What do you love and hate about the new ExcelMale.com ?

Nelson Vergel

Founder, ExcelMale.com
Hi Guys

Thank you for being patient while we fix the last bugs. We transitioned from vbulletin to xenforo this past weekend.

What do you like and hate about the new design? Be honest but tactful, please. We have worked hard to make your experience a better one. Thank you.
Thank you Nelson and your team, the forum is working great and much quicker, and while not intending to repeat what's been said already or throw this in anyone's face, the only thing I see as a setback is what dnfuss posted about in the other thread.

Having to open forums to see who has posted from the main Forum page. Nelson posted that he's looking in to it. I agree the way it worked on that page in the old forum made it really easy, it was a quick snapshot of what was happening globally in our different forums.

I have no other complaints and I'm being pleasantly surprised with the new software.
Huge undertaking and that it appears to be hiccup free for me after just a few days is a real testament to how hard everyone worked, to make it work.
some how in the process of redoing password I am a new member with a new user name. Not sure how that happened I was buggies100 now mooseman109. On top of that i must have typed mooseman109 instead of 100. I suck at computers!!
Thanks for all your hard work changing things over.

If I had one complaint, it’d be that on my iPhone particularly, the ‘Popular Today’ pane is quite tall and requires a fair bit of scrolling down each time before you actually get to the content.

It’s only a minor quibble. And really, is ‘Popular Today’ actually an accurate name for that pane? It’s the same stuff every time. Seems more like advertising to me, which is fine (gotta support the site somehow) but it isn’t like the content changes.
1) I like the way the top menu remains at the top of the screen as you scroll down. That way it's quick and easy to click "What's New" without scrolling back to the top.

2) I also like that the page scrolls to the first unread post when you click on a thread you've already viewed. In the old system you had to click "go to first unread".

I had problems logging on as others had and sent a message. You can disregard it since I did the forgot password thing and it worked for me.

I like the new layout, faster and a lot of small things changed which I find better too.
I'm liking the new format a lot, takes a little getting used to.

I used to have "what's new" as my default page to land on here. I like to be able to see the more recent activity at one glance rather than having to sort through multiple forums, the stickies etc.

Now I am a bit disoriented with the "What's new" menu. It seems none of the selections do what the old system did. In some versions it eliminates any post you have viewed. In "latest activity" the display format is different from the "what's new" and "new posts", lacking the original post title and original author. I guess what I am looking for is a simple chronological display like in whats new and new posts that does not filter or rearrange based on viewing history etc. Just pure simple chronology from most recent post in this display format: https://www.excelmale.com/community/whats-new/posts/1219/
Looks good :)

One issue for me... I have a lot of watched threads (well over 100). With the old site design, the first thing I would do after logging in is to look for which of my watched threads had new posts. I can't figure out an easy way to do that with the new design.

Now I go to my watched threads and they are all in bold, as if they all have unread posts. I'm assuming this got reset with the changeover. Ok fine so I am opening them up, one by one, so that they will no longer be bold and the site will know I have viewed those threads.

But I don't know what dictates the ordering of the list for watched threads or if there is a way to change it. Because the first few pages are now un-bolded watched threads (I've viewed them) and the later pages are bolded threads (I've supposedly not viewed them). Is there a way to put these bolded threads which have unread posts at the top of the watched thread list? Thanks.
I simply do not like the new set up
when fist logging on the new page was huge, did not fit into the whole of my screen and my pre set log on id was gone
I often wonder when something is working well, "why change it"
I will not be on the forum as often as I simply do not like the new set up
First let me say I'm still getting used to the new ExcelMale. I really like how the new site works on my Android phone, much improved. At this point I still think the old site was better on my computer then the new site
I simply do not like the new set up
when fist logging on the new page was huge, did not fit into the whole of my screen and my pre set log on id was gone
I often wonder when something is working well, "why change it"
I will not be on the forum as often as I simply do not like the new set up

The mobile experience of the old site was horrible and Google was penalizing ExcelMale by not showing us as much in search results. A website cannot survive anymore unless Google likes the mobile version, unfortunately. It took a lot of work and money to design this new site. It will probably take us a month to optimize it, so bear with us. Remember we offer help for free, so please be patient! I am asking for everyone's support by reporting any problems (specific, not general) that you may see with the new site. Thank you!
In general I'm not a fan of the new style forums. I feel the older style is more readable and has a better look/feel. However, this is the new forum software and were stuck with it. I appreciate all the hard work that went into this by all. Maybe it will grow on me.
In general I'm not a fan of the new style forums. I feel the older style is more readable and has a better look/feel. However, this is the new forum software and were stuck with it. I appreciate all the hard work that went into this by all. Maybe it will grow on me.
Thank you. I wish you could be more descriptive about specific things you don't like. We cannot change anything with generalities.
Nelson, I think the new site is fine., but I was OK with the old site. I suppose it works a little faster, and I never use a mobile app for accessing these types of forums, so I can’t comment on mobile.

The biggest negative was a lack of an email to reset my password and the fact that my old password would not work. I figured out how to reset and get back on, but I feel like you lost some posters in the transition.

Another negative with older posts, you seem to have lost some kind of HTML formatting. I picked a piece of text at random such as ““arthritis&#8221” I am sure this was easy to read in the old website but it now looks like a formatting error.

I was initially confused about replying to a thread automatically causes me to quote the poster as opposed to going to the end of the thread and using the post reply button if I just want to post a general comment. I would have liked to see post reply and post reply with quote, but I am already used to the new method.

The drop down menu for inserting a quote isn’t very obvious, but I figured it out by highlighting each option in turn and assuming you didn’t remove it entirely, just have to invoke it a different way.

Another initially puzzling thing was thread filter is automatically set to only show unread threads, at first I was confused where threads were disappearing to. I read the thread, think about replying but want to read another before I reply, then can’t find the thread. I then realized it was because of the unread filter option being on. Anther thing about the filter, if I set to show me all threads whether I have read them or not, went click out of excel male and open up the a new window, the filer defaults to only show unread threads, there is no way to make a sticky choice on how I want to filter threads. I don’t know how difficult it would be to make the choice stick when I open a new window.

I have evaluated a lot of software in my time, generally the problems are ones that users don’t see, such as your example of being penalized by google in search results, which I wouldn’t know about. Also typical is software that works just fine with a few users but can’t scale up when the number of users soars.

Overall I have no problems, keep up the good work.

One thing I think would be useful is a requirement to put in a year you were born, or month / year, not an actual birthday, then display this on the member avatar., or give an option to display it Though on the flip side, some posters might consider it intrusive.

It's not a software issue, but IMO it helps when responding to questions to know someone general age.

Example of what I am talking about:

I have low lidido and never have morning wood even though with stimulation I get a good erection. It's a really whole different situation if the poster is 25 years old or 85 years old.
One thing I think would be useful is a requirement to put in a year you were born, or month / year, not an actual birthday, then display this on the member avatar., or give an option to display it Though on the flip side, some posters might consider it intrusive.

It's not a software issue, but IMO it helps when responding to questions to know someone general age.

Example of what I am talking about:

I have low lidido and never have morning wood even though with stimulation I get a good erection. It's a really whole different situation if the poster is 25 years old or 85 years old.
DragonBits, a person already has the option in their profile to show the complete date of birth or just the year of birth. You can choose one or the other or neither.

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