Yet another fertility, ancillary case following long term TRT


New Member
Hey everyone. I know a lot of this topic has been covered a few times, but since every case is different I figured I would start an original post and invite input from the entire community. Ill put as much detail as possible. A brief bio:

40yo retired military, Registered dietitian and full-time student. No kids, although at 23 I did have a pregnancy situation that unfortunately the other party did not want to follow through with. The good news is I know at one time I was fertile, and this is a secondary condition. The bad news is that the experience mentally rattled me, and is one of a few reasons I decided to jump on T Enanthate at moderate to high doses, as well as other AAS here and there over the years, with no regard for side effects or fertility. I was always active, ate well, and otherwise very healthy so I never really needed ancillaries, or so I thought. Even when my TT was over 2000 and Free over 350, I never aromatized or had issues other than testicular atrophy. Fast forward 13 years of TE administration with very few breaks, no HCG or ancillaries, and now my lady wants kids, and frankly so do I.

Being in the nutrition and now the medical world, I scoured PubMed and Google Scholar for studies on my situation and came away with a protocol of 2500iu HCG EOD/25mg Enclomiphene ED. I took my last shot of T June 10, 2017, and started in July. I ran labs Sept 25. Which were as follows:

Labs were run through LabCorp:
TT 1125 (250-1100ng/dl)
FT 129.6 (46-224pg/ml)
BAT 266.5 (110-575ng/dl)
LH 1.1 (1.5-9.3Miu/ml)
FSH 4.1 (1.6-8Miu/ml)
DHEA 128 (106-464mcg/dl)
SBGH 48 (10-50nmol/L)
Estradiol Ultrasensitive: 10 ( <or=29pg/ml)
All lipids, IGF-1, CBC and thyroid values looked good.

With this, I was pleased that my TT was this high only 90 days post-long-term T use. I felt an increase in testicular volume, and overall pretty decent. I decided I wanted to put this in the hands of Defy and Dr. Saya, who was very understanding and agreeable, suggesting I stay on the enclomiphene if I trust the source, keep HCG as is, add DHEA 50 ED, gave me 0.25mg Anastrozole in the event I needed it, and also said FSH was an option if needed, so I picked up a few bottles, expecting that I would probably need to do an initial blast. He ordered a Semen analysis and said to check in with labs in 90 days from late October. One theme I noticed throughout my research on PubMed, as well as several stories from members like 'Healthman, Dni.labs, and Mrj, HopefulStory and more', was that regular dosing of FSH is the key to restoration, especially after a long suppression. So that was in the back of my mind and picked up plenty from Empower.

We are now 32 days into the original protocol, and I feel like I'm 40 going on 70. I have zero motivation, zero energy, and zero libido. ZERO. To the point where I feel like if I went to do my SA I would need a cialis or viagra just to attain the sample. Now my testes continue to regain their original size, and based on my labs I believe I am moving in the right direction from a restoration aspect, but the caveat to that is feeling awful. I know Clomid, and especially enclomiphene alone are supposed to be the best treatment for fertility, but I also know many people feel awful on SERMs and my E2 is 10 is definitely not helping.

So, long story longer, after reading the accounts of the already mentioned members, as well as posts by Nelson, Dr Crisler, and Dr. Saya, I feel I may have gone into this incorrectly. I hadn't seen the studies or anecdotes on this forum, only the medical literature. What I was very happy to learn was the number of men, regardless of age or duration of TRT use, full recovery is attainable while remaining on TRT, by adding enough HCG and FSH. Those numbers need to be dialed in according to each individual person, but the average use I am seeing be successful is anywhere from 100-150mg T split 2-3x/week, either IM or SQ, 250-500iu HCG ed or EOD, either IM or SQ, and FSH SQ from 40iu biweekly up to 75iu/day (higher, more frequent dosing for older males with more androgen history), and Adex PRN based on symptoms. I also see many posts by Nelson saying adding HCG at 500iu EOD actually is more effective at restoring fertility than HCG mono, with fewer sides, and Dr. Crisler saying that when comparing equal labs, people on TRT generally feel better across the board than on HCG mono.

