Can a person be on psychiatric medications and be on TRT?

The behavior you describe, the impulsivity, sexual response, etc, is not from the Zoloft. It is pretty common that people who are bipolar or bipolar 2 react this way to SSRIs. This is a type of manic behavior. It indicates the meds are not the best choice. Many, and you seem to be one of them maybe, like the response they get. This is a reason that SSRIs are a serious and last choice for things. These meds should only be prescribed by a psychiatrist. If you are going to take them, be prepared to see a doctor at least once a month for at least 3 months. This response leads to poor judgement and impulsivity. Most suicides by people on SSRIs are due to misdiagnosis and being on the wrong meds. An impulsive moment leads to suicide. Again, these meds are a last choice and should be accompanied by counseling. In your case TRT and lifestyle changes may enable you to come off these, but make sure your prescriber is involved.
I've been on zoloft (ssri) for around 20 years. At the time I started TRT I was taking 100mg pill a day of zoloft for anxiety. Since starting trt I had no problems whats so ever being on both. If anything I started feeling naturally calm since being on TRT. So I slowly lowered my dose to 50mg with no problems. Which I'm still at currently. I plan on lowering the zoloft more after finding a trt protocol I plan to stick with long term. I've just switched to daily and I'm hoping this will be it. I also want to get my thyroid protocol worked out also. I feel addressing these two things will make my body and mind strong so I won't need zoloft ever again.

When I started zoloft I was a teenager. My side effects were the opposite of almost everything you guys said. I became a man whore no joke, libido threw the roof and I would be able to last as long as I wanted to no matter how freaky the girl or girls were. I've learned years later people in porn use small dose zoloft for that reason to last longer. I also lost control of good judgement. I'd take huge risk in everything being speeding, unprotected sex, fighting ect. Basically I didn't have a worry in the world (In a very bad way). I would never recommend anyone especially young people be put on this stuff. Look into the suicide rate of young people being put on ssri's, messes with their mind. Luckily I managed to stay alive long enough to get into my late twenties when I finally calmed down some. By that time I wanted to get off it but every time I slowly tried getting off the anxiety would start up again. TRT has fixed all this.

I would use prescription drugs only as a last resort if you can't find the underlining issue. I'm sure mine was low T, which I know I had (had labs done) in my early 20's but no dr would do anything for me and I didn't push it cause at the time I thought all Dr's knew what they were talking about.

That is really interesting. At least now I know that it's possible if this TRT stuff ends up not working for my anxiety. Right now I'm feeling pretty chill and relaxed for some reason. It's my 3rd straight day like this which has been a rarity this year. Last week I was feeling so low and anxious. It could be because the change in my protocol is finally settling down and perhaps my estrogen is lowering (this is the 5th week). On Monday I panicked and took one 50mg Zoloft from my prior prescription (hadn't expired yet), however I doubt that's why I feel calm because as you know it takes 4-6 weeks for this stuff to build in your system. Libido is still not there though. I get my morning erections, but I can't tell if it's because I have to pee or not. I just wish the libido would come along.
The behavior you describe, the impulsivity, sexual response, etc, is not from the Zoloft. It is pretty common that people who are bipolar or bipolar 2 react this way to SSRIs. This is a type of manic behavior. It indicates the meds are not the best choice. Many, and you seem to be one of them maybe, like the response they get. This is a reason that SSRIs are a serious and last choice for things. These meds should only be prescribed by a psychiatrist. If you are going to take them, be prepared to see a doctor at least once a month for at least 3 months. This response leads to poor judgement and impulsivity. Most suicides by people on SSRIs are due to misdiagnosis and being on the wrong meds. An impulsive moment leads to suicide. Again, these meds are a last choice and should be accompanied by counseling. In your case TRT and lifestyle changes may enable you to come off these, but make sure your prescriber is involved.

I was not interested in any of that stuff till I was on zoloft for around 6 months and it stayed like that for years till it wore off. My personality changed on that stuff, others said the same thing about my change. I've never been diagnose with bipolar or bipolar 2 or manic behavior. All I'm saying and you said it too "SSRIs are a serious and last choice". I'd try all other options before going on them. They may fix your problem but may make many others in its place. I would never let anyone I care about go on that stuff unless if it was the absolute last resort.

