If your SHBG is still, 52, you need to retest that, but once large(er) shot per week or even twice per week would possibly work just as well than EOD which is for guys with much lower SHBG than you (might) have.
How do SHBG levels and frequency of injection correlate? I've been on TRT for the second time for about 7 weeks. My SHBG was 52 a few years ago on the first time around. I'm injecting EOD now and wondering what less frequency might do, if anything. Otherwise, I'm just curious about this or anything else related to middle of the road SHGB.

From my understanding, the frequency at which you inject, has very little to no effect on your SHBG level. It used to be believed that one big dose per week would lower it more than frequent injections, but I’m pretty sure that’s an old wives tale with no studies or anecdotal stories to back it up.

What more frequent injections will potentially do though, is lower E2 more than one big injection, keep HCT/ HGB a little lower, and keep your testosterone levels more even, opposed to having big spikes and low troughs. The body likes consistency, for the most part, and usually responds better to more consistent blood levels of testosterone. For a low SHBG, increasing frequency of injections is pretty much mandatory, as his testosterone is going to peak and trough more dramatically due to his body cleaving off the cypionate/ Enanthate esther at a faster rate than a high SHBG guy. But I’m a high SHBG guy, and still prefer to inject EOD due to the benefits I listed above. Less E2 spikes, less HGB/ HCT spikes, and more consistent blood levels of testosterone.
Thanks you guys. I inject frequently because of what Gman mentioned, although it's prophylactically (?) instead of from experience. I'm also bipolar with frequent cycles, so this would keep me more even and panicking (mentally) less if I get sudden anxiety and think it's from an injection when it's not.
Thanks you guys. I inject frequently because of what Gman mentioned, although it's prophylactically (?) instead of from experience. I'm also bipolar with frequent cycles, so this would keep me more even and panicking (mentally) less if I get sudden anxiety and think it's from an injection when it's not.

Good point. I believe in doing things as optimal as possible, as long as it doesn't hinder my life too much. Obviously life is about balance. Injecting EOD is what I've found to be the most optimal injection frequency without having any negative consequences to my life. Like you said, if any issues do arise, it is nice knowing that tweaking your injection frequency isn't something you have to worry about as a possible factor, like you most likely would do if you were injecting say once per week. One less thing to worry about, and allows for more time to focus on the actual cause(s) of the problem(s).
Good point. I believe in doing things as optimal as possible, as long as it doesn't hinder my life too much. Obviously life is about balance. Injecting EOD is what I've found to be the most optimal injection frequency without having any negative consequences to my life. Like you said, if any issues do arise, it is nice knowing that tweaking your injection frequency isn't something you have to worry about as a possible factor, like you most likely would do if you were injecting say once per week. One less thing to worry about, and allows for more time to focus on the actual cause(s) of the problem(s).

I don't mind injecting at all. I feel like I'm taking care of myself. I would even consider every day injections if it would be of benefit. I don't think that's been looked into other than theoretically. I'd like to know if it has been.
What would be ideal EOD dosage for optimal testostereone levels and all symotoms resolved including libido and erections

It’s different for everyone. Could you please keep your questions to one thread instead of continually asking them in all different ones?
Is it possible to administer weekly injections of cypionate, at some optimal dosage, and not include HCG or AI's? In other words use testosterone only.

Not only possible, common and recommended for some men, dependent on what their goals are, etc. T only is fine for many men. Some men feel worse on HCG, and it's only essential to maintain fertility and nade size and most men don't need an AI.
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I have begun TRT, started just over 5 weeks ago. I started a protocol of 100mg cypionate every 4 days, that's it, just like the thread says. Which averages to 175mg/week. Things have been fine but the past 2 weeks my erection quality has vastly slipped. There has been a great deal of life-stress lately so it's just an observation at this point. I am 57. Several months ago my total T sunk from 445(September, no ED) to 280(late Oct, lot's of ED). This is common for me as the sun seems to have a very profound effect on my T levels, and happiness in general. I have long been tired 6 month winters of feeling miserable so I pulled the trigger on TRT. The 280 gave my urologist the motivation to prescribe TRT. Am I taking a bit too much? I believe the twice weekly injection is preferred. I have read here takes a while to get things dialed in. The urologist doesnt plan to see any lab work from me until March! When I get the labwork done prolactin, estradiol, hemocrit would be necessary, correct?
That is a very large dose to start. If I go over 100-120mg per week I feel like hell. We’re all different and some of us cannot tolerate doses that high. I personally would have started on once weekly then adjust from there.
That is a very large dose to start. If I go over 100-120mg per week I feel like hell. We’re all different and some of us cannot tolerate doses that high. I personally would have started on once weekly then adjust from there.
Does taking a little too much negatively affect sexual drive, desire and performance?
It certainly does with me and others I’ve talked to over the years. I’ve tried up to 200mg per week and at that dose had absolutely zero libido.
We should treat Hypogonadism male in early ages. Else they Wil be depressed and not give any contribution to Family and Society by any means. Low Testosterone causes marriages to ruin and relationship disasters between a guy and a girl.
A health man is good for society and conintry no matter natural or on TRT.
That’s some deep stuff right there but I personally disagree. My mood and attitude is much better with my lower levels of testosterone. I’ve tried every conceivable approach to trt with little to no success. And I have a great marriage and a great career.
Honestly never had a problem with E2 at any dose. The best I can remember it was in the mid 40s with the sensitive assay at that level. Normally at a 1000ng my e2 is only 20-24pg. HCG is the only thing that really raises my E2 substantially.
I also did 200mg eow for a short time and my 14 day trough was high 700ng range. For people like me with high shbg I think eow dosing can work. After 7-8 days I felt very good, it was the first seven I couldn’t tolerate.
How’s libido, orgasm quality and load size for all you guys on T only?
I´m 57 years and me libido is good, but the rest not so good. After started with TRT the penile sensitivity for sure is not the same like before, loadwise decreased as well. Its not that heavenly good to come like it used to be and since the penile sensitivity is less it makes it lot harder. I don´t even bother to "wank" anymore lol. When I use HCG its only a bit better and I don´t think is really compensate using it anymore. I wish there were something that I could take to incread load volymn and penil sensitivty.
Im only 30 my tt level was only 71 before starting. Im just starting out but sex is deffinitly much better and in much harder and bigger than i was. I'm still having issues with libido tho.lh

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