I feel that my system is definitely kicking in, and the near 6-month break was probably a good thing regardless, but I can't deal with feeling like this. Not when it seems very plausible and even preferred to remain on T and add in HGG and FSH. I plan to run labs early Jan, and I would like to get the SA done if I can manage to pull it off, just to see where I am. I know that it takes approximately 80 days to create healthy sperm, and being that I only stopped TRT in June and started the ancillaries in July I don't expect to see a full recovery, but I do think I will see some improvement (I hope). I need to pull labs and see Dr. Saya in Jan, but I really am considering jumping back on T, with the above-described dosing. I have some T enanthate left, and Id probably starts at 40-50mg SQ MWF, 500iu HCG SQ EOD, and FSH 75iu ED to start, and then based on parameters adjust doses down, especially once recovery is made. While fertility is the priority, It's not a super rush as my girl is younger, and I still have a few years of school left. We would like it to happen within the year, but if it waits for 2-3 that's fine, provided I'm feeling well. At this rate, I won't have a girl if I keep feeling like the Grinch who Stole Christmas!. In fact, based on the last labs, and testicular volume I feel I'm already on the right track.

Obviously, I need to follow-up with Dr. Saya, who hopefully will come across this, but all things being equal I would like any input or suggestions on this entire situation by anyone on here. I have enough supplies to begin that protocol and even at 75iu FSH a day I have a little over 3 months worth, which in my research is more than enough to at least kickstart production and then lower it moving forward. But I can't last another 60 days on just the HCG/Enclomiphene. I know that the SERM is ideal for regaining fertility off T, but I think and pray I have put in enough time. It's not worth feeling like this every day. I appreciate everyone's suggestions and input.
HCG with Clomid are recipes for Estrogen problems, have you pulled Sensitive LC/MS/MS while on those? and how much Clomid, dose and frequency? Both of those given the direct stim to the testes that they provide will in a typical guy just cause E to go very high.
Hey Vince, I pulled everything Defy needed, including lipids, hormones, full CBC etc. I knew theres a high possibility for estrogen conversion, especially at that dose. The Enclomiphene is only one isomer in Clomid, which demonstrates complete antagonism of the E receptors. Even at only 25mg ED, my Estradiol is only 10! If I keep on the monotherapy I definitely either need to cut it in half, or switch over to the Adex Dr. Saya gave me just in case I needed it. It definitely works, and in my discussion with the doc he actually prefers it to Clomid for the antiestrogenic activity. I have a good research chem brand, which is apparently TOO effective if its bottoming out my E and had my FSH at 4.5 at this dose after only 90 days.

At this point I think the Leydig cells have been shocked into action, and the HCG can come down. Im starting to feel that less is more in most situations. Nelson put up some good info on 500iu EOD being ideal, but thats with coadministration of test, so Im not sure what to do here. As for spermatogenesis, most of the other long term cases I have read say I need to do the same thing I did with the HCG with the FSH: Blast it to super-physiological levels that will promote accelerated recovery, then lower it to maintenance. One study I found on a 37yo career bodybuilder showed that 90 days of high dose HCG (@30,000iu/wk!!!) and 75iu/day FSH fully and permanently restored his azoospermia, reversed his low T (he started at only 7ng/dl), and low gonadotropins; 3 months following the termination of the study, semen parameters remained above normal level, morphology/motility improved to 100%, and the couple conceived at 7 months after the study. Interestingly they dont mention using any estrogen blocker in the study, which seems pertinent at 30K units a week of HCG, but the outcome is impressive. Most other studies use 1500-5000iu 2-3x/wk HCG with 75-150iu FSH 3x/wk, all having very high success rates eventually. Still, I am more impressed with the guys who are on the forum who remained on 100-200mg/wk of T, ran the high dose FCH with HCG and still had the same results. Granted they need to remain on the FSH/HCG at a low dose for as long as they take an exogenous T, but this seems to me to be a much better way to go.