I know two people one personal another threw a friend that felt zoloft changed them too. One feels emotionless now and the other feels lightly drugged all the time. Both go for counseling and see a real dr. They've tried other meds and had worse reactions. All we wanted as a response was our anxiety to go away, nothing else.
That is really interesting. At least now I know that it's possible if this TRT stuff ends up not working for my anxiety. Right now I'm feeling pretty chill and relaxed for some reason. It's my 3rd straight day like this which has been a rarity this year. Last week I was feeling so low and anxious. It could be because the change in my protocol is finally settling down and perhaps my estrogen is lowering (this is the 5th week). On Monday I panicked and took one 50mg Zoloft from my prior prescription (hadn't expired yet), however I doubt that's why I feel calm because as you know it takes 4-6 weeks for this stuff to build in your system. Libido is still not there though. I get my morning erections, but I can't tell if it's because I have to pee or not. I just wish the libido would come along.

You popped a zoloft? Your either on it or your not. I've never heard of "popping" one if you need it, cause as you started it has to build up in your system.

This remind me of the other wonderful feature off this stuff. Every person I know who has tried to get off this stuff with the drs okay have had a horrible time doing it. Some can't.

You can go days off and on with this stuff? Does your dr know this? Whats your zoloft protocol?
You popped a zoloft? Your either on it or your not. I've never heard of "popping" one if you need it, cause as you started it has to build up in your system.

This remind me of the other wonderful feature off this stuff. Every person I know who has tried to get off this stuff with the drs okay have had a horrible time doing it. Some can't.

You can go days off and on with this stuff? Does your dr know this? Whats your zoloft protocol?

No, I haven't been on Zoloft for a year. I realize that it takes weeks to build up in your system. During 2016-17, I got on it for severe anxiety due to a new job. I was taking 200mg, then went down to 100. I started working out last summer and could not lose weight no matter how much I worked out or how much of a caloric deficit I was on. I thought it was the Zoloft so I tapered down and stopped taking it completely by end of last August. One year later, I still can't lose weight and my libido stinks. Anxiety got bad again in January on HCG monotherapy, but never went back on it.

I "popped one" on Monday with the intention of restarting the Zoloft again at the lowest dose. I have an appointment with my psychiatrist next week, but I wanted to start early with the remnants of my old prescription since it takes a while to work. On Tuesday I felt much better and decided that I should not add another variable into the equation until I'm absolutely sure that the anxiety is not caused by lower than normal T. I'm on Week 5 of my new protocol of 100mg a week, down from 175mg four weeks prior to changing this protocol.
No, I haven't been on Zoloft for a year. I realize that it takes weeks to build up in your system. During 2016-17, I got on it for severe anxiety due to a new job. I was taking 200mg, then went down to 100. I started working out last summer and could not lose weight no matter how much I worked out or how much of a caloric deficit I was on. I thought it was the Zoloft so I tapered down and stopped taking it completely by end of last August. One year later, I still can't lose weight and my libido stinks. Anxiety got bad again in January on HCG monotherapy, but never went back on it.

I "popped one" on Monday with the intention of restarting the Zoloft again at the lowest dose. I have an appointment with my psychiatrist next week, but I wanted to start early with the remnants of my old prescription since it takes a while to work. On Tuesday I felt much better and decided that I should not add another variable into the equation until I'm absolutely sure that the anxiety is not caused by lower than normal T. I'm on Week 5 of my new protocol of 100mg a week, down from 175mg four weeks prior to changing this protocol.

As far as the problem loosing weight, did you ever have a full thyroid panel done?

Also are you on a proper protocol now or are you doing this threw a local dr or T mill that is clueless? Going from 175 to 100mg protocol is a big drop to adjust to. Or you taking Hcg also with your test or only test now?

When I first started trt I only did test c. Felt like crap after a few weeks. When I added HCG with the test it was the first time in my life I felt so good. I've read the success rate for hcg only isn't that great either.

