Very average orgasms and low amount of ejaculate volume

I too have struggled with low semen volume. When I was on antidepressants it did that, but it returned once I stopped. Then my semen volume went down again once I started HCG monotherapy. On TRT and HCG the same thing. It seems like the only time I have a decent load is if I do not masturbate for like a week.

Very interesting that volume went DOWN on HCG monotherapy. You would think it would be the opposite. Do you think E2 has anything to do with the decreased volume while on monotherapy?
I too have struggled with low semen volume. When I was on antidepressants it did that, but it returned once I stopped. Then my semen volume went down again once I started HCG monotherapy. On TRT and HCG the same thing. It seems like the only time I have a decent load is if I do not masturbate for like a week.

Exactly. If you have a partner this makes sense and leads to a more satisfying sex life. I wouldn’t be doing as well with TRT if I didn’t have my wife, I would keep the dose lower for sure. The elevated libido would be real tough to deal with. If your partner is willing, save as much of your libido as you can for them. If you don’t have a partner, don’t over do masturbation and try to get one. What’s the sense of being fit and having a high libido if you don’t get to enjoy it fully?
Very interesting that volume went DOWN on HCG monotherapy. You would think it would be the opposite. Do you think E2 has anything to do with the decreased volume while on monotherapy?

HCG mono will shut down the pituitary just like regular TRT does, so natural LH and FSH production will stop. Then you need take into account that HCG is not exactly the same as LH and does not activate LH receptors in the identical way (
I started taking L-Lysine as a supplement because I read that it could help with cold sores. As soon as I started taking the stuff, I immediately noticed my loads were much more substantial, and less viscous. At first I thought I was crazy but a quick google search confirmed that indeed people do use L-Lysine to increase semen volume. Like anything else, it probably doesn't work for everyone. If you do a search as follows "L-Lysine for semen" you'll find information about this and other supplements that might be worth a try.

Natures Bounty 500MG twice daily is what I was taking. I never stuck with it as it didn't seem to help with cold sores. I finally figured out have a less stressful life was the key to less cold sores. I haven't tried the L-Lysine since starting T, but I just took some. We'll see what happens.
Very interesting that volume went DOWN on HCG monotherapy. You would think it would be the opposite. Do you think E2 has anything to do with the decreased volume while on monotherapy?
For me the volume only increased when I went to 2000iu's three times per week.
I find that my volume increases only if I refrain from masturbation for a week. After ejaculation my volume the rest of the week is decreased by a lot. It seems like for me at least that one ejaculation per week is all my testes can deliver.
For me the volume only increased when I went to 2000iu's three times per week.

Man that’s a lot of HCG. Ya the only time I’ve noticed a big difference in ejaculate volume is when HCG is working. I can tell when it’s working because it will add up to 600 to my total testosterone when using 1000iu per week. When it’s working, my DHEA level also goes from around 400 to around 600-800. Also my testicles are nice and plump. And like I said, ejaculate volume is up. Only time it ever worked was when I was on Pregnyl HCG. Now that I’m using 1000iu’s per week of Empower HCG, DHEA is mid 300’s, ejaculate volume is average, testicles are tiny and it adds basically zero to my total testosterone.
Man that’s a lot of HCG. Ya the only time I’ve noticed a big difference in ejaculate volume is when HCG is working. I can tell when it’s working because it will add up to 600 to my total testosterone when using 1000iu per week. When it’s working, my DHEA level also goes from around 400 to around 600-800. Also my testicles are nice and plump. And like I said, ejaculate volume is up. Only time it ever worked was when I was on Pregnyl HCG. Now that I’m using 1000iu’s per week of Empower HCG, DHEA is mid 300’s, ejaculate volume is average, testicles are tiny and it adds basically zero to my total testosterone.
That's interesting. So you're saying that the Pregnyl HCG was actually more potent than the one from Empower? I'm using Empower's HCG as well.
That's interesting. So you're saying that the Pregnyl HCG was actually more potent than the one from Empower? I'm using Empower's HCG as well.
We've had some discussions on the differences and Pregnyl being better but nothing that can be substantiated beyond some one's very subjective/personal experience.
Man that’s a lot of HCG. Ya the only time I’ve noticed a big difference in ejaculate volume is when HCG is working. I can tell when it’s working because it will add up to 600 to my total testosterone when using 1000iu per week. When it’s working, my DHEA level also goes from around 400 to around 600-800. Also my testicles are nice and plump. And like I said, ejaculate volume is up. Only time it ever worked was when I was on Pregnyl HCG. Now that I’m using 1000iu’s per week of Empower HCG, DHEA is mid 300’s, ejaculate volume is average, testicles are tiny and it adds basically zero to my total testosterone.

Interesting to me that you are experiencing that on compounded HCG from Empower. I think we may have discussed before but I may experiencing this as well. I recently added 25 mg of test cream applied to the testicles to my 160 mg a week of test cyp and 150 IU a day of HCG and had a noticeable boost in libido. Then I ran out of Pregnyl and had to swtich to compounded HCG as Pregnyl is not available in the US. Poof - libido returned to baseline which is okay but not great. Now wondering if the increase was just a honeymoon effect of the cream or if the compounded HCG is not working as well. I too have seen significant differences between Pregnyl and compounded in the past as they relate to volume and sensitivity though. I have no doubt Empower is a quality operation I just think its hard to get the quality of a pharma/clean room environment in a compounding pharmacy with something as sensitive and volatile as HCG.