If the testes are recovered, and E2 is controlled, then the Enclomiphene alone would hypothetically do what I want. Unfortunately, while theres alot of studies on its ability to increase TT and sperm parameters, I have seen that most people just don't feel the boost in well being that they do on exogenous test. SERMS in general just are not pleasant, even when you eliminate the estrogenic isomer, and had I seen the number of success stories on here before I approached Defy, thats the route I would have asked Dr. Saya about. I wasn't aware that the same results could be achieved while on T long term. Logically it does make sense though. If you can afford enough HCG/FSH, then they should work as intended on the testes regardless of the pituitary shutdown. At 40 years old and nearly 15 plus total years of use, theres no way Im ever gonna feel "great" again without some exogenous T, regardless of the levels being the same.
Hi zat954 - I recall your case as somewhat unique, particularly regarding the enclomiphene sourcing and predefined regimen you came in on. You’re discussion points are accurate in that many men can maintain *some* degree of fertility while on TRT and some combo of HCG (and FSH if budget allows). You’ve come this far and it’s would be a shame to transition to TRT without having the semen tested to determine if your initial venture has accomplished the goal of restoring your spermatogensis. This would also provide a good “pre-TRT” baseline for any future semen analyses completed while on TRT. Look forward to seeing your results and chatting sometime soon.
Hi zat954 - I recall your case as somewhat unique, particularly regarding the enclomiphene sourcing and predefined regimen you came in on. You’re discussion points are accurate in that many men can maintain *some* degree of fertility while on TRT and some combo of HCG (and FSH if budget allows). You’ve come this far and it’s would be a shame to transition to TRT without having the semen tested to determine if your initial venture has accomplished the goal of restoring your spermatogensis. This would also provide a good “pre-TRT” baseline for any future semen analyses completed while on TRT. Look forward to seeing your results and chatting sometime soon.
Hey Doc... I appreciate the response. I agree, I definitely want to see where the SA is first. I'll get it done this week, and I ordered a follow-up with you today, so we will have results when I talk to you and go from there. It seems like the fertility is improving, based on size and texture, but I just didn't expect to feel so bad (in comparison to TRT that is). Its like I hit a wall a couple weeks ago. I have been impressed with a lot of the cases I have seen on here, many of which are your patients, so I wanted to gather some opinions on possibilities before we spoke.

One question? We covered so much info initially that I don't recall what you suggested I do with the 0.25mg Adex you prescribed? It is for MWF, but I can't recall if you wanted me to add it to the Enclomiphene or transition. With my E already at 10 I don't think you wanted me to add it and keep the same Enclomiphene dosage, so I just have kept everything the same. Would changing over or lowering the Enclomiphene dose possibly help me feel better in the meantime? Thanks, doc.
Wouldn’t change anything until we see the semen analysis. Certainly wouldn’t take anastrozole with the current E2 level. We may transition to TRT and discuss where to go with exemestane, but would hold steady for now since you are planning the SA and consult in the very near future.
Wouldn’t change anything until we see the semen analysis. Certainly wouldn’t take anastrozole with the current E2 level. We may transition to TRT and discuss where to go with exemestane, but would hold steady for now since you are planning the SA and consult in the very near future.

Ok that's what I figured. I think it was just to have on hand in the event the high dose of HCG was no longer being controlled by the Enclomiphene alone. And that sounds great. I Look forward to speaking with you soon doc. Thanks
Absolutely have your semen analysis and see where you are at right now, and follow Dr Saya's advice as he is the expert. You are in good hands.

But my own experience (as I have posted elsewhere on this site) shows that you didn't need to come off of test in the first place, and you could have achieved your goals while staying on test and adding HCG and HMG or FSH.

I am a 50-year-old bodybuilder who has been taking testosterone and other anabolic steroids for over 26 years now, with very little time off. I got married in October of 2017, and my new wife and I decided that we wanted to try for one more child. At that time I had been on test and other steroids without any break for almost 7 years, and my sperm count was at zero.

In November of 2017 I lowered my test to 200mg per week, and started taking Clomid at 50mg per day and HCG at low doses of about 100iu per day (as Dr Crisler recommends), slowly increasing the HCG over the next few months to 500iu every day.

In April of 2018 I added a Chinese generic HMG (mixed FSH and LH) at low doses. I would have used real pharmaceutical HMG or FSH, but my fertility doctor wouldn't prescribe it for me and I couldn't find it on the black market yet.

In May of 2018 my semen analysis came back at 4 million per ml. In June my next semen analysis came back at 7 million per ml.

In July my fertility doctor refused to prescribe me HMG or FSH, but did want me to increase the HCG to 3000iu every other day. All that did for me was give me erectile dysfunction and make me absolutely miserable.

