Good reply Vince. Just think about it, none of us, or 99.9% of us have never at any point in our lives had total t over 1000ng. I had to have a hormonal panel in my mid 20s for another reason other than TRT and my total level was 770ng early morning. This point in my life I wouldn't have changed a thing and libido was thru the roof. You don't see teenagers taking arimidex or donating blood. You seem like a sensible and knowledgable guy, but you have to admit, its absolutely asinine to have a 60y/o man with a t level of 1400ng and I have seen this countless times. We didn't need levels like this at 18y/o and sure as hell don't need them at 50-60y/o. I can't help but believe guys running these high number will eventually pay the price. Look at Dr Crisler, picture of good health, just had a massive heart attack. I don't know what he does as far as dosing and its none of my business, but 60y/o men don't have physiques like that with 600ng t levels. I totally agree with you, when you say that we as a community need to take a more cautious approach. Take the shbg theory for example, you always here you have to have high levels to overcome it to feel better. In my case and several others I've talked to over the years, this ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT WORK. I think we as a community and the good doctors that want to help guys like us will eventually figure out better ways to treat hormonal deficiencies, but we are not there now, not by a long shot.