, is one of the best indicators that your health is on the decline, and if value your life at all, you better go do something to get that libido back.
I am 65 in 3 months and I like to run my testosterone levels at least 800. No, it is not normal. Remember that “normal” for my age is to be in the 200-300 range, have no muscle tone, saggy gut, skinny arms, etc. Virtually all my peers are in a state of decline, along with their spouses. Sorry, but the wife and I aren’t joining that party. I need to be at that level to get my free testosterone in the upper range of normal.

I also believe that sex is an indicator of health and that once that stops being of interest the body declines even more rapidly as the ability to pro create tells the entire system that it is needed on the planet. If you want to be merely taking up space and existing in your 60s, then yeah, keep levels “normal.” Never confuse normal with healthy.

This was stated by broker "Testosterone is supposed to be used just to replace what you should normally have. Is it normal for a 60 year old to walk around with a T level of 900 ??

My reply to broker is that older men tend to have higher SHBG so regarding trt many may need to run a higher TT (900+) in order to achieve a healthy FT.....no where did I state that 900 was normal for the majority of NATTY older men and if anything I added the fact that yes there are SOME older men that have natty testosterone levels in the higher end of the physiological range.....in your response you state "No, it is not normal. Remember that “normal” for my age is to be in the 200-300 range, have no muscle tone, saggy gut, skinny arms, etc. Virtually all my peers are in a state of decline, along with their spouses. Sorry, but the wife and I aren’t joining that party. I need to be at that level to get my free testosterone in the upper range of normal"

Are you misunderstanding my response to broker?
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That's perfect. All doctors just want to treat diabetics, heart issues, memory issues, prescribing cialis and ssri to the patients in 5 minutes. A good doctor will always try to make patients hormones at youthful range.
All diseases come from hormone imabalnces and life style
Life style we can manage but who will manage hormones. I today met endo here in Pune India. He prescribed me cypionate 250 mg monthly and denied hcg with that. I strongly urge with him that you should restore my hormone at youthful range with starting dosage of 100mg per week and treat my symptoms. I told him that TT ratio should be like 1000/25 at 24/7 till your end of life. I told him I will not get injections here illegally and I need prescription for the same. Also he do not much aware about free T and free T3. He just checked my Tsh and says all ok. Also told him TRT is all about dosage frequency and shbg related.
I just loved the excelmale as we get precise information.
I have left 4 top endocryonoligist in Pune and left them as they do not have sufficient knowledge.
Now 2 endo left to visit else I do not have option to start my TRT by myself with self monitoring
I just replied to the forum and discussion.
Look at below great TRT Patients say
The optimal level is the same for all ages. There is a big difference between the average level per age of a population and the optimal level. The optimal level for any lab test is the level that is optimal for your health and functioning. In the case of Testosterone it’s 900 to 1000 ng/dL . It doesn’t matter how old you are.
I am 65 in 3 months and I like to run my testosterone levels at least 800. No, it is not normal. Remember that “normal” for my age is to be in the 200-300 range, have no muscle tone, saggy gut, skinny arms, etc. Virtually all my peers are in a state of decline, along with their spouses. Sorry, but the wife and I aren’t joining that party. I need to be at that level to get my free testosterone in the upper range of normal.

I also believe that sex is an indicator of health and that once that stops being of interest the body declines even more rapidly as the ability to pro create tells the entire system that it is needed on the planet. If you want to be merely taking up space and existing in your 60s, then yeah, keep levels “normal.” Never confuse normal with healthy.

"I also believe that sex is an indicator of health and that once that stops being of interest the body declines even more rapidly as the ability to pro create tells the entire system that it is needed on the planet. If you want to be merely taking up space and existing in your 60s, then yeah, keep levels “normal.” Never confuse normal with healthy"

You are responding to the wrong person here!
I today met endo here in Pune India. He prescribed me cypionate 250 mg monthly and denied hcg with that. I strongly urge with him that you should restore my hormone at youthful range with starting dosage of 100mg per week and treat my symptoms.

I thought no prescription is required where you are from (India). Why do you even need prescription to buy medicine?
I am from Pune, India. To buy Testostereone here we need prescription. But I guess I can manage TT cypionate from some other source as well. But I need a good doctor who will prescribe me cypionate as I am looking for lifelong TRT. Blood work and monitoring I can manage but cypionate for lifelong I need a prescription I guess.
Doctors here do not understand TT therapy and hormones in men well. They need to understand that men hormones should be daily steady levels not bi weekly or monthly dosage.
I am going to New endo this week with prints of testoreone PDF guide from this site.
This will take them understand how to treat patients
My GP is agree with me but he need prescription to drive the therapy to me as he is not endo.
Here in India they do not know much about estradiol, free t and shbg relations.
I need to teach them.
I knows what is TRT now and how to monitor
Men die from Low Testoreone and live healthy and longer with normal high levels.
I dont mean a 65 year old should walk around with a T level of 200-300, thats not what i meant. In fact there are plenty of healthy, in shape 65 year olds with T levels in the 500’s. Even President Trump had a total T level of 471 and he isnt even in shape.
Lets say you are 65 and have low T and low corresponding free T. Getting your levels to 900 simply isnt normal for a healthy 35 year old never mind a 65 year old. I just think you are walking a tight rope with your health if you do that at your age. Of course you are going to feel good, why wouldnt you?? However, you can feel very good and perform very well in the 500’s and not have all the issues that go with unnaturally high T levels.
as far as I know in South American countries and South East Asian countries do not require any prescriptions to buy any kind of medicine. I did not know that in India prescription is required as you said.
We should treat Hypogonadism male in early ages. Else they Wil be depressed and not give any contribution to Family and Society by any means. Low Testosterone causes marriages to ruin and relationship disasters between a guy and a girl.
A health man is good for society and conintry no matter natural or on TRT.
This was stated by broker "Testosterone is supposed to be used just to replace what you should normally have. Is it normal for a 60 year old to walk around with a T level of 900 ??

My reply to broker is that older men tend to have higher SHBG so regarding trt many may need to run a higher TT (900+) in order to achieve a healthy FT.....no where did I state that 900 was normal for the majority of NATTY older men and if anything I added the fact that yes there are SOME older men that have natty testosterone levels in the higher end of the physiological range.....in your response you state "No, it is not normal. Remember that “normal” for my age is to be in the 200-300 range, have no muscle tone, saggy gut, skinny arms, etc. Virtually all my peers are in a state of decline, along with their spouses. Sorry, but the wife and I aren’t joining that party. I need to be at that level to get my free testosterone in the upper range of normal"

Are you misunderstanding my response to broker?

No. Merely commenting on the folly of that logic.
I dont mean a 65 year old should walk around with a T level of 200-300, thats not what i meant. In fact there are plenty of healthy, in shape 65 year olds with T levels in the 500’s. Even President Trump had a total T level of 471 and he isnt even in shape.
Lets say you are 65 and have low T and low corresponding free T. Getting your levels to 900 simply isnt normal for a healthy 35 year old never mind a 65 year old. I just think you are walking a tight rope with your health if you do that at your age. Of course you are going to feel good, why wouldnt you?? However, you can feel very good and perform very well in the 500’s and not have all the issues that go with unnaturally high T levels.

I also eat right, sleep well, and work out hard every day. Blood work and health will improve if TRT is part of an overall plan of attack. These numbers are by no means too high. My protocols are those of my doctors, Abraham Morgenthaler. Google some of his research. The health risks you fear are vastly overstated.

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