In July I was able to get Ferring Menopur HMG, and in August I switched to Merional HMG at 30-60iu per day.

In August of 2018, my semen analysis back at 12 million per ml. But the HMG hadn't really kicked in yet, as a sperm cycle is about 2.5 months (between 42-76 days depending on the individual.)

My wife and I were approved for IVF, and did that in October. At the time of our IVF procedure, my final sperm count was 35 million per ml. My wife produced 20 mature eggs, of which my sperm fertilized 14, of which 3 survived to become 5-day blastocysts. So we have 3 good embryos, and are ready to do the implantation this month.

My biggest problem was lack of access to good quality HMG or FSH during that time, as my fertility doctor wouldn't prescribe it for me. So I had to access that myself through the black market. But nevertheless, adding in HCG and (eventually) HMG did bring back my sperm count all the way from zero to 35 million, in 11 months, without ever going off of testosterone.

Now my fertility doctor has finally "seen the light", and has prescribed me FSH from Empower Pharmacy after I brought that to his attention after seeing it mentioned on this site. If he had done that from the beginning, I have no doubt my final sperm count would have been much higher.

If I had to do it all over again, I would have done:

200mg test per week
500iu HCG every other day
60iu FSH or HMG every day

Although the "old school" way of doing things was to get off test for fertility, my experience and the experience of many others shows that you can stay on testosterone the whole time, add in HCG and HMG or FSH, and you can still bring back your sperm count and achieve pregnancy with your wife. Plus of course you will feel much better and your sex drive will be higher if you stay on testosterone as opposed to going off.

Best wishes to you whatever course you take, and please let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything I can do to help you out.
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Absolutely have your semen analysis and see where you are at right now, and follow Dr Saya's advice as he is the expert. You are in good hands.

But my own experience (as I have posted elsewhere on this site) shows that you didn't need to come off of test in the first place, and you could have achieved your goals while staying on test and adding HCG and HMG or FSH.

I am a 50-year-old bodybuilder who has been taking testosterone and other anabolic steroids for over 26 years now, with very little time off. I got married in October of 2017, and my new wife and I decided that we wanted to try for one more child. At that time I had been on test and other steroids without any break for almost 7 years, and my sperm count was at zero.

In November of 2017 I lowered my test to 200mg per week, and started taking Clomid at 50mg per day and HCG at low doses of about 100iu per day (as Dr Crisler recommends), slowly increasing the HCG over the next few months to 500iu every day.

In April of 2018 I added a Chinese generic HMG (mixed FSH and LH) at low doses. I would have used real pharmaceutical HMG or FSH, but my fertility doctor wouldn't prescribe it for me and I couldn't find it on the black market yet.

In May of 2018 my semen analysis came back at 4 million per ml. In June my next semen analysis came back at 7 million per ml.

In July my fertility doctor refused to prescribe me HMG or FSH, but did want me to increase the HCG to 3000iu every other day. All that did for me was give me erectile dysfunction and make me absolutely miserable.

In July I was able to get Ferring Menopur HMG, and in August I switched to Merional HMG at 30-60iu per day.

In August of 2018, my semen analysis back at 12 million per ml. But the HMG hadn't really kicked in yet, as a sperm cycle is about 2.5 months (between 42-76 days depending on the individual.)

My wife and I were approved for IVF, and did that in October. At the time of our IVF procedure, my final sperm count was 35 million per ml. My wife produced 20 mature eggs, of which my sperm fertilized 14, of which 3 survived to become 5-day blastocysts. So we have 3 good embryos, and are ready to do the implantation this month.

My biggest problem was lack of access to good quality HMG or FSH during that time, as my fertility doctor wouldn't prescribe it for me. So I had to access that myself through the black market. But nevertheless, adding in HCG and (eventually) HMG did bring back my sperm count all the way from zero to 35 million, in 11 months, without ever going off of testosterone.

Now my fertility doctor has finally "seen the light", and has prescribed me FSH from Empower Pharmacy after I brought that to his attention after seeing it mentioned on this site. If he had done that from the beginning, I have no doubt my final sperm count would have been much higher.

