compounding pharmacies dont have HPLC NOR do they produce peptides lol. i think that was part of my point. compounding pharmacies do not manufacture rather resell products they order from china. they skirt rules and JUST like supplement companies get a QC paper from china saying its all good when in reality may be contaminated or lesser purity. also HCG and anything with IU after dosage is actually a mixture of several forms, just FYI.. but I do get ur point and it aiming as a dig was a little silly IMO. just wanted to shed light on what compounding REALLY is as seems folks are bit confused, thinking they manufacture drugs for example. heck tylenol gets bad batches from time to time, but they are able to recall and have higher standards than many compounding pharmacies. yes some are much better then others esp when comes to sterile room SOPs etc.
recombinant peptides remember use alot of solvents and ecoli some have varying amounts of left over ecoli puke/endotoxins... a little may be harmless but we have NO idea levels of those when come from chinese and no batch number or tracking..
ok i will dig up the test results of some indian HCG no worries. yes, again, im not saying indian pharma is fake, rather from what ive seen in HCG is VERY underdosed..
it is not cheap to test, purity i think 300-500 USD for peptides but a full QC test panel is in the thousands...these are frequently faked by china as you probably know. remember even branded ozempic has been faked and foundin legit supply chains in the USA (as less federal oversite compared to canada for example) now think of what happens in china india or mexico...
peptides are not like other compounds, slight twisting of the amino bonds CAN change how it interacts with our bodies even though mass is the same. analogy would be like isomers of the same drug, same mass, but different potency. heck even Carbon isnt carbon, and plants will use varying % of isotopes of carbon or iron as even at the most basic elemental levels there is differences. so we could test something and say we are giving a plant 100% carbon however if (in theory) we feed them harder to 'metabolize' form they wont grow aswell.
yes most drugs are made in china.. there is of course a difference in quality and purity etc. these often change batch to batch ESP as many of them are not GMP certified. not all chinese is bad, I agree. It is however a large leap to say "most drugs come from china therefore 99% are good to go" heck even first world manufacturing has issues which of course we hear about more as have stricter laws/less corruption..
one also needs to consider there is a very big difference from PURITY testing or DOSAGE testing to a FULL quality control testing of endotoxins heavy metals other impurities that may be active.. a recent example would be peptides from china, they were discovered to be contaminated with ~400mcg of semaglutide, HOWEVER, purity was still over 97%..
all on the same team here man, everyone has varying risk tolerance, the most important thing, and basis of my rants is that we need to be educated on the topic. and as it relates to HCG or other peptides from compounders at least, we should understand why gov doesnt want essentially UGL quality untrackable biologics sold to americans as impossible to gather data on. ie if people on BPC get cancer more, no way to monitor the safety esp since no phase 3 studies.
And for 'compounded' HCG while likely fine, there is no actual studies done on that manufacturer to actually determine IU as IU is not a mg. 1iu of pregnyl doesnt have same mass(mg) as 1iu of otriville ...which of course causes further issues conducting phase 4 post marketing data for safety. so from a regulatory stand point i do get why gov is doing it.
unfortunate that price is going up because of SOO much demand and that the big pharma brands do have an issue with production as most require female urine to manufacture, except otriville alpha of course which is 10X more money per iu compared to pregnyl.
i would also love to see the test results you speak of aswell! onus is on YOU to say its quality no? as of course this board is funded by these sales no?
here is a link to test results of indian pharma HCG 1700IU suppost to be 10,000iu
Janoshik Analytical
here is puretig 5000iu test results coming in at ~1000IU. THINK thats the brand reccomended here??
Janoshik Analytical
happy to discount these as just "bad" tests if you can show "good" results? seems overwhelming though that they are underdosed.. I assumed folks had seen that before so glad u asked me to actually dig it up
cant speak to even NORMAL pharma contaminated with "prions" but this came up in a search
Prion Proteins And HCG this is why biologics are of concern to FDA..