12:12-21:46 Here is a summary of the "UROwebinar: Male infertility An updated work up" by the European School of Urology in 10 bullet points: Introduction to Webinar: The webinar, led by Mary Dinkan, covers the latest advancements in...
2:00-11:57 Here's a summary of the key points from the YouTube video transcript in 10 bullet points: 1. The video discusses male infertility diagnostics, treatments, and its connection to overall men's health. 2. Basic diagnostic workup...
Great interview! Very thorough. This video discusses the importance of men’s health and the role of urologists in addressing conditions like testosterone deficiency. Key Takeaways: *Dr. Andrew Sun provides an overview of different...
Mohit getting the red carpet treatment LOL go get em! As the man puts it focus on the 4 PILLARS OF HEALTH, DESS (diet, exercise, sleep, stress) and of course having a healthy FT! Most people are familiar with the concept of Healthspan...
Nelson Vergel from ExcelMale.com and DiscountedLabs.com interviews Shalin Shah, CEO of Marius Pharmaceuticals, about Kyzatrex, an oral testosterone treatment. They discuss the treatment, misconceptions, unique aspects, potential side effects...
https://research.vu.nl/en/publications/diagnosing-thyroid-disease-pitfalls-and-improvement-in-laboratory Abstract The aim of this thesis was to evaluate and improve laboratory measurements in diagnosing thyroid disease. This thesis demonstrates...
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5064763/ "Access of plasma steroids to target tissues and cells While measurements of free steroid concentrations remain the most robust indicator of the biological activities of plasma steroids...
In this video, Dr Mark Gordon speaks about secretalogs (hormone releasing hormones or peptides) at the 2013 Age Management Medicine Conference in Las Vegas. This lecture by Dr. Mark L. Gordon discusses the use of secretagogues in Age...
Here is some basic information regarding the different GH secretagogues Hormones involved and related analog drugs •Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone: 1. Sermorelin 2. Tesamorelin •Ghrelin: 1. GHRP 2. Ipamorelin...
https://www.excelmale.com/forum/threads/nandrolone-deca-durabolin-studies-in-humans.17307/ From the book "Anabolics 2010" Deca-Durabolin® (Nandrolone Decanoate) Description Nandrolone decanoate is an injectable form of the anabolic steroid...
PARTICIPATION NEEDED! Of those EM members that have taken nandrolone or are currently taking nandrolone alongside their TRT, we are conducting a small ExcelMale study to help determine the effect that nandrolone has on Total Testosterone, E2...