If I had to do it all over again, I would have done:

200mg test per week
500iu HCG every other day
60iu FSH or HMG every day

Although the "old school" way of doing things was to get off test for fertility, my experience and the experience of many others shows that you can stay on testosterone the whole time, add in HCG and HMG or FSH, and you can still bring back your sperm count and achieve pregnancy with your wife. Plus of course you will feel much better and your sex drive will be higher if you stay on testosterone as opposed to going off.

Best wishes to you whatever course you take, and please let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything I can do to help you out.

Hey Sides. I appreciate the response and well wishes. Your case was actually one of if not the primary reasons I wanted to look deeper into this. Your age and history are quite similar to mine, so I can relate to you a bit more than many of the younger TRT patients or those who have not used for very long periods. I agree that Dr. Saya is awesome, and I have no doubt he will get everything dialed in.

I was wondering a couple things: I really like your suggested protocol, and I am curious if you are still on that regimen or have you changed it since? And secondly, what is/was your feelings on Proviron, while on this low dosed regimen? I have read various things stating its used in the EU as a fertility stimulator, while other say it shuts you down. I do see a pretty consistent report that it increases mood and libido tremendously due to the binding abilities to aromatase and SHBG. In theory, it seems like it would be ideal to add to your suggested regimen. Did you notice anything from that in particular?

Look forward to hearing from you and I will keep the community posted as I move forward. Thanks.
Hey Sides. I appreciate the response and well wishes. Your case was actually one of if not the primary reasons I wanted to look deeper into this. Your age and history are quite similar to mine, so I can relate to you a bit more than many of the younger TRT patients or those who have not used for very long periods. I agree that Dr. Saya is awesome, and I have no doubt he will get everything dialed in.

I was wondering a couple things: I really like your suggested protocol, and I am curious if you are still on that regimen or have you changed it since? And secondly, what is/was your feelings on Proviron, while on this low dosed regimen? I have read various things stating its used in the EU as a fertility stimulator, while other say it shuts you down. I do see a pretty consistent report that it increases mood and libido tremendously due to the binding abilities to aromatase and SHBG. In theory, it seems like it would be ideal to add to your suggested regimen. Did you notice anything from that in particular?

Look forward to hearing from you and I will keep the community posted as I move forward. Thanks.

Hey zat954,

Good to hear from you, and I'm happy if my experiences can help you and others.

In answer to your questions, I have changed my regimen since my wife and I had IVF: now my goal is just to maintain some level of fertility in case we have to start over because of miscarriage, praying very hard that God is good and everything goes well. But although the fertility drugs did increase my sperm count, they never made me feel good.

So now I have decreased the HCG to 250iu every other day, and the FSH to 40iu every other day, just to maintain some activity and stimulation to the Leydig and Sertoli cells just in case we have to do this all over again. I cut out the Clomid completely immediately after we had IVF. To be honest, HCG and Clomid at any dosage made me feel bad, increased my E2, decreased my libido, and I suspect the Clomid increased my SHBG as my SHBG and E2 both got way too high during this whole process. My doctor tried to combat the increased E2 by prescribing me Letrozole, but even taking .5mg of Letrozole once a week crashes my E2 down to less than 5 pg/ml and makes me feel horrible. So I am an over-responder to aromatase inhibitors and am better off without them. And I never felt any benefit from taking HCG, although I am thankful it increased my sperm count, HCG at any dosage always made me feel worse.

I did also use Proviron (mesterolone, a DHT-based compound) throughout this entire process, as although it has never been approved in the USA, it has often been prescribed in the EU for increasing men's sperm counts, although the studies are mixed as to how well it works. Nevertheless, I used Proviron at 25mg per day throughout the entire 11 months, and I certainly don't feel that it hurt me any, and might have helped with my increased sperm count. It didn't seem to help with SHBG, as my SHBG increased way too high during this whole period, but it is hard to separate out the individual effects of each drug in my protocol (test, Proviron, Clomid, HCG, HMG, Letrozole)...all I can do is look at the combined effect that all of them together had on my sperm count.

Maybe even the Letrozole helped, even though it ruined my libido and erectile function and made me feel like death. But there are studies showing that Letrozole does help increase men's sperm counts as well, so who knows, it might have helped with the overall results. I will never voluntarily take an aromatase inhibitor again, though. The HCG made me feel lousy, but the Letrozole really killed my libido and made me miserable.

