I’ve heard quite a few anecdotes of guys regrowing hair on nandrolone only. I’ve even heard of guys saying they noticed hair improving just adding nandrolone to their TRT. Makes sense with how DHN can displace or compete at the receptor with DHT. Makes sense with nandrolone solo even more because nandrolone only will shut down ur natural testosterone production, and if u don’t have any test in ur body, ur not gonna have anything converting into DHT, and u’ll just have a bunch of DHN floating around from the nandrolone, and DHN is pretty hair safe overall. So I can actually see for some men hair being better better on low dose nandrolone only vs being completely natural
Part of the reason I’m using nandrolone is to minimize hair loss and acne as well. And to answer ur question, I personally see Mike Linkus at
defy. I think I’m overseen by
Dr saya tho. But Mike actually uses a nandrolone base for his personal HRT protocol, so he understands the benefits of the compound, and there’s a good chance he’ll prescribe it to u if it’s something u think would be beneficial for u in regards to ur needs and goals