Sounds like you already made the decision to go back on zoloft. I would have waited but if it's worked for you before I guess stick with it with the assistance of your dr. After you find a trt protocol that works for you, you can then slowly get back off it with the help of your dr if you choose. Going back on zoloft as your body is getting use to a new protocol may make it harder for you. You dont want to make more variables and then wonder what's causing the problem if you have one.
I'm wondering how the thread starter has done with this. Me, myself, and I; things still have not gotten better with me in the libido department. What I am starting to believe is that my low libido is not caused by low T, but by anxiety instead. I've been on my TRT for almost half a year now and while my strength and energy have improved, my anxiety has not completely gone away. I will go weeks having only mild anxiety and then a week or two where my anxiety spikes and I get full blown ED (like right now). My DHEA came back at a 45 which I read can be caused by constant stress. I can honestly say that my sex life was actually better when I was on Zoloft. Not because I had this massive libido because that's not true, however the fact that it relaxed me allowed me to enjoy sex and not worry about getting ED. My work productivity improved, I was much nicer to my wife, and I didn't worry about every little thing. I keep waiting for that magic feeling to return with TRT, but it's not happened and I doubt it ever will. In my opinion, based on what I'm seeing, my anxiety is probably the result of some kind of chemical imbalance. The fact that this anxiety comes in waves is a tell tell sign for me. My reason for getting off Zoloft the first time was to improve fertility, the 2nd time I got off of it was to lose weight. The only reason I have not gone back to Zoloft was to preserve fertility after I added HCG to my protocol. At this point I don't know what to do; remove TRT and start Zoloft, stay on TRT and add Zoloft, get on Clomid to enhance fertility while on Zoloft. I'm just so confused and frustrated because I have a few goals here; to have another child, to rid myself of anxiety, and to increase my libido in order to have an active, healthy sex life with my wife.

Keep in mind I'm not some schmuck who doesn't know about mental illness. I studied psychology, I'm a counselor, and know anxiety when I see it. Anxiety is definitely what I have, but how to treat it while trying to conceive is the Catch 22 I'm in. Hopefully I can hear back from those who have experience on this.
I'm wondering how the thread starter has done with this. Me, myself, and I; things still have not gotten better with me in the libido department. What I am starting to believe is that my low libido is not caused by low T, but by anxiety instead. I've been on my TRT for almost half a year now and while my strength and energy have improved, my anxiety has not completely gone away. I will go weeks having only mild anxiety and then a week or two where my anxiety spikes and I get full blown ED (like right now). My DHEA came back at a 45 which I read can be caused by constant stress. I can honestly say that my sex life was actually better when I was on Zoloft. Not because I had this massive libido because that's not true, however the fact that it relaxed me allowed me to enjoy sex and not worry about getting ED. My work productivity improved, I was much nicer to my wife, and I didn't worry about every little thing. I keep waiting for that magic feeling to return with TRT, but it's not happened and I doubt it ever will. In my opinion, based on what I'm seeing, my anxiety is probably the result of some kind of chemical imbalance. The fact that this anxiety comes in waves is a tell tell sign for me. My reason for getting off Zoloft the first time was to improve fertility, the 2nd time I got off of it was to lose weight. The only reason I have not gone back to Zoloft was to preserve fertility after I added HCG to my protocol. At this point I don't know what to do; remove TRT and start Zoloft, stay on TRT and add Zoloft, get on Clomid to enhance fertility while on Zoloft. I'm just so confused and frustrated because I have a few goals here; to have another child, to rid myself of anxiety, and to increase my libido in order to have an active, healthy sex life with my wife.

Keep in mind I'm not some schmuck who doesn't know about mental illness. I studied psychology, I'm a counselor, and know anxiety when I see it. Anxiety is definitely what I have, but how to treat it while trying to conceive is the Catch 22 I'm in. Hopefully I can hear back from those who have experience on this.

Ken I take a very low dose zoloft (50mg) with trt. And I use gabapentin at a small dose for the anxiousness caused by zoloft (and it helps with anxiety). My vote would be to stay on trt and take the zoloft. Why fight your brain if you have a chemical imbalance. I tried to get off zoloft and it just wasn't worth it. It helps me so much. I'm a very even keeled guy and it helps me stay my natural self. I'm 52 now and been on them for 18 years with no problem. My needs for trt have overlapped and started affecting my moods because it dipped to 154ng/dl. I'm slowly getting my T dialed in but it might take a few more months. Good luck :) Ps: There are other antidepressants that are of the SNRI class that you may lose weight with like Cymbalta or Wellbutrin. Zoloft is a SSRI and just one of many.
Anxiety and libido do not match. Before my morning anxiety started my libido in the morning was strong and lovemaking was perfect and now is not even on the agenda. I´m on escitalopram(Cipralex) and Wellbutrin. SOS Xanax. My anxiety broke out after a having a work burnout 7 years ago. I´m better now but I believe I´ll never be the same person without specially morning anxiety. Good Luck!
My update:

Since my last post here, I've continued my daily test injections but found small daily doses of HCG were no good for me. My balls started to hurt, loads got smaller and I didn't feel as happy. So I went back to 350iu shots M/W/F. After feeling this was the combo I'd stay with I lowered my zoloft dose to 25mg which I stayed with for two weeks then went completely off it Sept 22nd.

