Thyroid question


New Member
Have been on TRT and HCG for a couple years and still don't feel all that great. Symptoms include foggy, cold, dragging around 3pm with ability to nap at the drop of a hat oh and sweat profusely in heat or working out.

In mid March my TSH result was 3.010 uIU/mL on range of 0.450-4.500. DHEA was 76.1 ug/dL on range of 71.6-375.4 and SHGB was 63.1 nmol/L on range of 19.3-76.4. No T3/T4 done at that time.

My most recent test this month came back TSH result was 4.320 uIU/mL on range of 0.450-4.500 with T4 Free 1.14 ng/dL on .82-1.77 range - T3 Free 2.8 pg/mL on 2.0-4.4. (Started taking 15mg DHEA 1x day and DHEA was 268.6 ug/dL on range of 71.6-375.4 and SHGB was not taken but is normally in 63-65 nmol/L on range of 19.3-76.4.
EDIT TO ADD: Looking back on October 2018 labs, my Ferritin was 51ng/mL on the range of 30-400 (10-31-18)

I should mention that I'm in my early 50's; about 16% body fat, exercise 6x week and only have 1 Kidney. I eat very clean and limit protein to ~100grams per day to keep the Kidney happy. I do eat a lot of crucifirous vegies, primarily Cabbage and Brussels.

My doctor wants me to start taking 1 Grain of Armor 1x day and see how I feel. Is there anything else I should consider doing prior to starting the Armor to get a better un-medicated Thyroid baseline?
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Testing was notably incomplete, really need to be eval'd for pooling of T3 with the Reverse T3 test, as well as antibodies.
Though your Free T3 is on the lower end, this is the active Thyroid hormone. It's pretty common to see Free T4 on the lower end. I'm unsure how Armour could or will act for increasing T3. But as I said if T3 is pooling meaning it's not making it in to your cells, you can increase T3 and experience no benefit.

If it's affordable and/or you have the opportunity please re-run:

Free T3
Free T4
Reverse T3
I am not that clear on iodine.
I looked in my copy of Stop The Thyroid Madness 1 and 2 and it was suggested that one get tested with an "Iodine loading test" to determine if you are deficient prior to supplementation.
It looks like your supplement is around 1.4X RDA.
When people supplement with iodine I think it is with much higher amounts.
May not be an issues based on the amount you are taking, but others who may be more versed in iodine supplementing can chime in:)
BTW there is such a thing as too much iodine, but you are no where near that level..
Office of Dietary Supplements - Iodine
The problem with supping iodine is that it increases your TSH. The average MD isn't aware of this, and due to mainstream medicine's penchant for looking only at the TSH it can be a problem. I would agree, quit XenoStat for two weeks before getting labs.
Iodine did that too me boosted my TSH when I otherwise had no reason it was up and overall Iodine didn't improve anything else so I abandoned it.
I supplement with my iodine daily but supplement with a good low dose. I use 325 mcg of iodine once a day and was told do not go over 500 mcg daily. It's something I believe your thyroid needs to stay healthy.
I just started the XenoStat prior to my last blood draw thinking it may help. I also take 1 Thorne Basic Nutrient 2/Day which I just realized also has Iodine @ 75 mcg per 2 caps, so I'm getting 37.5 mcg more from that as well as Selenium @ 200 mcg per 2 caps so getting 100 mcg of Selenium...
Then you know where to start. Low iron or low cortisol causes high RT3 which prevents T3 from entering your cells. The T3 pools (meaning it stays in your blood but doesn't help your tissues and organs) Addressing low ferritin becomes important particularly when you have hypothyroid symptoms.
Ratbag et al,

I have been going back through my previous labs to see if I can I can find more clues as to the low iron.

Late last December:
Iron Bind. Cap. TIBC 310 ug/dL (250-450)
UIBC 265 ug/dL (111-345)
Iron, Serum 45 ug/dL (38-169)
Iron Saturation 15 % (15-55)
Ferritin, Serum 87 ng/mL (30-400
Hemoglobin 15.9 g/dL (13.0-17.7)

Early October test:
Ferritin, Serum 51 ng/mL (30-400)
Hemoglobin 15.9 g/dL (13.0-17.7
TSH 4.320 uIU/mL (0.450-4.500)
T4 Free 1.14 ng/dL (.82-1.77)
T3 Free 2.8 pg/mL (2.0-4.4)

Does anyone have an opinion relative to iron supplementation without taking thyroid meds to see if my thyroid levels improve?

BTW, I have only one kidney and presumably one adrenal gland from birth...

Out of curiosity were you on TRT for both those sets of labs above?

Your iron serum is low
Your ferritin is low and so is % saturation

You need to supp iron there is no way around this and without doing a full thyroid panel you won't know if you improved any...

The thyroid labs you show are not enough... but they do show you have a problem. High TSH and low FT3 and low FT4 indicate you also have thyroid issues.

Yes, on TRT for both. The December labs were done by Nephrologist so I don't know what T related levels were at that time.

Total T was 785 ng/dL (264-916)
Free T 11.4 ng/dL (7.2-24.0)
Estradiol, Sensitive 33.0 (pg/mL (8.0-35.0)
It's a common occurrence that those on TRT have low iron and ferritin. Search for it here and you will see many with the same issue. Low iron and ferritin means hypothyroidism and to top this off you have the symptoms. Time to increase your ferritin and iron and get labs for your thyroid
It's a common occurrence that those on TRT have low iron and ferritin. Search for it here and you will see many with the same issue. Low iron and ferritin means hypothyroidism and to top this off you have the symptoms. Time to increase your ferritin and iron and get labs for your thyroid

Is that because many donate blood or because TRT negatively affects iron / ferritin levels?

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