So overall if I had to do it all over again, I would have just kept things simple: test, HCG, HMG or FSH, and possibly Proviron, for those like myself willing to import from overseas.
Wow, good luck with the pregnancy, and I hope everything works out.

As for your current regimen that makes sense, since you were fully fertile so recently. I think I have the same reactions that you do to the anti-estrogens and the HCG. I recall when I was younger and only on T, the occasional bump of HCG would make me feel good. Perhaps it was age, perhaps its that HCG should be contributing just enough to keep endogenous T working, or perhaps its the dosing on mono, but many people don't feel well on HCG. Same with the SERMs and AI's. Much like you, I don't aromatize too badly normally, but I do crash on the AIs. Unfortunately, I think all of us who were slightly reckless with the androgens must pay the price for a time in order to fully restore. If restoration does occur I guess its well worth the sacrifice.

I understand what you are saying about the combination of meds making it difficult to know what exactly works and what doesn't. The proviron is a fascinating compound and seems it could be of value in a regular TRT regimen. Regardless, it seems like once the fertility is restored, the "less is more" approach to ancillaries works best for the quality of sperm, but that's just based on my limited research and anecdotes here. The motility and morphology improve with time once the LH/FSH doses are dialed down, but kept just at a level that will keep you fertile. But again, everyone is different and this is all speculation.

Thanks again and best of luck to you. I will keep everyone posted moving forward.
Hey zat954,

Good to hear from you, and I'm happy if my experiences can help you and others.

In answer to your questions, I have changed my regimen since my wife and I had IVF: now my goal is just to maintain some level of fertility in case we have to start over because of miscarriage, praying very hard that God is good and everything goes well. But although the fertility drugs did increase my sperm count, they never made me feel good.

So now I have decreased the HCG to 250iu every other day, and the FSH to 40iu every other day, just to maintain some activity and stimulation to the Leydig and Sertoli cells just in case we have to do this all over again. I cut out the Clomid completely immediately after we had IVF. To be honest, HCG and Clomid at any dosage made me feel bad, increased my E2, decreased my libido, and I suspect the Clomid increased my SHBG as my SHBG and E2 both got way too high during this whole process. My doctor tried to combat the increased E2 by prescribing me Letrozole, but even taking .5mg of Letrozole once a week crashes my E2 down to less than 5 pg/ml and makes me feel horrible. So I am an over-responder to aromatase inhibitors and am better off without them. And I never felt any benefit from taking HCG, although I am thankful it increased my sperm count, HCG at any dosage always made me feel worse.

I did also use Proviron (mesterolone, a DHT-based compound) throughout this entire process, as although it has never been approved in the USA, it has often been prescribed in the EU for increasing men's sperm counts, although the studies are mixed as to how well it works. Nevertheless, I used Proviron at 25mg per day throughout the entire 11 months, and I certainly don't feel that it hurt me any, and might have helped with my increased sperm count. It didn't seem to help with SHBG, as my SHBG increased way too high during this whole period, but it is hard to separate out the individual effects of each drug in my protocol (test, Proviron, Clomid, HCG, HMG, Letrozole)...all I can do is look at the combined effect that all of them together had on my sperm count.

Maybe even the Letrozole helped, even though it ruined my libido and erectile function and made me feel like death. But there are studies showing that Letrozole does help increase men's sperm counts as well, so who knows, it might have helped with the overall results. I will never voluntarily take an aromatase inhibitor again, though. The HCG made me feel lousy, but the Letrozole really killed my libido and made me miserable.

So overall if I had to do it all over again, I would have just kept things simple: test, HCG, HMG or FSH, and possibly Proviron, for those like myself willing to import from overseas.

Thanks for sharing your experience and input..
I needed to hear this.
going from Zero to 35 sperm count is amazing.
Thanks for sharing your experience and input..
I needed to hear this.
going from Zero to 35 sperm count is amazing.

Thanks, happy to help and offer hope to others. After my 27 years of testosterone use, my wife is pregnant and we are due to deliver a healthy baby in November.

One note to my previous post: don't use Proviron or other DHT-based compounds to try to increase sperm count. Long term use of Proviron has messed up my libido, natural DHT levels, and given me gynecomastia when I tried to stop using it. Don't make the mistake of staying on Proviron for a long time, as I did.

Stick with Test, HCG, and HMG or FSH and you should be fine.

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