During this time I had to come off the NDT Defy subscribed. Wasn't working right and felt I was wasting money based on lab results. I plan on staying off for a while and finding a local Dr to help with my thyroid in the future.

My observation with everything I've read and learned here and in life with myself and others I know. People have anxiety because of a chemical imbalance or how they let their mind operate. In my case I had both issues.

I use to feel anxious for no reason. My mind didn't even have to think of something to get me like this it just was. When I started TRT with HCG things started to change positively for me. When I introduced preg I really started feeling better. I felt this fixed the chemical problem naturally.

My other problem and I'm still dealing with it is my thought process. I'm not use to not feeling like a mess anymore and I actually make myself worry about things because Im not use to not worrying about things. I also worry about my anxiety coming back at some time. This is as far as I'm concerned bad habits I picked up over years of living with anxiety that my mind needs to break from now.

Member Mountain Man uploaded some books he wrote on CBT. Id suggest finding the post or asking him for them. I can't find them since the place has been updated. I'd also look into any other books that talk about reprogramming ones mind. My suggestion is to first fix the chemical problem if you feel you have one. Then reprogram your mind (change your thought process).
My update:

Since my last post here, I've continued my daily test injections but found small daily doses of HCG were no good for me. My balls started to hurt, loads got smaller and I didn't feel as happy. So I went back to 350iu shots M/W/F. After feeling this was the combo I'd stay with I lowered my zoloft dose to 25mg which I stayed with for two weeks then went completely off it Sept 22nd.

During this time I had to come off the NDT Defy subscribed. Wasn't working right and felt I was wasting money based on lab results. I plan on staying off for a while and finding a local Dr to help with my thyroid in the future.

My observation with everything I've read and learned here and in life with myself and others I know. People have anxiety because of a chemical imbalance or how they let their mind operate. In my case I had both issues.

I use to feel anxious for no reason. My mind didn't even have to think of something to get me like this it just was. When I started TRT with HCG things started to change positively for me. When I introduced preg I really started feeling better. I felt this fixed the chemical problem naturally.

My other problem and I'm still dealing with it is my thought process. I'm not use to not feeling like a mess anymore and I actually make myself worry about things because Im not use to not worrying about things. I also worry about my anxiety coming back at some time. This is as far as I'm concerned bad habits I picked up over years of living with anxiety that my mind needs to break from now.

Member Mountain Man uploaded some books he wrote on CBT. Id suggest finding the post or asking him for them. I can't find them since the place has been updated. I'd also look into any other books that talk about reprogramming ones mind. My suggestion is to first fix the chemical problem if you feel you have one. Then reprogram your mind (change your thought process).

I'm so happy for you! It's interesting how too little of HCG was worse than more HCG. You know it's a chemical imbalance when there is nothing to worry about but you still have the anxiety for no specific reason. If my protocol enables me to remove my zoloft I certainly will. Do you take an AI too?
I'm so happy for you! It's interesting how too little of HCG was worse than more HCG. You know it's a chemical imbalance when there is nothing to worry about but you still have the anxiety for no specific reason. If my protocol enables me to remove my zoloft I certainly will. Do you take an AI too?

Thank you. "You know it's a chemical imbalance when there is nothing to worry about but you still have the anxiety for no specific reason." Exactly my point!

My short story with the HCG was I started TRT without any hcg at the first bad place I went to. Within a few weeks my balls were hurting and getting smaller. When they crashed my T low levels worse I decided to find another place and started researching this stuff myself. The second place started me on HCG and I started to "feel" better and a plus was my balls stopped hurting and also went back to normal size. The more books I read and becoming a member here I realized the 2nd was bad to and that's when I switched to Defy.

With my continued education on this stuff my personal take on HCG is if your balls work you should continue to keep them working. They release happy hormone like pregnenolone which my body seems to respond very well too. In my case I was secondary hypogonadism, so HCG works on me.

As far as dose, I've heard some believe too little doesn't work with activating the receptors. All I know is I tried it for two weeks (150iu's a day) and couldn't stand it any longer. Maybe if I started HCG on a lower dose it would have been different. Maybe my receptors got use to the larger dose. I don't know. I was thinking of going to a larger 500iu shot twice a week but figured Id need to be on a AI pill then. We do have members though that do 500 2x's a week with no AI. I just didn't feel I had anything to really gain by trying it and it wasn't worth it to me to keep mixing things up. So I've stuck with 350iu's Monday morning, Wednesday afternoon and Friday night for a while now.

