To recap, you just started TRT with a reasonable protocol and you feel overall great but note that you have some water retention and are freaked out about a high E2 lab result. You're changing the protocol from twice weekly to EOD injections which would be expected to limit TRT-related side effects further.
What I want to impress upon you is that water retention when you first begin TRT is normal and does not continue at its initial level indefinitely. Even if you maintain the same exact numbers, including E2, some or most or all (depending on the individual) of the water will come off given time for adaptation to take place. As I read logs from AI users on other forums, I've observed the history of AI use in TRT is largely a history of impatient people that could not leave a good protocol alone for a few months to let things settle (this even includes prominent gurus and influencers).
If you're obese and taking cycle doses of test then maybe things never settle. Otherwise, with leaner folks on TRT doses, I'm with
@RobRoy now. Give your body the months it needs to adapt, forget the E2 number. Checking E2 again in 4 weeks is probably a waste of money and risks triggering another premature protocol change.