
Testosterone and Depression Symptoms in Aging Men
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Although the sole unequivocal indication for testosterone treatment is replacement therapy for male hypogonadism, off-label testosterone prescribing for aging men without pathologic hypogonadism rose dramatically (100-fold) over recent decades...
High Testosterone Blood Levels May Increase Mortality
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https://academic.oup.com/jsm/article/21/Supplement_1/qdae001.281/7600971 Abstract Introduction The benefits and risks of testosterone therapy (TT) have been a subject of long-standing debate. The recent TRAVERSE trial demonstrated that men...
Management of Male Fertility in Hypogonadal Patients on TRT
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Abstract Testosterone is crucial in regulating several body functions in men, including metabolic, sexual, and cardiovascular functions, bone and muscle mass, and mental health. Therefore, optimizing testosterone levels in men is an important...
What is the testosterone dose for muscle gain?
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Some of the guys I work out with know that i inject T. It has come up why then do I not put on more gains, I do heavy rssitance training and little cardio. I explained that I am on a theraputic dose. Shoot I take a paltry 30 mg twice a week...

Testosterone Controversies and Myths- Lecture by Dr. Mohit Khera

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00:29 Testosterone therapy controversies include cardiovascular risk, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), prostate cancer, and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). 01:30 Concerns arise from the misuse of testosterone, with a significant percentage of...

Evaluation of Androgen Receptor Signaling and Saturation in ED

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https://academic.oup.com/jsm/article/21/Supplement_1/qdae001.238/7600649 Abstract Introduction Testosterone (T) is a steroid hormone responsible for the development and maintenance of male secondary sex characteristics. T exerts this...
Most Patients Liked Being Switched to Subcutaneous Testosterone Injections
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Early Experience with Subcutaneous Injection of Non-Proprietary Testosterone as an Alternative Approach for Testosterone Replacement (2022) KAlter, DRoadman, CAmarasekera, LLevine Introduction Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has been...
Subcutaneous Testosterone Pellet Implantation Procedure for Treatment of Low Testosterone
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The patient is placed in the lateral jackknife or fetal position. Implantation occurs in the upper outer quadrant of the posterior gluteal region. The skin is marked 3 cm below the halfway mark between the iliac crest and sacroiliac joint in a...
Factors that Can Improve Testosterone Gel Absorption
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Most absorption of testosterone in testosterone gels happens during the first 4 hours. The 1.62 % Androgel package insert says this about showering after testosterone gel application and using moisturizers/sun block: "Effect of showering In a...
Men's Health History - The Story of Testosterone
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Join hosts Kevin Chu and Justin Dubin as they dive deep into the world of testosterone featuring Dr. Abraham Morgentaler, the esteemed founder and director of Men's Health Boston. With over 170 scientific articles published on testosterone...
Oral Testosterone Replacement Therapy
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Oral Testosterone Replacement Therapy: What’s Available and What Took so Long? Introduction The field of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has witnessed remarkable growth and demand in recent years. While injectable and topical forms...

Deca (nandrolone) added to trt and wow!!

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I recently had my TRT Dr approve a 10 week cycle of Deca to my 200 MG per week TRT. Took about 6 weeks to kick in but I feel really good. Sex drive off the hook and getting very strong and muscular. I do in the same Syringe 45mg T/35mg Deca...

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