HCG Cream

Smokin Joe

Active Member
Just curious to know if anyone out there is using or has tried an HCG compounded cream while on trt?
I known that injections are the preferred method but they do not work for me due to the side effects.
I am back on TRT through DEFY one month in.
I feel good but already notice my scrotum getting tighter.
Thought that I might try a cream instead of an injectable.
i'd appreciate any comments...
Inject able is the only thing that we know works. A few guys here use no HCG due to the sides or just because we don't feel well on it or feel nothing at all. For instance I only use 200iu on Sundays (only) and I think that on Sun and Mon I have weaker erections but that's just a subjective feeling.

If it's not being good to you then you should drop it.
I appreciate your response and point of view.
But I think that I will try it for an experiment to see if there
is any benefit.
Maybe a waste of time but don't know if you don't try.
Yikes, I'm wracking my brain to figure out how an HCG cream would even work.

I suspect a dose of 15 IU is too low to be worth your while, anyway, so it's probably just as well that particular dose didn't work for you. How often were you injecting HCG? And what's your T protocol?

I've had anxiety issues with HCG as well and have managed to fix the problem with regular EOD dosing and keeping my levels stable. Consistency is key.
Well some folks do well on Testosterone gels and cream so I thought maybe the same might hold true for HCG...
I was starting to inject 250iu twice a week but couldn't get past the second injection.
What was your eod dosage....
I do 500 IU EOD. That dose was prescribed to maintain fertility, not just size. But I have a long history of starting and stopping HCG, upping and lowering and upping my dosage again. It was making me crazy. Once I was able to just hold it in the road, things got a lot better. But it didn't happen overnight.

I am also sort of a special case because I'm on a daily T protocol, which as I understand really only seems to work for guys with SHBG on the low end (I'm usually right at the bottom of the ref range around 16-17 nmoL/L). I was able to jigger my T dosage a little bit to (theoretically) even out my levels by staggering my T dosage from day to day. It seems to be working because the anxiety is no longer an issue, I feel great, and my e2 is at a good ratio with my total T.

That's assuming that e2 spikes had something to do with it, but I don't know really know for sure what it was. I say that because I also recently found out that my thyroid is a bit out of whack, so now I'm wondering if that's why I've been so prone to anxiety.
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One of the inherent problems with HCG use is that you can't test anything on it to see if it works, or not, it's almost entirely subjective on the part of the user to which placebo effect can play a huge part, good or bad. I've pretty well convinced myself that it's not helpful to me so that's always where my mind goes now.
Lenny-Thanks for the info.
My thyroid was a little out of whack as well prior to starting TRT again.
I started taking Selenium daily and Paleo to some degree.
Havnt rechecked thyroid yet but will do so after 90 days TRT.

Vince C-
I agree to a point on the user placebo effect unless you see some real positive evidence that it is working.
Such as bringing your nuts back from the brink of being squeezed or a real bump in libido.
There are some on the forum who have apparently had some great results by HCG.
Unfortunately for some of us it's our body chemistry I fear working against us.
Unfortunately, as others have stated, other formulations of HCG (transdermal, oral, sublingual) have proven to be ineffective. Try if you wish, but don’t have high expectations.
I would encourage you to order a quantitative serum beta hCG lab test to be drawn a couple hours after applying the cream to assess if you are absorbing any actual hCG. This can be ordered through my staff. Would be interesting for everyone if you shared your results.
OK-After sometime of searching the Web I have found an HCG cream that I am going to purchase and try this week.
It is 10,000 IU HCG cream which requires no refrigeration. Fairly new product from what I can see.
I'll post results several times along the way from start o finish as I move forward with this experiment.
OK-After sometime of searching the Web I have found an HCG cream that I am going to purchase and try this week.
It is 10,000 IU HCG cream which requires no refrigeration. Fairly new product from what I can see.
I'll post results several times along the way from start o finish as I move forward with this experiment.

I would not waste my money. HCG does not get absorbed transdermally. Oral HCG and HCG creams are scams part of the large HCG diet industry.
Tman-Sorry for the delay.
Here's the scoop for now.
I bought an HCG cream 10,000ius per application from Global Weight Loss.
I used it once a day in the morning for 7 days and then had the quantitative serum beta hCG lab test done.
It came back less than1with the range from 1-3.
I'll post later.
So here's what I think about the cream-when i use it I get calm and feel better but...
it does not appear to be strong enough to offset testicular atrophy.
I am 90 days into my TRT again with Defy and my nuts are taking a beating due to shrinkage.
I will consult Dr.Saya soon to discuss.

i am still using the cream until gone as it was pricey.
Thought about rubbing it into the scrotum skin to see if the absorbtion is better.
I wonder to about how much HCG is actually in the cream-would be curious to see a Lab break down on it to know.

If I could find a compounded product that takes a Physicians prescription I'd be willing to
spend the money and try it.

That's it for now-I'll post about this again as I'm sure I'm not experimenting yet.
You don't know if you don't try !!:)
No info on the labling other than company name and product name.
I was wondering to.
I spoke with the person who is a vendor for the cream but the say thier product info is proprietary.
No info on the labling other than company name and product name.
I was wondering to.
I spoke with the person who is a vendor for the cream but the say thier product info is proprietary.

Convenient for them, but concerning not knowing what is going into your body (or in this case of transdermal hCG, what is NOT going into your body...but draining your wallet nonetheless).

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