Need answers while I have the energy to do something about it...

Ok so...

As far as lymphocytes the only thing I can think that might have elevated them is that I was having what I thought were allergies. I’m not sure because I’ve never suffered from sinus allergies before but that’s what I (mistakenly?) assumed was going on.

Glucose - I am usually an extremely well controlled diabetic but the night before my test I was at a 50th birthday bash for a friend and indulged quite a bit. Usually I’m in the 90’s, my A1C was 6.5 at last check and my doctor is planning to take me off all meds come December.

Lipids - I know they are bad but they are vastly improved from previously. I am not on statins and I have lost a ton of weight recently so I’m assuming they will level out as long as I keep eating right and being active. My triglycerides are down from 540. So bad but improving here.

Total/Free T - The numbers here are surprising to me. How reliable is free T testing? I read that SHBG is commonly low in diabetics. Maybe this is the cause?

DHEA - I’m glad I didn’t take any of the DHEA supplements my parents bought me and insisted I take upon hearing that I have low T. I’ve read some scary things about DHEA being high and cancer.

IGF1 - I know that taking bovine colostrum can safely and effectively increase IGF1 because a friend of mine with leaky gut takes it and her doc has to closely monitor her igf1 because it can soar due to the colostrum. So I plan on asking both doctors about this.

Hemoglobin / Hemocrit / Red blood cells - All too high and I may know why. My doctor says he is afraid I have mild sleep apnea but my fiancé says I don’t snore, gasp for breath or anything else. I do remember when I was at my fattest waking up gasping for air occasionally. That was well over 50 pounds ago. I build houses and work my ass off all day and I KNOW I don’t drink enough water. My fiancé is always concerned/upset about it. It’s just that I don’t feel thirsty, I only drink water, coffee, tea throughout the day and evening (no soda or beer) so I need to just force myself to drink more. Also the diabetic meds I’m on are known to make people pee a lot so there’s that.

I do have blood work from my primary care doctor I can share. My thyroid, liver, kidney and glucose were all tested and all normal. Glucose of 91 and A1C of 6.5 (We want it below 6)
My favorite thing to happen to me on trt is stabilizing my HCT. Even when I let my T levels run-up over 1500 my HCT stayed in a good range. It took me just over two years before it finally stabilized.

Another nice thing I've never had to deal with estradiol issues, which so many members have issues with.

I feel like my estrodial is so low that I may not have problems with it running high since I won’t be on an injection.

But shouldn’t I expect HCT to be an ongoing problem to where I’ll have to donate blood or something?
I feel like my estrodial is so low that I may not have problems with it running high since I won’t be on an injection.

But shouldn’t I expect HCT to be an ongoing problem to where I’ll have to donate blood or something?
To increase my estradiol level I supplement with DHEA. DHEA will convert some of the testosterone into estrogen and it does for me. Men on trt usually run High HCT levels and have to donate blood to keep them in a good range. I donated blood every 8 weeks for 2 years and then it stabilized. My HCT has been under 48 now for over a year-and-a-half and I have not had to donate blood.
Glucose - that was one hell of a party to drive your glucose up over 200 the following day.

Lipids - they have improved from where you started but still a long way to go as you already know. Don't get caught up in that thinking that you can relax and not worry about it because you have improved a lot. I do not take statins and don't like them at all. My lipid panel was very high and I tried statins but couldn't handle them. I got my cholesterol down after years or working at it. You might consider a statin just for a short period of time just to get it down and then come off.

Testosterone - labs make errors all the time. Within the last month I had a lab error on Total and Free T performed by LabCorp. They were both way too high and upon retest it confirmed their error. SHBG and diabetes? I have heard that but do not know that to be a fact. Your's is on the low end but not dramatically low.

DHEA - it helps some people and does nothing for some others. Your's is high enough so I would not supplement either if I were you.

IGF-1 - My knowledge regarding this is pretty poor but you need to discuss with Defy. I'll bet they will want to see this come up.

Hb, HCT, RBC - dehydration can impact these measurements. Stay hydrated and these will most likely improve. Coffee and tea can dehydrate you. Drink lots of water and cut back on the caffiene.

Yes, if you can, post the other blood work you have so we can see them. Might see something you don't.
I feel like my estrodial is so low that I may not have problems with it running high since I won’t be on an injection.

But shouldn’t I expect HCT to be an ongoing problem to where I’ll have to donate blood or something?
Be careful not to donate blood too often or you will lower your iron and ferritin levels to a point that they begin affecting other areas, like your thyroid.
Sorry for the delay everyone...I spoke to Dr. Caulkins and he asvised that it’s likeky my estrogen is low for the same reason my test is low. Not enough LH. I pointed out my LH was at 4.4 (right in the middle of normal) and he advised he’d like to see it in the 7’s. He also says that free T is not a test but a calculation and that Labcorp gets it wrong fairly often. He thinks that’s the case here which would explain my high free T result.

Any day now I should get my meds. He prescribed Clomid and Anastrazol. I told him I didn’t want estrogen rebound or bad lipid side effects and he says that .125 anastrazol is such a low dose that I sholdnt worry about either. I’m uber paranoid about estrogen sides and wondering what words of wisdom you guys have? Where is the sweet spot on estradiol?

I asked him how much this would help and he said I could see T levels in the 900’s, we’ll we will test in 6 weeks. Does this sound accurate?
How much Clomid and how often? I doubt the AI is going to do much of anything for you, Clomid is going to directly stim the testes and Aromatase as it occurs in the testes is very hard to control with an AI.
Well tonight at bedtime will be my first time taking clomid. I’ll do that nightly. Monday I will start anastrozol and will only take that Mon, Wed and Fri. I’m wondering if I should take it in the morning with other meds or evening with clomid?
Clomid 12.5 everynight at bed. (Why at bed?) and anastrozol .125 every three days.

You think estrogen will be a problem?

With some, yes. With others, no. It's individual.

We can all understand concern about Estradiol but I would not take the AI unless absolutely needed with bad side effects of high E2. With clomid the aromatase is going to take place inside the testes and the AI's don't typically have an impact on aromatase inside the testes.
Well here it is Thursday night and I haven’t taken the anastrozole yet. My instructions said 3 to 5 days after taking the first dose of clomid when experiencing high estrogen effects. Thing is, I’m not experiencing anything that I can tell. I MAY have slightly more energy but not so much that I can say it’s not placebo. I called Defy and was told not to take it unless I start experiencing bloating or overly emotional feelings.

I’d like to avoid ever letting it get to that point if I can? Is it unreasonable for me to want to have my estrogen and T tested after one week of treatment? I don’t care about the cost, I want to be well managed. It just seems like there must be a better way than to wait and react?
if you don't get too high e2 symptoms don't take ansatrozole.. don't treat a number on a piece of paper you are living human being you should treat symptoms.. and many say high e2 is easier to deal with than low e2 so I would avoid taking anastrozole at all if I was you that medicine is straight poison.. but some swear they need little bit of this poison because high e2 gives them bad side effects so it's all individual
if you don't get too high e2 symptoms don't take ansatrozole.. don't treat a number on a piece of paper you are living human being you should treat symptoms.. and many say high e2 is easier to deal with than low e2 so I would avoid taking anastrozole at all if I was you that medicine is straight poison.. but some swear they need little bit of this poison because high e2 gives them bad side effects so it's all individual

Can you please tell me why you think it’s poison?
Everything is poison if you take the wrong amount.

I asked the doctor to prescribe Aromasin because I researched it and thought I felt good about it. No lipid effects and no rebound effects but he prescribed an Anastrozole and I don’t know much about it.

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