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Testosterone Therapy in Canada

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@Marcel We have always been far worse off than the US when it comes to the treatment of men for testosterone deficiency. Although...
Controversies Modern BPH Treatment
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Matthew Lee, MD, a former fellow of Northwestern Urology’s Endourology Fellowship Program and currently a Clinical Assistant Professor of Urology at Ohio State University, delivered an electrifying presentation on the Controversies in BPH...
Low Dose Nandrolone With TRT
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Nandrolone is increasingly being considered as an adjunct therapy in conjunction with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for men suffering from hypogonadism. This practice is particularly prevalent among those who experience joint pain. When...
Navigating the Complexity of Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Adolescents and Young Men
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Navigating the Complexity of Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Adolescents and Young Men Abstract Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is commonly associated with aging men; however, its application extends to younger populations dealing...
Antidepressants’ effects on testosterone and estrogens
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Abstract Various antidepressants are commonly used to treat depression and anxiety disorders, and sex differences have been identified in their efficacy and side effects. Steroids, such as estrogens and testosterone, both in the periphery and...

Fight Your Health Insurance Denial -- Use AI to Generate Your Health Insurance Appeal

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When seeking to appeal health insurance denials, navigating the insurance appeal process methodically is essential. At Totally Legit Co, we specialize in helping you fight health insurance denial effectively and efficiently. The first step...

DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

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If anyone has been following the other threads regarding DHT cream and Test Prop, you will know the discussion of libido has been mentioned. I recently ordered some test prop and have been using it the past few days. I have also dialed in my DHT...
High-Dose Oral TU Kyzatrex in Men with Low Testosterone: Safety, Efficacy, and Patient Satisfaction
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Hot off the press! You heard it here first, Nelson's domain is where it's at! High-dosed oral TU (Kyzatrex 400 mg) BID, LH/FSH while lower were maintained at non-zero levels, minimal impact on hematocrit! *At a mean follow up time of 6...
Focal Therapy Options for Prostate Cancer
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Focal Therapy Options for Prostate Cancer Host: Jay D. Raman, MD, FACS, FRCS(Glasg) Guest: Ruben Olivares, MD Outline: Segment 1: Why Focal Therapy?Segment 2: Patient selection for Focal Therapy Segment 3: Review of Existing Focal Therapy...
Prostatectomy (Prostate Removal) for Prostate Cancer
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In this insightful episode, Dr. Geo welcomes Dr. James Eastham, a renowned urologist from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. They discuss the ideal candidates for prostate removal (prostatectomy), the latest surgical approaches, and Dr...
Beyond Testosterone: The Illustrated Guide is Now on Amazon
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"Beyond Testosterone" is a comprehensive 427-page guide authored by Nelson Vergel, a seasoned expert in the realm of hormone therapy. With a vibrant full-color layout and extensive illustrations, this book stands as an essential resource for both...

Pain In The Testicles Could Be EPIDIDYMITIS

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Have you ever experienced sudden testicular pain or swelling and wondered what might be causing it? It could be epididymitis, a condition that can lead to serious complications if left untreated. In this video, Dr. med. Dr. phil. Stefan Buntrock...
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