Hi CTGUY. Glad you joined! Here's the deal, most of the labs you have taken really don't provide all that much detail to the status of your thyroid. The T3 Uptake sounds "buzzy", but it has absolutely nothing to do with T3, whether it be total or free & unbound. The same goes with the Free Thyroxine Index ... Just multiply your Total T4 with the T3 Uptake (T4 * T3U = FTI). This tends to be the "go to" for a lot of the GP's that don't really get too deep into the thyroid arena.
With that said, most physicians will probably look at your TSH reading and say that you are fine. Your total T4 would hopefully prompt others to maybe dig deeper. Here are the labs that are needed to give us a better picture ...
Free T4
Free T3
Reverse T3
Thyroid Antibody (TPO & TgAb)
There are a variety of possibilities to why T4 could be low and TSH being on the low end to normal. It's all speculation without labs, but one possibility might be that T3 is elevated, but not effectively getting into the cells of the body. That's better known as "pooling", and RT3 will be an important marker to help determine if this is the case. If it is, then in most cases there's other underlying issues taking place ...
If you will take just a little time, please read the Lab Work page from STTM.com
All of the labs are important, but I would really encourage the 4x cortisol and iron/ferritin labs get ordered. If it turns out that you're pooling, those will be the first 2 places to look.
Also, please tell us more about yourself (age, stats, current medications & protocols, background to your condition(s), etc.) ... Anything that will be pertinent to your situation.
Again, welcome to our forum!