I wonder if Pregnyl will be available again anytime soon?
We've had some discussions on the differences and Pregnyl being better but nothing that can be substantiated beyond some one's very subjective/personal experience.

Oh the contrary my friend. These are all objective observations, not subjective. My testicles were almost double the size when on PREGNYL. My DHEA was about double. Around 400 on Empower HCG, and also when tested while on nothing. When on Pregnyl, DHEA hovered around 700-800. Have multiple, multiple blood tests to prove this. So not subjective. The extra 600 points in total T when on Pregnyl, vs no addition, or very very little, to my total T while on Empower’s HCG not subjective. Ejaculate volume is the only thing that could be considered subjective, but trust me, it was noticeabley more, no doubt about it. Either way, there’s no denying the other evidence. And it’s not like I had just one or two blood tests done. My insurance covers my blood work 100%, so I have so many blood works to reference it’s not even funny.

Not trying to argue or attack your opinion. I respect your opinion, as I do everyone’s on this forum. But trust me Vince, I wouldn’t make claims like this without having substantial evidence to back it up.
Interesting to me that you are experiencing that on compounded HCG from Empower. I think we may have discussed before but I may experiencing this as well. I recently added 25 mg of test cream applied to the testicles to my 160 mg a week of test cyp and 150 IU a day of HCG and had a noticeable boost in libido. Then I ran out of Pregnyl and had to swtich to compounded HCG as Pregnyl is not available in the US. Poof - libido returned to baseline which is okay but not great. Now wondering if the increase was just a honeymoon effect of the cream or if the compounded HCG is not working as well. I too have seen significant differences between Pregnyl and compounded in the past as they relate to volume and sensitivity though. I have no doubt Empower is a quality operation I just think its hard to get the quality of a pharma/clean room environment in a compounding pharmacy with something as sensitive and volatile as HCG.

I wonder if Pregnyl will be available again anytime soon?

I agree. In no way shape or form am I bashing Empower. They’re without a doubt one of the top compounding pharmacies in the country. I get my HCG and Test from them. And would get aromasin from them too if they offered it. And you could be right that it has something to do with how they’re processing the HCG, but I personally don’t think that’s what is going on.

Here’s a quote from Wikipedia on HCG

“In Pubergen, Pregnyl, Follutein, Profasi, Choragon and Novarel, it is extracted from the urine of pregnant women. In Ovidrel, it is produced with recombinant DNA technology”

So from my understanding, most HCG is recombinant HCG, including Empower’s, and pretty much every compounding pharmacy’s HCG I would imagine. Originally, HCG only came directly from extracted urine from pregnant women. And Empower, and all other compounding pharmacies will tell you that HCG directly from pregnant women’s urine, and recombinant HCG are identical, I personally just don’t think this is true. Maybe on paper they are, but in my personally experience, they just do not have the same effects. Again, at least within me, backed up by multiple blood tests. I’ve also had blood work done while on 2 other different compounding pharmacie’s HCG, with basically the same results as Empower’s HCG.

And to answer your question, not sure if Pregnyl will ever be available again. I heard that the company that makes it completely stopped production of it. The only reason I switched from Pregnyl to empower is because I had such a hard time getting Pregnyl, and figured it was only going to get worse. If they still produced it, I would obviously still be taking it.
I have used both a compounded form of hcg as well as pregnyl and found no difference in results. The compounded hcg is from the local pharmacy and not empower.

Very interesting. See, everyone’s different, and responds very differently to things sometimes. This is most likely why most debates occur, especially with HCG. HCG is just way too inconsistent for my liking. I wish I could just take it out of my protocol all together tbh.
That's interesting. So you're saying that the Pregnyl HCG was actually more potent than the one from Empower? I'm using Empower's HCG as well.

I don’t think more potent is the best way to put it. I would say that Pregnyl seemed to be getting the LH signal to my testicles like it’s supposed to, and Empower’s HCG just wasn’t getting the LH signal to my testicles at all. Or if it was, my testicles just weren’t responding to Empower’s LH signal for whatever reason.
I also use a relatively small dose of hcg. I inject 250iu twice weekly. This has proven enough to maintain the fullness and size of my testicles. It never occurred to me to increase the dose beyond that amount. I was getting what I needed so no reason to change.
I don’t think more potent is the best way to put it. I would say that Pregnyl seemed to be getting the LH signal to my testicles like it’s supposed to, and Empower’s HCG just wasn’t getting the LH signal to my testicles at all. Or if it was, my testicles just weren’t responding to Empower’s LH signal for whatever reason.
I will say though that I used Novarel before I used the Empower HCG and I got the same results. The only difference was the price tag.
Ive only ever had compounded and it's always been little more than injecting water. Sure my nuts are not shrunken up but beyond that I have no tangible benefit of HCG and I've used 500iu 3xW, to 100iu daily and everything in between.
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