As far as AI, I don't take any anymore since going to daily Test shots (20mg).
Ken I take a very low dose zoloft (50mg) with trt. And I use gabapentin at a small dose for the anxiousness caused by zoloft (and it helps with anxiety). My vote would be to stay on trt and take the zoloft. Why fight your brain if you have a chemical imbalance. I tried to get off zoloft and it just wasn't worth it. It helps me so much. I'm a very even keeled guy and it helps me stay my natural self. I'm 52 now and been on them for 18 years with no problem. My needs for trt have overlapped and started affecting my moods because it dipped to 154ng/dl. I'm slowly getting my T dialed in but it might take a few more months. Good luck :) Ps: There are other antidepressants that are of the SNRI class that you may lose weight with like Cymbalta or Wellbutrin. Zoloft is a SSRI and just one of many.
Just curious, did it affect your libido at all, the antidepressants that is?
Above 50mg it did. Below that not much. But I have a natural proclivity to be over sexed so 50mg curbs the ridiculous sex drive but still good and functional...25mg it goes into overdrive but then less effective for anxiety etc. But we all react differently.
Thank you. "You know it's a chemical imbalance when there is nothing to worry about but you still have the anxiety for no specific reason." Exactly my point!

My short story with the HCG was I started TRT without any hcg at the first bad place I went to. Within a few weeks my balls were hurting and getting smaller. When they crashed my T low levels worse I decided to find another place and started researching this stuff myself. The second place started me on HCG and I started to "feel" better and a plus was my balls stopped hurting and also went back to normal size. The more books I read and becoming a member here I realized the 2nd was bad to and that's when I switched to Defy.

With my continued education on this stuff my personal take on HCG is if your balls work you should continue to keep them working. They release happy hormone like pregnenolone which my body seems to respond very well too. In my case I was secondary hypogonadism, so HCG works on me.

As far as dose, I've heard some believe too little doesn't work with activating the receptors. All I know is I tried it for two weeks (150iu's a day) and couldn't stand it any longer. Maybe if I started HCG on a lower dose it would have been different. Maybe my receptors got use to the larger dose. I don't know. I was thinking of going to a larger 500iu shot twice a week but figured Id need to be on a AI pill then. We do have members though that do 500 2x's a week with no AI. I just didn't feel I had anything to really gain by trying it and it wasn't worth it to me to keep mixing things up. So I've stuck with 350iu's Monday morning, Wednesday afternoon and Friday night for a while now.

As far as AI, I don't take any anymore since going to daily Test shots (20mg).

Interesting post "Thanks"! What would you recommend "HCG" wise for someone such as myself who has only been on TRT for two weeks? I'm on Cyp 200 mg/ml – 0.40 ml IM/SQ twice weekly or 160 mg(-: So far I have elected no to use any "HCG"...however balls are beginning to shrink)-: Sounds like from your post if you could go back in time you would have started HCG earlier on in you're therapy is that correct?

Interesting post "Thanks"! What would you recommend "HCG" wise for someone such as myself who has only been on TRT for two weeks? I'm on Cyp 200 mg/ml – 0.40 ml IM/SQ twice weekly or 160 mg(-: So far I have elected no to use any "HCG"...however balls are beginning to shrink)-: Sounds like from your post if you could go back in time you would have started HCG earlier on in you're therapy is that correct?


I'd suggest starting a new thread so more really knowledgeable members here can see it and comment. Not brushing you off, just want you to get the most help and info possible.

In the mean time you can read these two threads which were the reason I myself decided on doing one or the other.

What is the best dose of HCG? Dr Saya presents two case studies.


My thought is if you don't mind sticking yourself everyday AND want less of a possibility of needing to take a AI pill, if your not already taking one, then try everyday at 150 iu's. If the balls come back after a few weeks and you feel better great, stick with it.

If you don't want to stick yourself everyday or daily doesn't work, then you can try 2 times a week at 500iu's before you test shot days or 350iu's M/W/F. You may find you need to be put on a AI pill if symptoms show up and you do follow up labs to confirm it. Some do some don't.

Realize HCG will raise your test levels if you have balls that work (you primary or secondary?), and you will need to readjust your test dosage to keep them in a safe range. When I started i was on around 100mg a week of test only. That destroyed my already low numbers and dropped them even more. After starting HCG by test numbers raised a lot and I saw I was able to lower my higher test dosage I thought I needed.

And yes if i could have done it all over again I would have liked to have started with HCG. Again though you throwing HCG in now will change your protocol. You will be restarting to week one and have to wait 6 to 7 weeks before you can get your labs done. I'd also think of lowering your test dose unless you have a high SHBG. I'd start that thread though to get other opinions from people who really know this stuff more then me. Also include all labs you have before you started TRT. Cause its hard to tell anyone what they should try when you don't have a base to work off of.

Good luck
I have always had mild anxiety. When I feel pressure, I usually get quiet or I avoid the situation. Right now I'm in the avoiding phase with my wife because my libido is not where it should be. When I was on antidepressants I felt more calm and less agitated. It felt like I could chill out and relax instead of worrying about what could happen next. My libido was just like it is now, but since I was calm I could perform without worrying about not getting up for the occasion. My dilemma here is trying to figure out if TRT can help relieve those symptoms of anxiety or if I should go with what I know helped me in the past with an antidepressant. I will discuss this with my psychiatrist. I'm apprehensive about throwing something new into the equation since I've only been on TRT since this June and I had a big protocol change 5 weeks ago. Most of the other guys on here got relief of symptoms like depression with TRT, but they were below normal levels. My Total T was in the upper 300's which is considered normal even though at 42 years old I know is not even close to optimal. I'm wondering if TRT can take the edge off and allow me to relax.
TRT can relieve anxiety and depression , as it did to me. I had severe anxiety which was even effecting my routine simple things. Now I have NIL anixiety .... I never feel anixious even in tough situations now. It took 3-4months to see less aniexty and completely NIL anxiety after 9-10months. You should be in correct dosage, and maintain normal testo range to see effects. Effects of trt are appreciable >500.
I maintain 800-900 , since I go to gym.
I lost 22kgs of fat. Physically I look good n very confident now.

I have quit all my antidepressants.
Last edited:
I'd suggest starting a new thread so more really knowledgeable members here can see it and comment. Not brushing you off, just want you to get the most help and info possible.

In the mean time you can read these two threads which were the reason I myself decided on doing one or the other.

What is the best dose of HCG? Dr Saya presents two case studies.


My thought is if you don't mind sticking yourself everyday AND want less of a possibility of needing to take a AI pill, if your not already taking one, then try everyday at 150 iu's. If the balls come back after a few weeks and you feel better great, stick with it.

If you don't want to stick yourself everyday or daily doesn't work, then you can try 2 times a week at 500iu's before you test shot days or 350iu's M/W/F. You may find you need to be put on a AI pill if symptoms show up and you do follow up labs to confirm it. Some do some don't.

Realize HCG will raise your test levels if you have balls that work (you primary or secondary?), and you will need to readjust your test dosage to keep them in a safe range. When I started i was on around 100mg a week of test only. That destroyed my already low numbers and dropped them even more. After starting HCG by test numbers raised a lot and I saw I was able to lower my higher test dosage I thought I needed.

And yes if i could have done it all over again I would have liked to have started with HCG. Again though you throwing HCG in now will change your protocol. You will be restarting to week one and have to wait 6 to 7 weeks before you can get your labs done. I'd also think of lowering your test dose unless you have a high SHBG. I'd start that thread though to get other opinions from people who really know this stuff more then me. Also include all labs you have before you started TRT. Cause its hard to tell anyone what they should try when you don't have a base to work off of.

Good luck
WOW Fantastic post "Thank you"! I will create a new thread moving forward as you suggested! I'm now "Thirty Five Days Post Klonopin Withdraw" after a brutal fifteen month taper! I was on Klonopin for sixteen years @ 1.5 to 2 mg a day! During this time it should noted I developed chronic pain and was also put on hydrocodone 325/10 mg x 3 daily for ten years! In closing I feel "Not great", but indeed somewhat better as of yesterday which is officially by second week on TRT therapy!
TRT can relieve anxiety and depression , as it did to me. I had severe anxiety which was even effecting my routine simple things. Now I have NIL anixiety .... I never feel anixious even in tough situations now. It took 3-4months to see less aniexty and completely NIL anxiety after 9-10months. You should be in correct dosage, and maintain normal testo range to see effects. Effects of trt are appreciable >500.
I maintain 800-900 , since I go to gym.
I lost 22kgs of fat. Physically I look good n very confident now.

I have quit all my antidepressants.
Nice "Congratulations"! Coming off all RX drugs one of which included a benzodyazapine took me to a place no human being should ever have to visit! Keep up the solid work...that's quite an achievement my friend(-:

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